Methodological focus of the biotic homogenisation articles assessed. The facets include taxonomic for species-level analyses; phylogenetic for phylogenetic diversity metrics according to phylogenetic trees or higher taxonomic ranks; and functional according to species-level traits. Biotic homogenisation has been quantified according to presence-absence of species, traits or nodes in the phylogenetic tree (Jaccard, Simpson and Sørensen) or species/trait abundances (Bray-Curtis). Other metrics include the Raup-Crick measure of beta diversity, Morisita-Horn, Euclidean and Gower dissimilarity index and additive and multiplicative definitions of beta-diversity (e.g. βAdd, Whittaker’s βW, βShannon).

  Part of: Olden JD, Comte L, Giam X (2018) The Homogocene: a research prospectus for the study of biotic homogenisation. NeoBiota 37: 23-36.