A. Antoniou, M. Abergel, A. Akrivou, T. Beale, R. Day, H. Fielder, M. Larenaudie, A. MacLeod, M. C. Rosace, E. Sarakatsani, J. R. Stinziano, A. M. Szyniszewska, M. Suffert, S. Tramontini (2024)
Horizon scanning: Tools to identify emerging threats to plant health in a changing world.
EPPO Bulletin54: 73.
DOI: 10.1111/epp.12988
Sabrina Kumschick, Laura Fernandez Winzer, Emily J McCulloch-Jones, Duran Chetty, Jana Fried, Tanushri Govender, Luke J Potgieter, Mokgatla C Rapetsoa, David M Richardson, Julia van Velden, Dewidine Van der Colff, Siyasanga Miza, John R U Wilson (2024)
Considerations for developing and implementing a safe list for alien taxa.
BioScience74: 97.
DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biad118
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