A, B Average B. helichrysi and A. solani aphid densities on S. canadensis and E. canadensis in LIF (A) and HIF (B) field. Aphids from 1 m2 sub-transect (cumulated and averaged between years) were considered by Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Mann-Whitney U test. Stars above boxplots indicates statistical significant differences at P<0.01 level.

  Part of: Szabó A-K, Kiss J, Bálint J, Kőszeghi S, Loxdale HD, Balog A (2019) Low and high input agricultural fields have different effects on pest aphid abundance via different invasive alien weed species. NeoBiota 43: 27-45. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.43.31553