Karen L. Bell, Mariana Campos, Benjamin D. Hoffmann, Francisco Encinas-Viso, Gavin C. Hunter, Bruce L. Webber (2024)
Environmental DNA methods for biosecurity and invasion biology in terrestrial ecosystems: Progress, pitfalls, and prospects.
Science of The Total Environment926: 171810.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171810
Andrew Calcino, Ira Cooke, Pete Cowman, Megan Higgie, Cecile Massault, Ulf Schmitz, Maxine Whittaker, Matt A Field (2024)
Harnessing genomic technologies for one health solutions in the tropics.
Globalization and Health20: .
DOI: 10.1186/s12992-024-01083-3
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