A chew-card and B chew-track-card designs used to index rat (Rattus spp.) density in forest habitats on Guam and Rota in the Mariana Islands during June 2018–August 2019. Designs were patterned after Sweetapple and Nugent (2011). Photographs taken by Emma B. Hanslowe during July 2018 in the Habitat Management Unit on Guam.
Part of: Hanslowe EB, Yackel Adams AA, Nafus MG, Page DA, Bradke DR, Erickson FT, Bailey LL (2022) Chew-cards can accurately index invasive rat densities in Mariana Island forests. NeoBiota 74: 29-56. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.74.80242