Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jan Baer ( ) Academic editor: Lise Comte
© 2023 Sarah Maria Gugele, Jan Baer, Christina Spießl, Elizabeth Yohannes, Steve Blumenshine, Barnaby J. Roberts, Mario R. Mota-Ferreira, Alexander Brinker.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Gugele SM, Baer J, Spießl C, Yohannes E, Blumenshine S, Roberts BJ, Mota-Ferreira MR, Brinker A (2023) Stable isotope values and trophic analysis of invasive three-spined stickleback in Upper Lake Constance points to significant piscivory. NeoBiota 87: 73-102.
The three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus was introduced into Lake Constance in the 1940s and occupied a limited range until late 2012. Since then the species has expanded from a solely littoral habitat in Upper Lake Constance, but now makes seasonal migrations into the pelagic zone. This behavioral change has been accompanied by a drastic increase in stickleback abundance. In order to integrate information about feeding of sticklebacks in Upper Lake Constance over two consecutive years, stomach content analysis was combined with seasonal stable isotope analysis on two types of tissue (muscle and liver). Isotope values were also obtained for zooplankton, whitefish larvae and eggs. We calculated the contribution of potential food sources for sticklebacks’ diet using a Bayesian mixing model (SIMMR). Furthermore, we determined stickleback trophic position, and δ15N and δ13C values were compared with those of other fish species of Lake Constance. The results of the Bayesian model as well as the stomach content analysis showed clear evidence of stickleback predation on fish eggs and larvae. Stickleback δ15N values were elevated during winter and comparable to those of piscivorous pike, while δ15N values of zooplankton were reduced, and those of whitefish larvae were similar to those of sticklebacks after accounting trophic fractionation of N isotopes. Trophic position calculations further identified sticklebacks as piscivorous, while the δ13C values of the liver and stomach content analysis suggests that a benthic-pelagic species pair may exist in Lake Constance. These findings support the hypotheses that sticklebacks in Lake Constance can display piscivorous feeding behaviour on sympatric fish species, most likely whitefish larvae and eggs.
Carbon littoral source, Gasterosteus aculeatus, larvae predation, niche overlap, trophic position, whitefish
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are of concern worldwide due to their devastating impacts on ecosystems and economies (
There is also evidence that sticklebacks in Lake Constance may impact whitefish as predators of whitefish larvae and eggs (
Furthermore, the distribution of the whitefish larvae is normally patchy (
Therefore, to get more insight into the feeding ecology of sticklebacks in ULC, we performed monthly stable isotope analysis of stickleback muscle and liver tissue over a two-year period. In addition to providing information on the diet of an organism over time, stable isotope analysis can illuminate feeding habitats, quantify complex interactions, and be used to track elements, energy, or mass through food webs and ecosystems (
Approval of the present study by a review board institution or ethics committee was not necessary because all fish were caught under permits issued by the local fisheries administration (Regierungspräsidium Tübingen), by qualified (license-holding) personnel subject to regular checks by the local fisheries administration (Regierungspräsidium Tübingen). All fish were caught according to the German Animal Protection Law (Tierschutzgesetz § 4) and the ordinance on slaughter and killing of animals (Tierschutzschlachtverordnung § 13).
Lake Constance is part of the Rhine drainage basin and is bordered by Austria, Germany and Switzerland (47°38'N, 9°22'E). The total surface area of 536 km2 is divided between the large (472 km2), deep (>250 m) Upper Lake (ULC) and the smaller (63 km2), shallower Lower Lake (LLC). Due to missing data and lack of knowledge about the stickleback situation in LLC and different type of lake (warm, mesotrophic), this basin was excluded in the present study. Thus, the current study only focusses on warm monomictic, large oligotrophic pre-alpine basin of ULC. The fish community of ULC comprises a minimum of 30 species (
Stickleback sampling of ULC was conducted monthly, from March 2017 until November 2018, using littoral and pelagic gillnets with mesh sizes of 10–12 mm. All nets had a height of 3 m, while length varied with mesh size: 30 m for nets with 10 mm mesh and 15 m for the 12-mm mesh net. All pelagic nets were deployed to drift freely behind the nets used in the monthly monitoring of whitefish (mesh sizes 36–44 mm), at depths of 3–15 m according to the areas of greatest stickleback abundance recorded during hydroacoustic surveys (
10 to 34 samples of stickleback white muscle and liver tissue were taken from each monthly catch. Catches of fewer than 10 individuals (recorded in August and September each year, plus April 2017, July 2017 and October 2018) were excluded from analysis. C and N stable isotope analysis was run on 275 sticklebacks. Of these, 193 were caught in the littoral zone and 82 in the pelagic zone. All fish were euthanised with an overdose of clove oil (1 mL L−1) and a gill cut. They were measured post-mortem (total length (TL) to the nearest mm), weighed to the nearest 0.01 mg and sex was recorded. Some sticklebacks were infested with the pseudophyllidean cestode Schistocephalus solidus, and because it is known that the health status of a fish can have direct effects on the stable isotope values (
PI = P/H (1)
where P is the total weight of the parasites and H is the mass of the host without the parasite.
Due to internal procedures, gastrointestinal tracts (stomach and intestine) were analysed from a subsample of 109 sticklebacks; 69 caught in the pelagic zone and 40 caught in the littoral zone (TL 68 mm ± 6 mm standard deviation SD). Samples were taken during all four seasons (autumn 2017, winter 2017, spring 2018, and summer 2018), and for each season and each habitat, the gut contents of at least 10 individuals were analysed with the exception of some sampling dates (20 during winter and summer in both pelagic and littoral zone, and 19 during spring in the pelagic zone). Food items were identified and counted in a zooplankton counting chamber and categorised into five groups, namely copepods (nauplii, copepodites and copepods of Cyclopoida, Calanoida and Harpacticoida); Bosmina (all members of the genus Bosmina); other herbivorous/detritivorous cladocerans (Daphnia spp., Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Chydoridae); predatory cladocerans (Bythotrephes longimanus and Leptodora kindtii); fish (eggs and larvae) and other (Chironomidae, Annelida, Bivalvia, Collembola, Ceratopogonidae, Ephemeroptera, adult Heteroptera, Hydrachnidia, adult Mysidae, Nematoda, Ostracoda, Plecoptera, Simuliidae and Trichoptera). Diet quantification of sticklebacks followed the use of the numerical method and diet was calculated as a percentage of the total number of prey items eaten per stickleback (
Although stable isotope analyses on fish C and N are generally performed using muscle tissue alone, the more rapid turnover of liver tissue means isotope signatures there reflect more recent feeding (
Tissue samples from sticklebacks caught in 2017–18 were prepared for analysis by drying them in an oven at around 60 °C for 48 hr and grinding them into a fine powder. Lipid extraction was performed on the samples because some studies have shown that in tissues with C:N ratios greater than 3.5, such treatment reduces bias in δ13C values (
To measure isotopic ratios samples were combusted in a vario MICRO cube elemental analyser (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Germany). The emerging gases were separated via gas chromatography and passed into a Micromass Isoprime isotope mass spectrometer (Isoprime Ltd., Cheadle Hulme, UK) for determination of the 13C/12C and 15N/14N ratios (R). Measurements are reported in δ-notation (δ13C, δ15N) in parts per thousand deviations (‰), where δ = 1000 × (Rsample/Rstandard – 1) relative to the Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) for carbon and atmospheric N2 for nitrogen. Two sulphanilamide (Isoprime internal standards) and two casein samples were used as laboratory standards for every 10 unknowns in the sequence. Replicate assays of internal laboratory standards indicated measurement errors (SD) of ± 0.05% and 0.15% for δ13C and δ15N, respectively.
To compare the isotopic values of sticklebacks with those of other species of fish in ULC, 128 additional sampled of muscle tissue were analysed from bleak (Alburnus alburnus L., 1758; n = 18; mean TL 60 mm ± 6 mm SD) roach (Rutilus rutilus L., 1758; n = 34; mean TL 263 mm ± 71 mm SD); rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L., 1758; n = 12; mean TL 217 mm ± 40 mm SD); tench (Tinca tinca L., 1758; n = 19; mean TL 226 mm ± 147 mm SD); pelagic whitefish (n = 21; mean TL 308 mm ± 55 mm SD); burbot (Lota lota L., 1758); n = 19; mean TL 374 mm ± 38 mm SD); and pike (Esox lucius L., 1758; n = 5; mean TL 289 mm ± 44 mm SD). All were sampled with gill nets during August and September 2020. All fish were euthanised with an overdose of clove oil (1 mL L−1) and a gill cut. Using data from stomach content analyses carried out in prior studies, all fish species were divided into different feeding guilds: whitefish were categorised as zooplanktivorous; burbot as partly piscivorous (
For calculating the trophic position of sticklebacks, pike and burbot, faucet snails (Bithynia tentaculata, n = 10) were collected in August 2020 from the littoral habitat and used for the estimation of the littoral baseline (=δ15Nlit. base). Quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, n = 200) were collected from free-standing piles in the pelagic zone 0.5–2 m depth in the upper mixed layer of Lake Constance and used for the estimation of the pelagic baseline (=δ15Npel. base).
To gain more insight into the isotopic signatures of potential stickleback prey during winter and spring, five samples of zooplankton (wet weight (g): mean = 2.34, SD = 2.53) were netted with 300 μm mesh in the epilimnion of ULC, first in October and December 2021, then in February, March, and early May 2022. An abundance of pollen in the lake epilimnion during April 2022 prevented an uncontaminated sample being taken during that month. In addition, in December 2021, 36 females of C. wartmanni (pelagic whitefish) and 42 C. macrophthalmus (benthic whitefish) were caught during spawning at their spawning grounds in ULC as part of routine sampling conducted by the Fisheries Research Station of Baden-Württemberg. To get the isotopic signature of whitefish eggs and larvae, a small sample of eggs was taken from each individual and larvae hatched from the eggs of pelagic whitefish (kept at a hatchery facility in Langenargen, Baden-Württemberg) were also sampled. After hatching, larvae were held in rearing vats until the yolk sac was partly absorbed and larvae had begun to exhibit normal swimming behaviour. From these non-fed, free-swimming larvae, four subsamples of multiple individuals (n: mean = 172, SD = 100) were taken and euthanised with an overdose of carbonated water. Clove oil was avoided in this instance as it may have biased isotopic readings, and unlike larger fish, the delicate larvae cannot be easily washed without damage. To remove potential biases due to the length of time between the main stickleback sampling (2017–2018) and the sampling of the zooplankton, whitefish eggs and larvae (2021–2022) (Fig.
Samples of sticklebacks caught in 2022 and other fish were prepared for stable isotope analysis via freeze drying at -50 °C under pressurisation (<1 mbar), and ground to homogenous powder using a mixer mill. Whitefish egg samples were dried at 60 °C in a drying oven, before being stored in a glass desiccator filled with silica desiccator beads; the desiccator was stored in a cool, dark environment. Samples of plankton and pelagic whitefish larvae were dried overnight in a drying oven (60 °C), then stored in freezers at -20 °C. Each individual dried sample of plankton, whitefish larvae and whitefish eggs were then separately homogenised using a BeadRupture Homogenizer (Omni International, Kennesaw, Georgia, United States) by dispensing the sample into a plastic microtube, with a number of sterilised metal beads (<0.5 mL), and processing the sample into a fine, homogenous powder. The times and speeds used in the homogenisation process were adapted according to the individual condition of the samples. After homogenisation, samples were stored in freezers at -20 °C. Sample powder (0.3–0.4 mg) was weighed into tin capsules and combusted in an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta plus, Finnigan MAT, Mas-Com GmbH, Bremen, Germany), interfaced (viaConFlo II, Finnigan MAT, MasCom GmbH, Bremen, Germany) with an elemental analyser (EA 1108, CarloErba, Thermo Fisher SCIENTIFIC, Milan, Italy). Because the mean C:N values (±SD) of all fish samples were below 3.5, lipid extraction of fish muscle tissue was not conducted (
The trophic position of sticklebacks was calculated according to the protocol established by
Tophic position = λBase + (δ15Nstickleback– [δ15Nlit. base* α + δ15Npel. base * (1 – α)])/Δn (2)
where λBase denotes the trophic position of the consumer (λBase = 2) used for the estimation of the littoral (=δ15Nlit. base) and pelagic (=δ15Npel. base) baseline. The isotope values of faucet snails and quagga mussels were used for δ15Npel. base and δ13Cpel. base. As filter feeders, quagga mussels are an ideal integrator species for representing the consumer base of the pelagic food web, and are favoured over bulk seston or plankton samples, which may include non-consumer material and undifferentiated detritus and thus bias stable isotope ratio signatures. The isotopic ratios of quagga mussels and faucet snails were assessed using the same method applied for plankton, whitefish eggs and larvae (see above). δ13Cstickleback is the measured δ13C value of sticklebacks muscle. δ15Nstickleback is the measured δ15N value of sticklebacks muscle, Δn is the enrichment in δ15N per trophic level (Δn = 3.4 (
To compare the trophic position of sticklebacks with piscivorous fish species, the trophic position for pike and burbot was then calculated for each pike and burbot using the formula: Trophic position = [(piscivorous fish δ15N – δ15Nlit. base)/ Δn] + λBase (
To test the effects of covariates on the δ15N or δ13C of muscle or liver tissue and the trophic position of sticklebacks, the following general linear model (GLM) (
Yijklmno = μ + αi + βj + (αβ)ij + γk + δl + εm + ζn + ηo + θijklmno (4)
where Yijklmno is δ15N or δ13C in muscle or liver tissue or the trophic position of sticklebacks; µ is the overall mean, αi denotes month, βj is total length, (αβ)ij is the interaction between month and total length, γk represents year and was added to the model as a random factor, δl is habitat (pelagic or littoral zone), εm is sex (male or female), ζn denotes the infection state (yes/no), ηo is parasite index and θijklmno is the random residual error. Model requirements, i.e. residuals not violating linearity, normality or non-independence were checked by inspecting residuals (predicted vs. expected plots) and multicollinearity by inspection correlation of independent variables. Single outliers with extreme values were excluded from the dataset (selection criteria: more than eight times standard deviation). Student’s t-test was used for post hoc comparisons between habitat and sex after testing for homoscedasticity (Levene test) and by building contrasts (
Differences in mean δ15N and δ13C values among Lake Constance fish species were examined using Tukey-Kramer HSD-tests.
The contribution rate of potential food sources for sticklebacks’ diet was estimated using the Bayesian mixing model in the SIMMR package (
Furthermore, data from all examined fish species were pooled according to feeding guild in order to calculate a standard ellipse area corrected for small samples (SEAc). The SEAc represents the core isotopic niche of each guild after factoring in maximum likelihoods. It comprises around 40% of data and resembles a two-dimensional measurement of standard deviation (
To compare the trophic position of sticklebacks in Lake Constance to that of conspecifics in similar ecosystems (to see if the position in ULC is common), the trophic positions of sticklebacks from Lake Constance (here: mean value of all sticklebacks, independent of habitat) were compared to lake populations from North America (
Unless further specified, all statistics were performed in JMP Pro 15.1 (64 bit, SAS Institute).
For sticklebacks sampled between 2017 and 2018 (mean TL 66 mm ± 5 mm (± SD)), the mean δ15N value was 14.9 ± 1.2‰ (± SD) for muscle and 14.6 ± 2.2‰ (± SD) for liver tissue. The lowest δ15N values for stickleback muscle tissue were recorded in summer (June-July), with mean values between 14.1‰–14.3‰ (Fig.
The significance and effect strength of study parameters on the δ15N and δ13C values of muscle and liver tissue of sticklebacks from Lake Constance.
δ15N | ||
muscle | liver | |
parameter | effect strength (± standard error) | effect strength (± standard error) |
month | 0.96xxx (± 0.005) | 0.986xxx (± 0.01) |
habitat | 0.001 (± 0.001) | 0.007 (± 0.001) |
total length | 0.247 (± 0.01) | 0.059 (± 0.005) |
sex [m/f] | 0.004 (± 0.001) | 0.006 (± 0.001) |
infested [yes/no] | 0.023 (± 0.001) | 0.001 (± 0.002) |
parasite index | 0.001 (± 0.001) | 0.004 (± 0.001) |
TL*month | n.a. | n.a. |
δ13C | ||
muscle | liver | |
parameter | effect strength (± standard error) | effect strength (± standard error) |
month | 0.513xxx (± 0.01) | 0.776xxx (± 0.009) |
habitat | 0.011 (± 0.001) | 0.062x (± 0.005) |
total length | 0.187 (± 0.01) | 0.099 (± 0.006) |
sex [m/f] | 0.127xxx (± 0.004) | 0.146xxx (± 0.007) |
infested [yes/no] | 0.0069 (± 0.003) | 0.006 (± 0.005) |
parasite index | 0.26 (± 0.007) | 0.022 (± 0.003) |
TL*month | n.a. | n.a. |
Fitted spline intervals of δ15N and δ13C in the muscle and liver of sticklebacks sampled in 2017–2018. Solid lines are the mean values, and shaded areas represent upper and lower 95% confidence intervals during the course of the year in Lake Constance.
Mean δ13C values averaged -30.5 ± 0.8‰ (± SD) for stickleback muscle tissue and -31.2 ± 1.5‰ (± SD) for liver tissue. Muscle δ13C was lowest during July (-29.5‰) and fluctuated slightly between -30.1‰–-31.0‰ (Fig.
The δ15N value of zooplankton increased from October (10.6‰) until December (13.4‰), showed the highest peak in February (14.4‰) and decreased until April to a value of 7.9‰ (Fig.
Arithmetic mean δ15N values with standard deviation of zooplankton, whitefish eggs and larvae and sticklebacks from the pelagic and littoral zone of Upper Lake Constance sampled in winter 2021–2022.
The δ13C values of sampled zooplankton showed no clear temporal trend (-32.9‰ in October, -34.2‰ in December, -34.0‰ in February, -35.9‰ in March, and -34.8‰ in April). The mean δ13C value of pelagic whitefish eggs was -33.7 ± 0.4‰ (± SD), significantly different to that of benthic whitefish eggs at -33.1 ± 0.6‰ (± SD) (t-test, P < 0.05). The mean δ13C value of whitefish larvae was -33.2 ± 0.5‰ (± SD).
Nearly all analysed sticklebacks had food in their digestive tracts. Only one individual sampled in the pelagic zone during spring had an empty stomach. The numerically dominant food source for sticklebacks during spring and winter, independent of sampled habitat, were copepods (Table
Diet composition of sticklebacks (prey types expressed as a percentage of the total number of prey items eaten: during spring, summer, autumn and winter, and as the mean number of consumed individuals per stickleback ± SD) sampled in pelagic and littoral zone of Upper Lake Constance. h/d cladocera = other herbivorous/detritivorous cladocera.
diet | habitat | spring | summer | autumn | winter |
copepods | pelagic | 85.95% | 12.12% | 81.44% | 56.06% |
371 ± 254 | 124 ± 215 | 596 ± 304 | 172 ± 76 | ||
littoral | 58.18% | 12.49% | 15.50% | 68.98% | |
124 ± 215 | 7 ± 7 | 28 ± 36 | 122 ± 158 | ||
Bosmina | pelagic | 2.41% | 5.63% | 6.82% | 0.13% |
10 ± 7 | 7 ± 8 | 50 ± 36 | 1 ± 1 | ||
littoral | 0.67% | 6.54% | 73.83% | 1.13% | |
1 ± 2 | 2 ± 3 | 111 ± 74 | 1 ± 1 | ||
h/d cladocera | pelagic | 10.66% | 78.83% | 11.47% | 43.69% |
46 ± 29 | 96 ± 108 | 84 ± 71 | 134 ± 61 | ||
littoral | 0.96% | 4.16% | 2.41% | 13.55% | |
1 ± 3 | 2 ± 1 | 2 ± 2 | 17 ± 23 | ||
predatory cladocera | pelagic | 0.05% | 3.00% | 0.27% | 0.06% |
1 ± 1 | 4 ± 5 | 4 ± 4 | 1 ± 0.6 | ||
littoral | 0.00% | 0.36% | 0.04% | 0.11% | |
0 | 1 ± 0 | 1 ± 0 | 1 ± 0 | ||
fish (eggs, larvae) | pelagic | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.03% |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 ± 0 | ||
littoral | 2.34% | 3.78% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |
1 ± 1 | 1 ± 4 | 0 | 0 | ||
other | pelagic | 0.93% | 0.41% | 0.00% | 0.02% |
5 ± 5 | 1 ± 1 | 0 | 1 ± 0 | ||
littoral | 37.84% | 72.67% | 8.22% | 16.22% | |
13 ± 8 | 35 ± 29 | 4 ± 11 | 7 ± 5 |
The results of the SIMMR mixing model suggested a clear seasonal distinction in the contribution of food sources to sticklebacks (Fig.
Posterior distribution of dietary proportion estimates of different food sources from sticklebacks from the pelagic and littoral zone of ULC during summer and winter, according to Bayesian modelling, expressed as Box-and-Whisker plots with median values and interquartile range (IQR), and minimum and maximum if it doesn’t extend the IQR value beyond 1.5. Data outside this range are plotted individually.
For the other fishes species examined from Lake Constance, mean δ15N values for muscle tissue varied by up to 4.0‰, with a minimum of 9.6 ± 1.1‰ for herbivorous rudd and a maximum of 13.6 ± 0.1‰ for piscivorous pike with whitefish, bleak, roach, burbot, and tench exhibiting intermediate values (Fig.
δ15N versus δ13C bi-plot showing the mean isotope values of aquatic consumers in Lake Constance during summer (August and September). Horizontal and vertical bars represent ± SD of total pooled data. The standard ellipse areas (SEAc) represent the core isotopic niche for each trophic guild (comprising ~ 40% of the data; (
The mean muscle δ13C of all analysed fish species, except sticklebacks, ranged from -29.6 ± 1.4‰ for whitefish to -21.4 ± 1.9‰ for rudd, while mean values for bleak, roach, tench, pike and burbot ranged between -28.4‰ and -25.1‰ (Fig.
The statistical model testing effects on the stickleback trophic position (GLM, r2 = 0.29, n = 249, P < 0.0001) identified a significant influence of month (P < 0.0001), which comprised > 64% of total effect strength revealed the model (Table
The significance and effect strength of different parameters on the trophic position of sticklebacks in Lake Constance.
parameter | effect strength |
month | 0.969xxx (± 0.005) |
habitat | 0.001 (± 0.001) |
total length | 0.235 (± 0.01) |
sex [m/f] | 0.001 (± 0.001) |
infested [yes/no] | 0.012 (± 0.001) |
parasite index | 0.011 (± 0.0011) |
TL*month | n.a. |
The trophic position for piscivorous pike in ULC was 4.2 ± 0.2 (± SD) and for partly piscivorous burbot 4.2 ± 0.4 (± SD).
A seasonal trend in stickleback trophic position was apparent, with lowest values during the stickleback spawning season (summer months), and increasing in the spawning season of whitefish during autumn and winter (Fig.
Sticklebacks from Lake Constance have a significantly higher trophic position than investigated populations in North America and Norway (z-test, P < 0.001) (Fig.
Comparison of trophic position and littoral carbon in the diet of three-spined sticklebacks. Values for sticklebacks from Lake Constance in black (mean value of all analysed sticklebacks, independent of habitat), from North America in blue and Norway in red; error bars indicating standard deviation. The eight North American stickleback populations (
A key insight from the present study is the seasonal trend in δ15N from stickleback muscle and liver, with the highest values occurring during winter and spring. These values assist us to answer research question 1 (Do the δ15N values and trophic position of sticklebacks reflect the seasonal feeding of whitefish larvae and eggs or that of other food sources, such as zooplankton?). It could be hypothesised that the seasonal trend is linked to elevated δ15N values of the main food resource during winter (here copepods and cladocera), as observed in Lake Geneva where whitefish consume mainly zooplankton during the winter months (
The answers to research questions 2 (Where do invasive sticklebacks sit relative to other fish species in the trophic structure of Lake Constance?) and 3 (How does the trophic position of sticklebacks in Lake Constance compare to that of conspecifics in similar ecosystems?) are somewhat contradictory. Generally, Lake Constance sticklebacks occupied an extraordinarily high trophic position (mean = 4.7), even using a conservative estimate of trophic enrichment (Δn = 3.4). Other studies, using the same calculation and the same values for trophic enrichment and trophic position of the consumer (λBase = 2), yielded markedly lower scores: The mean trophic positions calculated for sticklebacks in lakes of North America and Norway ranged from 2.9 to 3.7 (
The diet and stable isotope mixing model evidence of regular or at least occasional piscivory by Lake Constance sticklebacks are corroborated by comparison of the mean δ15N muscle values of sticklebacks with those of fish species from a range of foraging guilds. Sticklebacks possessed significantly higher muscle δ15N values (up to 5‰) than the zooplanktivorous and/or benthivorous and herbivorous fish in our analysis, including whitefish, bleak, roach, tench, and rudd. Other studies have shown δ15N differences between years for various fish species, but the values of the fish species from one foraging guild tend to be more or less stable from year to year (
The answer to research question 4 (Are there any differences in isotopic signature between sticklebacks caught in littoral and pelagic habitats?), if only the δ13C values recorded in stickleback muscle tissue are considered, is relatively clear: the answer is no. The low values (-30.5 ± 0.8‰) point to pelagic feeding of the species (
Results of this study pertinent to the original research questions include confirmation from stomach content analysis that sticklebacks feed on whitefish larvae and eggs as well as fish of unknown taxa: corroborated by δ15N values, the outcome of stable isotopes mixing models, and trophic profiling. Stable isotope analysis revealed significantly elevated δ15N values comparable to those of pike and consistent with piscivory, and δ13C profiles identified stickleback as mostly pelagic feeders. Furthermore, it appears that while the trophic position of sticklebacks is independent of their littoral and pelagic foraging habitats, differences in the isotopic signature of littoral and pelagic captures were visible in the liver, offering support for the idea that stickleback has a key role coupling the littoral and pelagic food webs of Lake Constance. However, actual data (not shown) of stomach contents of piscivorous fish, such as pike, catfish, char or trout (Salmo trutta), revealed that sticklebacks were only eaten occasionally by other fish and stickleback predation seems instead to be mostly from fish-eating birds, which would render this avenue a dead end for the aquatic ecosystem. However, a similar assessment was hypothesized for the dreissenid mussels in the Great Lakes, where the lakewide degree of mussel predation by fish was believed to be limited, but when round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) began to feed intensively on quagga mussels they contributed significantly to Great Lakes’ food webs (
The study results support the hypothesis that Lake Constance sticklebacks feed occasionally but rather intensively on the eggs and larvae of whitefish and some other fish species. This finding is in line with findings from the Baltic Sea, which highlight the negative impacts of stickleback predation on other fish species (
Special thanks to Prof. J. Geist, Prof. K. Auerswald and Dr. R. Schäufele from the Technical University of Munich for the opportunity to conduct stable isotope analyses of snails, mussels and parts of the fish samples and for advice on technical issues and scientific support. We thank Karl-Otto Rothaupt for the support of stable isotope measurement of sticklebacks, D. Straile and M. Sabel for the isotopic data for chironomids, and the fishermen Gugele, Revermann, and Meichle for fish sampling. We thank A. Ros and S. Roch from the Fisheries Research Station for help in calculating the isotopic niche overlap. Thanks to Amy-Jane Beer for improving the manuscript.
Sarah Maria Gugele was funded by the “Fischereiabgabe Baden-Württemberg” and supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—298726046/GRK2272 and by the grant “SeeWandel: Life in Lake Constance – the past, present and future” within the framework of the Interreg V programme “Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein (Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Liechtenstein)” the funds of which are provided by the European Regional Development Fund as well as the Swiss Confederation and cantons. Barnaby J. Roberts was funded by the University of Konstanz and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – 298726046/GRK2272. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Supplementary information
Data type: docx
Explanation note: table S1. Quantiles of the posterior distribution of the Bayesian mixing model parameter estimation. table S2. Correlation of the posterior distribution of the Bayesian mixing model parameter estimation. figure S1. Isospace plot representing the isotopic signatures of the stickleback liver samples caught in summer (June and July) and in winter (December to March). table S3. Quantiles of the posterior distribution of the Bayesian mixing model parameter estimation for models without the fish sources. table S4. Correlation of the posterior distribution of the Bayesian mixing model parameter estimation for models without the fish sources. figure S2. Posterior distribution of dietary proportion estimates of different food sources from sticklebacks from the pelagic and littoral zone of ULC during summer and winter, according to Bayesian modelling without fish sources, expressed as Box-and-Whisker plots with median values and interquartile range (IQR).