Ingolf Kühn, Ingo Kowarik, Johannes Kollmann, Uwe Starfinger, Sven Bacher, Tim Blackburn, Ramiro Bustamante, Laura Celesti-Grapow, Milan Chytrý, Robert Colautti, Franz Essl, Llewellyn Foxcroft, Stephan Gollasch, Emili García-Berthou, José Hierro, Ruth Hufbauer, Philip Hulme, Vojtěch Jarošik, Jonathan Jeschke, Gerhard Karrer, Richard Mack, Jane Molofsky, Brad Murray, Wolfgang Nentwig, Bruce Osborne, Petr Pyšek, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Marcel Rejmanek, Alain Roques, Richard Shaw, Daniel Sol, Mark van Kleunen, Montserrat Vilà, Moritz von der Lippe, Lorne Wolfe, Lyubomir Penev (2011)
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions.
NeoBiota9: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.9.1358
Ingolf Kühn, Petr Pyšek, Ingo Kowarik (2017)
Seven years of NeoBiota – the times, were they a changin’?.
NeoBiota36: 57.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.36.21926
Rachel K. Brooks, Jacob N. Barney, Scott M. Salom (2021)
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Moritz von der Lippe, James M. Bullock, Ingo Kowarik, Tatjana Knopp, Matthias Wichmann, Mari Moora (2013)
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Ina Säumel, Ingo Kowarik (2013)
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Ingo Kowarik (2023)
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Ingolf Kühn, Ingo Kowarik, Johannes Kollmann, Uwe Starfinger, Sven Bacher, Tim Blackburn, Ramiro Bustamante, Laura Celesti-Grapow, Milan Chytrý, Robert Colautti, Franz Essl, Llewellyn Foxcroft, Stephan Gollasch, Emili García-Berthou, José Hierro, Ruth Hufbauer, Philip Hulme, Vojtěch Jarošik, Jonathan Jeschke, Gerhard Karrer, Richard Mack, Jane Molofsky, Brad Murray, Wolfgang Nentwig, Bruce Osborne, Petr Pyšek, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Marcel Rejmanek, Alain Roques, Richard Shaw, Daniel Sol, Mark van Kleunen, Montserrat Vilà, Moritz von der Lippe, Lorne Wolfe, Lyubomir Penev (2011)
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions.
NeoBiota9: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.9.1835
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Ingo Kowarik, Tanja M. Straka, Mario Lehmann, Rafael Studnitzky, Leonie K. Fischer (2021)
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NeoBiota66: 1.
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