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Objectives and approach
Overview of the AlienScenarios project structure
WP I: Developing global storylines and scenarios of biological invasions in the 21st century (Lead: University Vienna, Bernd Lenzner, Franz Essl)
WP II: Implementing global models of biological invasions (Lead: Senckenberg BiK-F, Hanno Seebens)
WP III: Evaluating impacts on ecosystem services and human livelihoods (Lead: University of Paris Saclay, Franck Courchamp)
WP IV: Developing scenarios and models of biological invasions at continental scale (Lead: University of Girona, Nuria Roura-Pascual)
WP V: Scenarios of alien species traits related to impact in selected regions (Lead: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Ingolf Kühn)
WP VI: Integrating models of socio-ecological change with biological invasions in the Global South: Panama as a model system (Lead: McGill University, Brian Leung)
WP VII: Project synthesis and co-design, communication and outreach (Lead: University of Vienna, Franz Essl)
The importance of scenarios on biological invasions for science, policy and biodiversity conservation
The contribution of AlienScenarios to synthesis initiatives and conservation agreements
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