M. Garbelotto, T. Popenuck, D. Schmidt, S. Rooney-Latham, C. Ewing, T. Smith (2024)
First Report of Cryptostroma corticale Causing Sooty Bark Disease in California and First Worldwide Report of Silver Maple as a Host.
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Rebekka Schlößer, Steffen Bien, Johanna Bußkamp, Gitta Jutta Langer, Ewald Johannes Langer (2025)
On the lookout for a potential antagonist against Cryptostroma corticale—an insight through in vitro dual culture studies.
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Drought heightens severity of diseases caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea and Cryptostroma corticale and needs to be factored in to properly assess pathogenicity or fulfill Koch’s postulates.
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Cryptostroma corticale and its relationship to other pathogens and pests on Acer pseudoplatanus.
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First report of Cryptostroma corticale on Aesculus hippocastanum causing sooty bark disease in Germany.
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Joey B. Tanney, Nicolas Feau, Simon F. Shamoun, Harry H. Kope, Annie Dicaire, Ben Drugmand, Jessica Walker, Pragyan Burlakoti, Vippen Joshi (2024)
Cryptostroma corticale
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Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology46: 596.
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