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Introduced rat assemblage affects feral cat threat to biodiversity in French Polynesian islands.
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Fernando Pomeda-Gutiérrez, Félix M. Medina, Manuel Nogales, Pablo Vargas (2021)
Diet of the black rat (Rattus rattus) in a Canary laurel forest: species identification based on morphological markers and DNA sequences.
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Kurt Villsen, Emmanuel Corse, Gaït Archambaud-Suard, Kévin Héran, Emese Meglécz, Alexander V. Ereskovsky, Rémi Chappaz, Vincent Dubut (2022)
Diet Metabarcoding Reveals Extensive Dietary Overlap between Two Benthic Stream Fishes (Zingel asper and Cottus gobio) and Provides Insights into Their Coexistence.
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Laura Fablet, Anouk Pellerin, Diane Zarzoso-Lacoste, Vincent Dubut, Laurence Walch (2024)
Metabarcoding reveals waterbird diet in a French Ramsar wetland: implications for ecosystem management.
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DNA metabarcoding analysis of three material types to reveal Joro spider (Trichonephila clavata) trophic interactions and web capture.
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Kurt Villsen, Emmanuel Corse, Emese Meglécz, Gaït Archambaud‐Suard, Hélène Vignes, Alexander V. Ereskovsky, Rémi Chappaz, Vincent Dubut (2022)
DNA metabarcoding suggests adaptive seasonal variation of individual trophic traits in a critically endangered fish.
Molecular Ecology31: 5889.
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