Linkage amongst the relative quantity of published records using biosensors for non-native freshwater species research by major taxonomic group, type of biosensors used and functions assessed. NA refers to the Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) which, despite being a native species, was used to assess the impacts of a non-native predator (see Cavallo et al. (2013)). The “Other” category includes hall sensor, heart sensor, HPV system, inductive proximity sensor, infrared sensor, micro acceleration data loggers, pop-off tags, pressure sensitive tags, thermal dissipation sensor, time-depth recorder and ultrasonic telemetry.

  Part of: Meira A, Carvalho F, Castro P, Sousa R (2024) Applications of biosensors in non-native freshwater species: a systematic review. NeoBiota 96: 211-236.