Perceived impacts of V. velutina. Comparisons of the perceived impacts between respondents from the invaded and the non-invaded range of the species. Answers were measured on 5-points of a bipolar scale (y-axis), ranging from “Strongly disagree” (-2) to “Strongly agree” (+2). Bubbles were centered on the median score of invaded and non-invaded areas, and their size was proportional to the Potential for Conflict Index, which ranged between 0 (no disagreement, all answers on the same point of the scale) and 1 (respondents were equally divided between the two opposite points of the scale). Bubbles on the left (in green) represented answers from respondents living in non-invaded areas, while bubbles on the right (in red) answers from respondents living in invaded areas.

  Part of: Cerri J, Lioy S, Porporato M, Bertolino S (2022) Combining surveys and on-line searching volumes to analyze public awareness about invasive alien species: a case study with the invasive Asian yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) in Italy. NeoBiota 73: 177-192.