Percentages of each taxon established (A) or intercepted (B). Bars annotated with the same letter indicate proportions which were not significantly different (i.e. p>0.05) under multiple pairwise comparison of proportions using Fisher’s Exact Tests with the Holm (1979) method of P-value adjustment.

  Part of: Brockerhoff EG, Gresham BA, Meurisse N, Nahrung HF, Perret-Gentil A, Pugh AR, Sopow SL, Turner RM (2023) Pining away and at home: global utilisation of Pinus radiata by native and non-native insects. In: Jactel H, Orazio C, Robinet C, Douma JC, Santini A, Battisti A, Branco M, Seehausen L, Kenis M (Eds) Conceptual and technical innovations to better manage invasions of alien pests and pathogens in forests. NeoBiota 84: 137-167.