Magda Garbowski, Daniel C. Laughlin, Dana M. Blumenthal, Helen R. Sofaer, David T. Barnett, Evelyn M. Beaury, Daniel M. Buonaiuto, Jeffrey D. Corbin, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Regan Early, Andrea N. Nebhut, Laís Petri, Montserrat Vilà, Ian S. Pearse (2024)
Naturalized species drive functional trait shifts in plant communities.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences121: .
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Mark Matsa, Kudzai Andrew Mugogo, Innocent Mahakata, Beauty Dzawanda, Roberta Mavugara (2023)
Spatial distribution of invasive large fever berry trees (Croton megalobotrys) in Sengwa Wildlife Research Area: Gokwe, Zimbabwe.
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Dunmei Lin, Rong Shen, Jiani Lin, Guangyu Zhu, Yongchuan Yang, Nicolas Fanin (2024)
Relationships between rhizosphere microbial communities, soil abiotic properties and root trait variation within a pine species.
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