Mark Matsa, Kudzai Andrew Mugogo, Innocent Mahakata, Beauty Dzawanda, Roberta Mavugara (2023)
Spatial distribution of invasive large fever berry trees (Croton megalobotrys) in Sengwa Wildlife Research Area: Gokwe, Zimbabwe.
Environmental Systems Research12: .
DOI: 10.1186/s40068-023-00285-9
Dunmei Lin, Rong Shen, Jiani Lin, Guangyu Zhu, Yongchuan Yang, Nicolas Fanin (2024)
Relationships between rhizosphere microbial communities, soil abiotic properties and root trait variation within a pine species.
Journal of Ecology112: 1275.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14297
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