Flowers of Celastrus orbiculatus. A Functionally female flower with developed pistil (a) and staminodes (b) B longitudinal section of functionally female flower (petals removed) with developed pistil (a), staminodes (b) and ovules in the ovary (c) C functionally male flower with developed stamens (d) D longitudinal section of functionally male flower with filaments of developed stamens (e), pistillode (undeveloped pistil, f) and ovary with aborted ovules (g). Scale bars: 1 mm (A–C); 2 mm (D).

  Part of: Gudžinskas Z, Petrulaitis L, Žalneravičius E (2020) Emerging invasion threat of the liana Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) in Europe. NeoBiota 56: 1-25.