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Bronwyn A. Fancourt, Glen Harry, James Speed, Matthew N. Gentle (2022)
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Idit Gunther, Hadas Hawlena, Lior Azriel, Dan Gibor, Olaf Berke, Eyal Klement (2022)
Reduction of free-roaming cat population requires high-intensity neutering in spatial contiguity to mitigate compensatory effects.
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Daniela Ramírez Riveros, César González-Lagos (2024)
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Rethinking the Animal Shelter's Role in Free-Roaming Cat Management.
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Pierrick Blanchard, Karine Delord, Aymeric Bodin, Kevin Guille, Tobie Getti, Christophe Barbraud (2024)
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Claire-Cécile Juhasz, Naïs Avargues, Laurence Humeau, David Ringler, Patrick Pinet, Clémence Hollinger, Richard Beaulieu, Lucie Faulquier, Arthur Choeur, Sophie Bureau, Denis Da Silva, Jérôme Dubos, Yahaia Soulaimana-Mattoir, Matthieu Le Corre (2022)
Application of genetic and Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture analyses to design adaptive feral cat control in a large inhabited island.
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