Hotspots map of first detection points in Europe of non-native insects feeding on woody plants, recorded since 1950. The Getis-Ord GI* (GiZ Scores) are provided to indicate different levels of clustering of either high values (Z-score positive, hotspot) or low values (Z-score negative, coldspot). The respective p-values are: Z Score > 3.8, p-value < 0.01; ZScore [3.2, 3.8], p-value < 0.05; ZScore [3.0, 3.2], p-value < 0. 1).

  Part of: Branco M, Nunes P, Roques A, Fernandes MR, Orazio C, Jactel H (2019) Urban trees facilitate the establishment of non-native forest insects. NeoBiota 52: 25-46.