Map of study sites for experiments 1 and 2 in Georgia, and experiment 3 in Florida. Experiment 1 was carried out at site A and J (1.1 km from site A) in Tattnall County that contain habituated non-target species. Site A had numerous tegu captures and most of the trapping effort. Site J was a potential corridor for movement of tegus. Non-target species were habituated to both traps and chicken eggs as bait by the start of trapping on 17 March 2020. Experiment 2 was conducted at site D was in Candler County, 45.4 km north of site A. Site D did not have tegus nor were mammals habituated to traps with eggs as bait. Experiment 3 was carried out at site F near the eastern border of Everglades National Park in southern Florida (not shown), where tegu control efforts have taken place for approximately 10 years (see Udell et al. 2022).