A Regional models did not outperform continental-scale models, even when many points were available within the training region. Boyce index values were calculated for the training region’s test strip for both the matching region model ensemble (x-axis) and continental United States model ensemble (y-axis) for each species (color). Species without sufficient occurrence points within the test strip were excluded. Values above the 1-1 line indicate continental U.S. model had better performance; for most species and regions, models with a continental extent performed better even when the number of regional training points was high (i.e., points are above the 1:1 line, even for big points). B suitable area predicted by national models (either entire continental U.S. or sagebrush habitat within the U.S.) compared to regional models, where larger size indicated if the focal region considered for area calculation was the same (interpolation) or different (extrapolation) from the regional modeling training region. Values above 1-1 line indicate the national model predicted more suitable habitat.

  Part of: Jarnevich CS, Sofaer HR, Belamaric P, Engelstad P (2022) Regional models do not outperform continental models for invasive species. NeoBiota 77: 1-22. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.77.86364