Geographical distribution of the populations of Carpobrotus species sampled in this study (see Table 1 for further details). Points roughly indicate the location of the populations. The colour of the points indicates the main cluster each population was assigned to (See Table 1 and Fig. 4 for further details). Cape Town population (ZA8) is indicated in grey since it had excessive missing data and, therefore, was removed from the analyses.

  Part of: Novoa A, Hirsch H, Castillo ML, Canavan S, González L, Richardson DM, Pyšek P, Rodríguez J, Borges Silva L, Brundu G, D’Antonio CM, Gutiérrez JL, Mathese M, Levin S, Silva L, Le Roux JJ (2023) Genetic and morphological insights into the Carpobrotus hybrid complex around the world. NeoBiota 89: 135-160.