Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on Bray-Curtis distances, showing the host plant composition with its estimated number of fruits for Drosophila suzukii at the study sites (four plots each) of the different forest communities. Different forest communities are indicated by different colours. Each dot represents the community in one plot. All the plots in a given site are connected by thick lines, and centroids are indicated by thin lines. The asterisks indicate the centroids of the forest communities. Stress=0.145 (k=3). Forest communities: 7a – GALIO ODORATI-FAGETUM TYPICUM, 19a – ABIETI-FAGETUM LUZULETOSUM, 26f/g – ACERI-FRAXINETUM MERCURIALIDETOSUM) (see Ellenberg and Klötzli 1972), FE = forest edge.

  Part of: Bühlmann I, Gossner MM (2022) Invasive Drosophila suzukii outnumbers native controphics and causes substantial damage to fruits of forest plants. NeoBiota 77: 39-77.