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Anthropogenic Influence on the Distribution of the Longlegged Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
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Biology, Ecology, and Management of the Invasive Longlegged Ant,Anoplolepis gracilipes.
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Invasive ant establishment, spread, and management with changing climate.
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Lori Lach, Dylan Case, Peter Yeeles, Conrad J. Hoskin (2022)
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Benjamin D. Hoffmann, Magen Pettit, Nicolas Chaline (2022)
Towards precision ecology: Relationships of multiple sampling methods quantifying abundance for comparisons among studies.
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Fernanda M. P. Oliveira, Carlos H. F. Silva, Melinda L. Moir, Inara R. Leal, Alan N. Andersen (2024)
Fire and ant interactions mediated by honeydew and extrafloral nectar in an australian tropical savanna.
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