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Article title
1. History, current situation and trend of S. invicta infestation in China
2. The mechanism of Solenopsis invicta invasion in China
2.1 Invasive routine and expanded speed in China
3. The impact of Solenopsis invicta invasion in China
3.1 Risk in ecology
3.2 Loss in agriculture
3.3 Threat in human health
3.4 Threat in public safety
4. Biology of S. invicta in China
5. The responses of China on Solenopsis invicta invasion
5.1 Management agencies and research institutions
5.2 The formulation and implementation of management policies and technical plans
5.3 Emergency response for S. invicta infestation
5.4 Framework of fire ant routine management
5.5 Financial support
6. Current strategy for S. invicta management in China
6.1 Exploration for control methods of S. invicta
6.2 Education
6.3 Fire ant management
7. Challenges
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