Mitochondrial (COI+16S) haplotype network of Paracaprella pusilla from its presumed native and non-native range. Haplotypes 6 and 7, corresponding with 10 individuals of Cadiz (ESCAD and ESSFN) and Baleares (ESBAL) populations, were grouped in an independent network. This network could not be connected using the 95% parsimony connection limit to the main haplotype network which includes most of the haplotypes found in P. pusilla. Haplotype circles are proportional to haplotype frequency and numbers represent haplotype identities (Table 3). Non-observed haplotypes (extinct or unsampled haplotypes) are represented by small white circles. Each line connecting haplotypes represents a single mutational step.

  Part of: Cabezas MP, Ros M, Santos AM, Martínez-Laiz G, Xavier R, Montelli L, Hoffman R, Fersi A, Dauvin JC, Guerra-García JM (2019) Unravelling the origin and introduction pattern of the tropical species Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidae) in temperate European waters: first molecular insights from a spatial and temporal perspective. NeoBiota 47: 43-80.