Melanie Bateman, Roger Day, Lorna Migiro, Lakpo Koku Agboyi, Negussie E Gurmessa, Dannie Romney, Hettie Arwo Boafo, Kevin Doughty, Andrew Ward, Melissa Stewart (2024)
Strengthening emergency pest prevention, preparedness and response: The potential role of the private sector.
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Prioritizing management actions for invasive non-native plants through expert-based knowledge and species distribution models.
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Trouble on the horizon: anticipating biological invasions through futures thinking.
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Rapid risk assessment of plant pathogenic bacteria and protists likely to threaten agriculture, biodiversity and forestry in Zambia.
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Horizon scanning: Tools to identify emerging threats to plant health in a changing world.
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Identifying invasive species threats, pathways, and impacts to improve biosecurity.
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Katherine E. Wyman-Grothem, Theresa A. Thom, Heidi L. Himes (2024)
Scanning the Horizon for Potential Nonnative Aquatic Plant and Algae Arrivals to the Pacific Northwest.
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