Spatio-temporal dynamics of Trioza erytreae spread in Portugal from 2015 up to 2021, predicted using 300 replicate simulations of model simulation #30. The colour gradient represents the probability of each grid cell to be infested according to the model, calculated as the relative number of simulations that predicted the area’s infestation. The border of the observed distribution area of T. erytreae is represented by a black line (elaborated, based on data obtained from DGAV reports) to allow visual assessment of model performance.

  Part of: Nunes P, Robinet C, Branco M, Franco JC (2023) Modelling the invasion dynamics of the African citrus psyllid: The role of human-mediated dispersal and urban and peri-urban citrus trees. In: Jactel H, Orazio C, Robinet C, Douma JC, Santini A, Battisti A, Branco M, Seehausen L, Kenis M (Eds) Conceptual and technical innovations to better manage invasions of alien pests and pathogens in forests. NeoBiota 84: 369-396.