Found marine invertebrates A dove snail Amphissa / Columbella sp. with shell partly encrusted by algae B gastropod Collonista sp. C unidentified gastropod D unidentified gastropod E top-snail Stomatella sp. F worm snail Serpulorbis / Thylacodes sp. G unidentified bivalve H bivalve Isognomon legumen I unidentified sea anemone, possibly Anemonia cf. manjano J unidentified glass anemone, possibly Aiptasia sp. K soft coral Acrossota amboinensis L unidentified starfish, possibly Asterina sp. (left: typical three-armed regrown individual, right: individual with regenerated arms) M brittle star Ophiocomella sp. with four regenerated arms N amphipod Niphargus sp. O isopod Cymodoce sp. P fanworm Bispira sp. Q fireworm Eurythoe sp. Scale bars: 5 mm (A–N, P–Q), 1 mm (O).

  Part of: Patoka J, Prabowo RE, Petrtýl M, Reynolds JD, Kuříková P, Zámečníková-Wanma BPD, Kalous L (2020) Marine hitchhikers: a preliminary study on invertebrates unintentionally transported via the international pet trade. NeoBiota 61: 33-46.