A number of observations and impact categories of 113 higher non-native plants reported in the survey and B lifeform comparison of the non-native plants with reported impacts to all 1,690 non-native plants recorded in the British and Irish flora (Henniges et al. 2022). Bars show the percentage of each sample for each lifeform, labels the number of species in each category (data for the survey in B exclude nine species that are native in some parts of the study area). Raunkiaer plant lifeforms: chamaephyte (Ch), geophyte (G), hemcryptophyte (Hc), helophyte (Hel), hydrophyte (Hy), phanerophyte (Ph), therophyte (Th).

  Part of: Dehnen-Schmutz K, Pescott OL, Booy O, Walker KJ (2022) Integrating expert knowledge at regional and national scales improves impact assessments of non-native species. NeoBiota 77: 79-100. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.77.89448