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Unusual suspects in the usual places: a phylo-climatic framework to identify potential future invasive species.
Biological Invasions19: 577.
DOI: 10.1007/s10530-016-1334-8
M. E. Bravo, S. M. Fiori, M. E. Carbone (2021)
Combining conservation priorities and vulnerability of invasion in nature reserves using geospatial tools can optimize management efforts.
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Darren Kriticos, Robert Venette, Frank Koch, Trond Rafoss, Wopke Van der Werf, Sue Worner (2013)
Invasive alien species in the food chain: Advancing risk assessment models to address climate change, economics and uncertainty.
NeoBiota18: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.18.6108
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