B. M. Connolly, L. M. Carris, R. N. Mack (2018)
Soil-borne seed pathogens: contributors to the naturalization gauntlet in Pacific Northwest (USA) forest and steppe communities?.
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Giovanna Tomat-Kelly, S. Luke Flory (2023)
Research gaps limit understanding of invasion-fire cycles.
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Ginevra Bellini, Karin Schrieber, Wiebke Kirleis, Alexandra Erfmeier (2024)
Exploring the complex pre-adaptations of invasive plants to anthropogenic disturbance: a call for integration of archaeobotanical approaches.
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Qinfeng Guo, Dale G. Brockway, Diane L. Larson, Deli Wang, Hai Ren (2018)
Improving Ecological Restoration to Curb Biotic Invasion—A Practical Guide.
Invasive Plant Science and Management11: 163.
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