Colonization rate of B. helichrysi and A. solani from E. canadensis towards maize, potato and alfalfa plants. The average number of aphids / plots / plants / sampling data were considered. Interactions were then compared using χ² tests on the differences between the covariance matrices, and by the root mean square error of approximation. Numbers represent χ2-values for significant path coefficients. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. Because of low A. solani numbers, no statistics were possible.

  Part of: Szabó A-K, Kiss J, Bálint J, Kőszeghi S, Loxdale HD, Balog A (2019) Low and high input agricultural fields have different effects on pest aphid abundance via different invasive alien weed species. NeoBiota 43: 27-45.