Research Article |
Corresponding author: Margherita Gioria ( ) Academic editor: Robert Colautti
© 2023 Margherita Gioria, Angelino Carta, Vasiliki Balogianni, Dario Fornara, Petr Pyšek, Bruce A. Osborne.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Gioria M, Carta A, Balogianni V, Fornara D, Pyšek P, Osborne BA (2023) Changes in the functional and phylogenetic diversity of above- and below-ground plant communities invaded by two alien herbs. NeoBiota 88: 75-101.
Introduced plants can have long-lasting and irreversible effects on the communities and ecosystems they invade. A critical step towards understanding the legacy of plant introductions is the characterisation of changes in the invaded plant communities and how these changes are related to biogeochemical modifications. Here, we addressed this issue by comparing the impacts of two large invasive herbs, Gunnera tinctoria and Impatiens glandulifera, on the compositional, functional, and phylogenetic structure of the standing vegetation (above-ground communities) and the soil seed bank (below-ground communities). The introduction of both invasive species was associated with a significant decrease in above-ground species richness, with subsequent changes in the functional diversity and phylogenetic dispersion of the vegetation. Yet, these invaders differed in their long-term impacts and the reversibility of any modifications they caused. While G. tinctoria invasions resulted in phylogenetically clustered communities (both above- and below-ground) that were clearly distinct from uninvaded ones, seed bank communities invaded by I. glandulifera were indistinguishable from uninvaded ones, despite major compositional changes above-ground. Further, we found alterations in nutrient cycling associated with G. tinctoria invasions that could facilitate its local persistence and exacerbate any negative effects on native diversity. Our findings suggest a high susceptibility of pre-invasion above-ground communities to colonisation by distantly related herbs. However, the seed banks showed a degree of resilience against both invaders, with no major differences in species richness. Ultimately, differences in the impacts of these large invasive herbs suggest that dominance in the vegetation and a large stature are poor predictors of long-term plant community changes, including regeneration potential from seed, which are associated with plant introductions.
Functional diversity, non-native plants, phylogenetic structure, plant invasions, seed persistence, soil legacy, soil seed bank
Invasive alien plants represent a significant component of global environmental change (
A critical step towards an understanding of the legacy of plant invasions, including local extinctions, is the characterisation of compositional, functional, and phylogenetic changes associated with plant introductions (
Invasive plants can have long-lasting effects on the recipient seed banks through the production of seeds that retain their viability for multiple seasons (persistent seed banks versus transient seed banks; sensu
In terms of the impacts on recipient communities, persistent soil seed banks represent an important component of ecosystem resilience against environmental change (
In this study, we addressed this issue by evaluating the potential reversibility of the impacts of two large invasive herbs that are listed as species of Union concern (EU Regulation on Invasive Alien Species 1143/2014), i.e., Gunnera tinctoria (Molina) Mirbel (Gunneraceae) and Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Balsaminaceae). These species differ in their global significance, with the former having a restricted distribution, due to a preference for high rainfall conditions (
In this study, we focused on evaluating their impacts and to what extent these are short or long-term, depending on whether they involve changes in the compositional, functional, and phylogenetic structure of the above-ground vegetation or the soil seed bank. We also evaluated how these impacts on plant communities might be related to abiotic ecosystem properties. Examination of the functional and phylogenetic changes at the community level will generate insights into whether similarities in functional traits or phylogenetic relatedness among the native and the non-native species play a role in mediating the invasibility of the recipient communities (
Gunnera tinctoria is a perennial herb reproducing both sexually, through the production of thousands of viable seeds per plant, and asexually, via a large rhizomatous system and plant fragmentation (
To evaluate any change in the resident plant communities associated with the invaders, we used a comparative approach contrasting invaded and uninvaded areas, based on the assumption that the ecological conditions and species composition in the former are comparable to those of the uninvaded areas prior to the invasion (
Field data were collected at three sites per invader that are representative of the main ecosystem types colonised by these species in Ireland (Suppl. material
Changes in the seed bank associated with plant invasions were assessed by collecting five replicate soil samples from each of the five plots identified in invaded and uninvaded sites, using soil cores 5 cm in diameter and 10 cm in depth, divided into two depth categories (0–5 cm and 5–10 cm). Soil samples were collected in spring and autumn (2018), after the germination of a substantial portion of the seed bank in the field and after seed dispersal, to evaluate differences in the more persistent and transient components of the seed bank, respectively. In total, we collected 600 soil samples per invader over two sampling seasons.
To estimate the density of viable seeds in the seed bank (per square metre of surface area), we used a modified version of the seedling emergence approach (see
The seedling emergence approach was selected because it allows an estimate of the viable portion of the seed bank and enables the identification of the seed flora to species level, although it may fail to detect a portion of the dormant flora whose germination requirements are not met under greenhouse conditions (
Seed persistence was inferred from different assessments: the density of seeds at each sampling depth, with increases in depth indicative of greater seed longevity; the presence of seeds in the seed bank but their absence in the above-ground vegetation (
Characterisation of the impact of the study invaders on soil properties and β-glucoside enzyme activity was based on analyses of soil samples collected in June and September 2017 at each study site from the same plots where samples for the seed bank had been collected. Within each plot, we obtained three composite samples made up of four subsamples collected using 3 cm diameter soil cores. Each composite sample was divided into two depths: 0–5 cm and 5–20 cm. Soil cores were extracted between 0–5 and 5–20 cm, using a 3 cm diameter soil corer (for total C% measurements), while a 5 cm diameter corer was used for soil bulk density estimations at each depth. After collection, the soils were homogenised, and subsamples were then used for different chemical analyses, following procedures described in
We made rigorous statistical assessments of the changes in the vegetation and the seed bank, separately, by performing multiple analytical approaches that enable an evaluation of compositional changes, changes in the functional composition and the phylogenetic relationships among the species, while accounting for the non-independence caused by a shared evolutionary history among phylogenetically related species (
To evaluate the impact of each invader on (i) species richness (SR) and (ii) abundance of the standing vegetation (percentage cover) or the seed bank (seedling density per square metre), we performed phylogenetic generalised linear mixed models (pglmm), in a Bayesian fitting framework, using the R package ‘phyr’ (
To examine impacts on the phylogenetic structure of the invaded communities, we calculated a range of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity measures, using the R package ‘picante’ (v. 1.8.2;
To examine impacts on functional diversity, we calculated six measures that represent the most important dimensions of functional diversity (
Measures of functional diversity were calculated, either including or excluding the invaders from the analyses, using the dbFD function of the R package ‘FD’ (v. 1.0-12.1,
Ecosystem-level differences were evaluated using 11 variables: soil bulk density (BD), soil pH (pH), total soil C (C), total soil N (N), P, available P (olsen_P), ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3) 1,4-beta-glucosidase (BG), and biomass C (BiomassC). Measures of NH4 and NO3 at different sampling times were combined as a single variable and used, separately, to analyse the effect on the transient and more persistent component of the seed bank.
Evaluation of the impact on the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of the invaded communities, and changes in ecosystem properties, was made by performing Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS), using the metaMDS function in the R package ‘vegan’ (v. 2.6-4;
Multivariate analyses were performed using incidence (presence/absence) or abundance data (percentage cover or seedling densities), and either including or excluding the presence and abundance of the invaders from the analyses. Including the invaders allowed us to characterise the new communities created by the invaders and to evaluate the potential contribution of environmental filtering or niche differences in promoting invasion success through a knowledge of whether the invaders are either closely or distantly related to the species in the communities that ultimately become invaded. Conversely, excluding the invaders allowed us to evaluate the changes occurring in the resident species only, and this is especially important where the invaders dominate the vegetation, the seed bank, or both, although the remaining relative abundances might be strongly affected by spatial patterns (
Data on the species recorded in the vegetation and the seed bank and the location where they have been found are presented as supplementary material.
The list of species recorded in the vegetation, with their traits, and the seed banks of invaded and uninvaded areas is presented in Suppl. material
Non-metric multidimensional scaling plots representing phylogenetic distances (mean pairwise distance separating each species at each site from its closest relative; MNTD) in the above-ground vegetation (VEG) and the soil seed bank (SB) collected from five comparable invaded (I) and uninvaded (N) plots at each of three sites per invasive species (Gunnera tinctoria and Impatiens glandulifera), with 95% confidence interval ellipses. The seed bank was collected in the spring and in autumn, reflecting its transient (T) and persistent (P) component.
Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordinations plotting gradients of phylogenetic distances (A, D), functional diversity (B, E), and ecosystem properties (C, F) above vegetation abundance data (corrected % cover), using MNTD as the underlying distance measure. Each dot corresponds to vegetation data collected from each of five plots within comparable invaded (I) and uninvaded (N) plots at each of three sites per invasive species (Gunnera tinctoria and Impatiens glandulifera). Analyses both include (A–C) and exclude the presence of the invaders (D–F).
The effects on the composition of the vegetation were more evident than those on the seed bank, especially when the more transient component of the seed bank was considered (Fig.
Compositionally, both invaders dominated the standing vegetation of the invaded communities, with 100% cover being reached in the summer months, as well as the seed bank. The latter was especially true for G. tinctoria, which formed, on average, large and persistent seed banks at each site (mean ± S.D. 11,168 ± 3,881 seedlings per square meter in spring and 11,718 ± 3,368 in autumn), representing ca. 85% of the spring seed bank and ca. 68% of the autumn one. In the uninvaded seed banks, only 33 (± 36) seedlings/m2 were found in spring (the more persistent component of adjacent uninvaded communities), while 666 (± 1,344) seedlings/m2 were found in autumn, reflecting the effect of the most recent seed rain. Impatiens glandulifera also formed a viable seed bank that persisted over at least one regeneration season (mean 264 ± 188 seedlings/m2 in spring and 376 ± 168 in autumn). The contribution of its seeds to the seed bank was, on average, 30.8% in spring and 28.23% in autumn.
Changes in the composition of both the vegetation and the seed bank were, however, not only associated with the dominance of the invaders above- and below-ground, with analyses excluding vegetation cover or seedling densities of the invaders also revealing major changes in the relative abundances of the resident species and the overall composition of the species assemblage (Figs
Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordinations plotting gradients of phylogenetic distances (A, D), functional diversity (B, E), and ecosystem properties (C, F) above seed bank density data (seedlings per square metre), using MNTD as the underlying distance measure. Each dot corresponds to seed bank data collected twice (spring and autumn), from each of five plots within comparable invaded (I) and uninvaded (N) plots, at each of three sites per invasive species (Gunnera tinctoria and Impatiens glandulifera). Analyses both include (A–C) and exclude the presence of the invaders (D–F). Spring and autumn seed banks are displayed as separate plots.
There were major changes in the phylogenetic structure of the invaded communities, which took an opposite direction depending on the invader. In the standing vegetation, analyses including and excluding the invaders showed that uninvaded communities were characterised by a greater PD and MPD, which was associated with a greater species richness, while invaded ones displayed greater MNTD and phylogenetic over-dispersion (Fig.
Functionally, the invaded communities were dominated either by a species with a greater leaf area (G. tinctoria) or by an annual seeding species with a large seed mass (I. glandulifera). However, these patterns were exclusively driven by the presence of the invaders, resulting in a greater functional divergence (Fig.
The seed banks of invaded or uninvaded sites associated with G. tinctoria invasions were composed of a greater proportion of persistent seeds compared to those associated with invasions by I. glandulifera. Those sites invaded by G. tinctoria were characterised by a distinctly lower functional richness, dispersion, and divergence, and species with a lower seed mass compared to uninvaded ones. In contrast, seeds in both uninvaded and invaded seed banks associated with G. tinctoria invasions comprised species with a lower leaf area and plant height than those found at sites associated with invasions by I. glandulifera (Fig.
The results addressing functional diversity varied with the index used and the identity of the invader. For both species, functional richness was significantly lower in the invaded vegetation (Fig.
Boxplots of five functional diversity indices, based on plant community data collected at three sites for each of two invaders, Gunnera tinctoria and Impatiens glandulifera. At each site, data were collected from five replicate plots for each invaded invaded (violet) and uninvaded (green) condition. Mean values were plotted as black dots. SB P = persistent seed bank (from samples collected in spring), SB T = transient seed bank (from samples collected in autumn), and VEG (from vegetation surveys conducted over one growing season). The results of post hoc Tukey’s HSD tests are displayed on top of the bars: capital letters indicate significant differences between invaded and uninvaded groups, separately for persistent seed banks, transient seed banks, and vegetation. Small letters indicate significant differences between uninvaded groups (persistent seed banks, transient seed banks, and vegetation), while small letters in italics indicate significant differences between invaded groups (persistent seed banks, transient seed banks, and vegetation).
The soils of uninvaded communities were characterised by higher NH4, and BG. Areas invaded by I. glandulifera were also characterised by higher soil NH4 and lower enzyme activities (BG). The soils of areas invaded by G. tinctoria were, in contrast, associated with higher NO3 concentrations and a higher biomass C (Fig.
Our study showed that invasions by two non-native herbs, Gunnera tinctoria and Impatiens glandulifera, which were phylogenetically distant from the species present in the uninvaded communities, resulted in major compositional and functional changes in the vegetation, suggesting the importance of a low degree in niche overlap, including phenological niches in germination and growth, as a mechanism promoting successful invasions by these species (
Interestingly, the uninvaded above-ground communities (coastal grasslands for G. tinctoria and riparian grasslands for I. glandulifera) were phylogenetically clustered and shared similar functional traits, despite their habitat differences, while they were compositionally distinct from invaded ones. These communities were characterised by a higher mean pairwise distance (MPD) and increased Faith’s phylogenetic diversity, suggesting basal phylogenetic clustering that could be associated with environmental filtering (
From a functional point of view, the invaded above-ground communities were characterised by a lower functional richness than uninvaded communities, reflecting their lower species richness and their higher MNTD. Communities invaded by G. tinctoria harboured more annual species and species with a greater seed mass, suggesting that different life form strategies are important to enable coexistence with this dominant invader. Species with a short life cycle tend to rely on long-term persistent seed banks for their survival and persistence in a community under intense competition (
In terms of seed densities, we observed relatively minor changes in the richness of the soil seed banks of the invaded communities, despite major changes in the composition of the standing vegetation and the almost 100% cover of both invaders. This indicates that seed banks are somewhat resilient against plant invasions, even after several years, regardless of the identity of the invader and the grassland type, confirming the role of persistent seed banks as major components of ecosystem resilience against environmental change (
Both invaders formed a persistent seed bank, with G. tinctoria largely dominating both the more persistent (85%) and transient (68%) components with thousands of viable seeds, a figure comparable to that found previously in coastal areas in this region (
Changes in the seed bank differed between the two invaders. Only seed bank communities invaded by G. tinctoria were phylogenetically clustered and occupied a clearly distinct niche space. The displacement of resident species from the vegetation through competition and/or the failure of the few species that are present to reach reproductive maturity is likely the major driver of the homogenisation of the seed bank (
The precise pre-invasion conditions are unknown and some of the differences between invaded and uninvaded areas might have existed prior to their colonisation by the study alien species. However, the similar changes observed in the multiple sites used in the current study indicate that the modifications are largely invader dependent. Invasions by both species were associated with altered ecosystem properties, but the direction and magnitude of any change depended on the invader. A higher soil nitrate level and pH was found in areas invaded by G. tinctoria, although there was no evidence of significant changes in soil C and N stocks, consistent with previous findings (
Changes in pH and nitrate levels and other ecosystem properties associated with I. glandulifera invasions were minimal, supporting evidence that the impacts of this invader are, to some extent, reversible (
The introduction of two large invasive herbs into coastal and riparian communities resulted in a reduction in plant species richness and functional diversity, and the phylogenetic clustering of the vegetation. Our examination of compositional and functional changes in the invaded vegetation indicates that these communities are susceptible to phylogenetically and functionally distant non-native species, suggesting that low niche overlap might contribute to the success of these invaders, while competitive exclusion among the species co-occurring with the invaders could be important in shaping the invaded communities. In contrast, the recipient soil seed banks showed some degree of resilience against the impact of invasions, with no major differences in species richness attributable to the two non-native introductions. Gunnera tinctoria invasions resulted in longer-lasting alterations through modifications in ecosystem properties in comparison to I. glandulifera. In contrast, functional richness and most measures of functional diversity were significantly higher in invaded persistent seed banks than uninvaded ones, confirming the critical function of seed persistence in the soil in providing resilience against environmental changes. Ultimately, this work highlights the difficulties of making generalisations about the ecological impacts of invasive plants even when they share a high stature and a propensity to achieve dominance through asymmetric competition due to early growth and/or germination, and the need for species- and site-specific assessments for developing effective and sustainable control and restoration measures.
This work was supported by project no. 2016-NC-MS-7 (Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency). MG was also funded by project no. 19-20405S, PP by EXPRO grant no. 19-28807X (Czech Science Foundation) and both by long-term research development project RVO 67985939 (Czech Academy of Sciences). We thank Amanuel Gebremichael and Laura Gallego for assistance in running the greenhouse experiment, Eugene Sherry and Bredagh Moran for technical assistance at UCD. We thank John Patrick McIlroy de la Rosa for collecting soil samples and performing laboratory activities to evaluate impacts on ecosystem properties. Amanuel Gebremichael also provided assistance in the field.
Species lists, list of traits, and results of Bayesian phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models of species richness and abundance data in the vegetation and the soil seed bank
Data type: xlsx
Explanation note: This supplementary file contains a list of species occurrences in the vegetation and the seed bank at each iof six invaded and uninvaded sites. for each species, a list of six species traits is provided. The results of Bayesian phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models of species richness and abundance data in the vegetation and the soil seed bank are also provided.