Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Desika Moodley, Geoff R. Nichols, Petr Pyšek (2023)
Naturalized and invasive alien plants in the Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Biological Invasions25: 3049.
DOI: 10.1007/s10530-023-03098-0
Seemanti Chatterjee, Anjana Dewanji (2024)
The distribution of invasive alien plant species in peri-urban areas: a case study from the city of Kolkata.
Community Ecology25: 29.
DOI: 10.1007/s42974-023-00169-z
Ana Novoa, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Jan-Hendrik Keet, Petr Pyšek, Johannes J. Le Roux (2021)
The invasive cactus Opuntia stricta creates fertility islands in African savannas and benefits from those created by native trees.
Scientific Reports11: .
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-99857-x
Sylvain Delabye, Fernando Gaona, Pavel Potocký, Llewellyn Foxcroft, Pavla Halamová, Martin Hejda, Sandra MacFadyen, Klára Pyšková, Ondřej Sedláček, Markéta Staňková, David Storch, Petr Pyšek, Robert Tropek (2022)
Thirteen moth species (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Noctuidae) newly recorded in South Africa, with comments on their distribution.
Biodiversity Data Journal10: .
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.10.e89729
Martin Hejda, Jan Čuda, Klára Pyšková, Guin Zambatis, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Sandra MacFadyen, David Storch, Robert Tropek, Petr Pyšek (2022)
Water availability, bedrock, disturbance by herbivores, and climate determine plant diversity in South-African savanna.
Scientific Reports12: .
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-02870-3
Martin Hejda, Jan Čuda, Klára Pyšková, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Khensani V. Nkuna, Ana Novoa, Petr Pyšek (2023)
Impacts of invasive alien species on riparian plant communities in South African savanna.
Journal of Tropical Ecology39: .
DOI: 10.1017/S0266467423000299
Jan Čuda, Klára Pyšková, Martin Hejda, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Sandra MacFadyen, David Storch, Robert Tropek, Guin Zambatis, Petr Pyšek (2024)
Habitat modifies the relationship between grass and herbivore species richness in a South African savanna.
Ecology and Evolution14: .
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11167
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