Marion Andrews Holmes, Sara E. Kuebbing (2022)
Eastern skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), a common native wetland plant, shows reduced size and seedling abundance near invasive Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) 1.
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Pierre-Marc Brousseau, Matthieu Chauvat, Tania De Almeida, Estelle Forey (2021)
Invasive knotweed modifies predator–prey interactions in the soil food web.
Biological Invasions23: 1987.
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Dallas Drazan, Alan G. Smith, Neil O. Anderson, Roger Becker, Matthew Clark (2021)
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Ingolf Kühn, Ingo Kowarik, Johannes Kollmann, Uwe Starfinger, Sven Bacher, Tim Blackburn, Ramiro Bustamante, Laura Celesti-Grapow, Milan Chytrý, Robert Colautti, Franz Essl, Llewellyn Foxcroft, Stephan Gollasch, Emili García-Berthou, José Hierro, Ruth Hufbauer, Philip Hulme, Vojtěch Jarošik, Jonathan Jeschke, Gerhard Karrer, Richard Mack, Jane Molofsky, Brad Murray, Wolfgang Nentwig, Bruce Osborne, Petr Pyšek, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Marcel Rejmanek, Alain Roques, Richard Shaw, Daniel Sol, Mark van Kleunen, Montserrat Vilà, Moritz von der Lippe, Lorne Wolfe, Lyubomir Penev (2011)
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions.
NeoBiota9: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.9.1358
Alice Michelot-Antalik, Alan Kergunteuil, Léa Genty, Paul Montagne, Christophe Robin, Mitra Tehranchi, Sylvain Lerch (2024)
Ecological restoration combining mowing and competition limits the development of invasive Reynoutria japonica.
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Krzysztof Słowiński, Beata Grygierzec, Agnieszka Baran, Sylwester Tabor, Diletta Piatti, Filippo Maggi, Agnieszka Synowiec (2024)
Microwave Control of Reynoutria japonica Houtt., Including Ecotoxicological Aspects and the Resveratrol Content in Rhizomes.
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Marcin W Woch, Paweł Kapusta, Małgorzata Stanek, Szymon Zubek, Anna M Stefanowicz, David Gorchov (2021)
Functional traits predict resident plant response to Reynoutria japonica invasion in riparian and fallow communities in southern Poland.
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Damjana Levačić, Lucia Perković, Nina Vuković, Sven D. Jelaska (2023)
Bohemian Knotweed Reynoutria × bohemica Chrtek et Chrtková Seems Not to Rely Heavily on Allelopathy for Its Persistence in Invaded Sites in the Southwest Part of the Zagreb, Croatia.
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Invasiveness Does Not Predict Impact: Response of Native Land Snail Communities to Plant Invasions in Riparian Habitats.
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Božena Šerá, Pratik Doshi, Lubomír Věchet (2024)
Extracts from the leaves of knotweeds (Reynoutria spp.) have a stimulating effect on the germination and initial growth of wheat grains.
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T. Mincheva, E. Barni, C. Siniscalco (2016)
From plant traits to invasion success: Impacts of the alienFallopia japonica(Houtt.) Ronse Decraene on two native grassland species.
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Ingolf Kühn, Ingo Kowarik, Johannes Kollmann, Uwe Starfinger, Sven Bacher, Tim Blackburn, Ramiro Bustamante, Laura Celesti-Grapow, Milan Chytrý, Robert Colautti, Franz Essl, Llewellyn Foxcroft, Stephan Gollasch, Emili García-Berthou, José Hierro, Ruth Hufbauer, Philip Hulme, Vojtěch Jarošik, Jonathan Jeschke, Gerhard Karrer, Richard Mack, Jane Molofsky, Brad Murray, Wolfgang Nentwig, Bruce Osborne, Petr Pyšek, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Marcel Rejmanek, Alain Roques, Richard Shaw, Daniel Sol, Mark van Kleunen, Montserrat Vilà, Moritz von der Lippe, Lorne Wolfe, Lyubomir Penev (2011)
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions.
NeoBiota9: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.9.1835
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Applicability of invasive alien plants in controlling harmful organisms of cultivated plants.
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Katarina Šoln, Monika Horvat, Jernej Iskra, Jasna Dolenc Koce (2022)
Inhibitory effects of methanol extracts from Fallopia japonica and F. × bohemica rhizomes and selected phenolic compounds on radish germination and root growth.
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Claude Lavoie (2017)
The impact of invasive knotweed species (Reynoutria spp.) on the environment: review and research perspectives.
Biological Invasions19: 2319.
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Jessica Palmeri, Erik Kiviat (2021)
Toxic effects of knotweed Polygonum cuspidatum s.l. rhizome on the mosses Atrichum angustatum and Thuidium delicatulum.
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Madalin Parepa, Urs Schaffner, Oliver Bossdorf (2012)
Sources and modes of action of invasive knotweed allelopathy: the effects of leaf litter and trained soil on the germination and growth of native plants.
NeoBiota13: 15.
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Beata Grygierzec, Krzysztof Słowiński, Stanisław Mazur, Sylwester Tabor, Angelika Kliszcz, Agnieszka Synowiec, Dariusz Roman Ropek, Lidia Luty (2023)
Condition of Young Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica Houtt.) Offshoots in Response to Microwave Radiation of Their Rhizomes.
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Katarina Šoln, Nada Žnidaršič, Marina Klemenčič, Jasna Dolenc Koce (2023)
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Matthew Wilson, Anna Freundlich, Christopher Martine (2017)
Understory dominance and the new climax: Impacts of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) invasion on native plant diversity and recruitment in a riparian woodland.
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Fabrizio Buldrini, Sara Landi, Giacomo Titti, Stefano Parodi, Massimo Valente, Lisa Borgatti, Rossano Bolpagni (2024)
Invasive alien plant species, riverbank instability and hydraulic risk: what do we know about Amorpha fruticosa, Arundo donax and Reynoutria japonica?.
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Hisashi Kato-Noguchi (2021)
Allelopathy of Knotweeds as Invasive Plants.
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The more the better? The role of polyploidy in facilitating plant invasions.
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Effects of Soil Characteristics, Allelopathy and Frugivory on Establishment of the Invasive Plant Carpobrotus edulis and a Co-Occuring Native, Malcolmia littorea.
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Staentzel Cybill, Rouifed Soraya, Beisel Jean-Nicolas, Hardion Laurent, Poulin Nicolas, Combroux Isabelle (2020)
Ecological implications of the replacement of native plant species in riparian systems: unexpected effects of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. leaf litter.
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T. Mincheva, E. Barni, G.C. Varese, G. Brusa, B. Cerabolini, C. Siniscalco (2014)
Litter quality, decomposition rates and saprotrophic mycoflora in Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decraene and in adjacent native grassland vegetation.
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Madalin Parepa, Markus Fischer, Christine Krebs, Oliver Bossdorf (2014)
Hybridization increases invasive knotweed success.
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Jessica Szabo, Joanna R. Freeland, Marcel E. Dorken (2018)
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Katarina Šoln, Nada Žnidaršič, Jasna Dolenc Koce (2022)
Root growth inhibition and ultrastructural changes in radish root tips after treatment with aqueous extracts of Fallopia japonica and F. ×bohemica rhizomes.
Protoplasma259: 343.
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Markus Neupert, Pierre Margerie, Estelle Forey, Matthieu Chauvat, Fabrice Bureau, Michaël Aubert, Stève Prével, Estelle Langlois, Lucie Vincenot (2021)
The Best of Both Worlds? Hybridization Potentiates Exotic Bohemian Knotweed’s (Reynoutria × bohemica) Impacts on Native Plant and Faunal Communities.
The 1st International Electronic Conference on Biological Diversity, Ecology and Evolution
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DOI: 10.3390/BDEE2021-09471
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