Haplotype distribution and network for E. johnstonei across native and exotic ranges. Bubble diagram of minimum spanning tree in the lower left shows interrelation between the four recovered haplotypes (Ht1, Ht2, Ht3, Ht4), circle size corresponds to sample size for respective Hts across the four regions, number of crossbars on connecting lines denote the number of polymorphic sites separating these haplotypes. Polymorphic sites are illustrated in the box above the haplotype network, numbers refer to positions in the alignment of the 235 bp D-loop fragment. The maps show the proportions of detected haplotypes at each population site, colours represent the haplotypes, circle size represents no. of samples; Europe: U – Utrecht, O – Osnabrück, H – Halle, F – Frankfurt, A – Augsburg, B – Basel, Colombia: CG – Cartagena, BQ – Barranquilla, SM – Santa Marta, MD – Medellin, BG – Bucaramanga, IB – Ibagué, CH – Chinauta, CA – Cali; Guadeloupe: SR – Saint Rose, RS – Rivière-Sens, LG – Le Gosier, GA – Grande Anse, GB – Grande Bourg; Saint Lucia: CS – Castries, MP – Morne Panache, QF - Quilesse Forest, ML – Morne Le Blanc, TR – Forest Ti Rocher.

  Part of: Leonhardt F, Arranz Aveces C, Müller A, Angin B, Jegu M, Haynes P, Ernst R (2022) Low genetic diversity in a widespread whistling alien: A comparison of Eleutherodactylus johnstonei Barbour, 1914 (Eleutherodactylidae) and congeners in native and introduced ranges. NeoBiota 79: 31-50. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.79.86778