Research Article |
Corresponding author: Edouard Duquesne ( ) Academic editor: Victoria Lantschner
© 2024 Edouard Duquesne, Denis Fournier.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Duquesne E, Fournier D (2024) Connectivity and climate change drive the global distribution of highly invasive termites. NeoBiota 92: 281-314.
Termites are amongst the most abundant and ecologically-important groups of insects in tropical forests. However, the destructive potential of some species amounts to billions of dollars in damage each year. Despite their economic and ecological impacts, only a limited number of invasive termite species have been studied using distribution modelling and no studies have taken trade, transport and demography variables into account. We used Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to investigate the potential distribution of 10 highly-invasive termites. Our study includes bioclimatic conditions, land-use patterns, elevation and connectivity predictors (i.e. urban areas, human population, accessibility to cities and private vessels), alongside different climatic and socioeconomic change scenarios.
The distribution of the termite species hinges on bioclimatic and connectivity variables, highlighting the significance of these latter factors in invasive species analyses. Our models demonstrate the potential of these invasive termites to thrive in large urbanised and connected areas within tropical and subtropical regions and to a lesser extent within temperate regions. As climate changes and urbanisation intensifies, most species’ range could expand, particularly under a “fossil fuel-driven development” scenario. Furthermore, while some species may have a slightly reduced range, they could extend their presence into more urbanised and connected areas, increasing the risks and costs associated with termite damages. Our models highlight the anticipated role of growing connectivity and climate change dynamics in facilitating the widespread proliferation of invasive termites in the coming years.
Biological invasions, climate change, connectivity, invasive species, invasive termites, species distribution models
Invasive species pose a significant threat to not only biodiversity by causing species extinction, but also mankind by spreading vector-borne diseases as well as imposing economic burdens to control invasive species (
The number of biological invasions is continuously rising, affecting even the most remote regions of the world (
Of the 3106 described termite species worldwide, 183 are considered pests and 28 are invasive (
Species distribution models (SDMs) can be a useful tool in preventing invasive species by identifying areas at risk of invasion and providing insights into their potential distribution in response to climate change and land-use modifications. While previous studies primarily considered bioclimatic factors to project distribution of invasive termites (e.g.
In 2013, Evans et al. reported 28 invasive termite species worldwide. Distribution data for these species were extracted from reliable sources including Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF 2024), Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira (
Invasive termite species with more than 30 occurrences after curation. Provided are the family, the feeding group, the nesting type, the breeding system when known, the damage targets, the native and invaded ranges, as well as their spread methods. The feeding groups are as follows: Type I, protist-dependent termites, mainly wood and grass feeders; Type II, Termitidae, litter and fungus growing wood feeders. The nesting type are as follows: single-piece, i.e. living, nesting and eating in a single piece of wood; intermediate-piece, i.e. starting as a single-piece nester, but then searching for other pieces of wood and changing nest; and separate-piece, i.e. building a nest separated from the food. The colony family structures are classified into: simple family (single pair of monogamous primary reproductives, SF), extended family (multiple secondary reproductives descending from a simple family, EF) or mixed family (more complex genotypes than possible if they are all descended from a primary reproductive pair, MF). Only the species in bold were kept for the study because of their high spread capacity.
Family and species | Short name | Occurrences after curation | Feeding group ( |
Nesting type ( |
Secondary reproductives ( |
Breeding system ( |
Important pest ( |
Damage targets | Native range | Invaded range | Spread methods and risk | References for native and invaded range, and spread methods |
Mastotermitidae | ||||||||||||
Mastotermes darwiniensis (Froggatt, 1897) | Mdar | 50 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | SF, EF and MF | Yes | Buildings, horticultural and forest trees, plastic | Australia | New Guinea | From imported logs of Eucalyptus and hardwood logs from Australia in the last centuries, but now low risk mainly through live potted plants |
Archotermopsidae | ||||||||||||
Porotermes adamsoni (Froggatt, 1897) | Pada | 101 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | No | Sawn timber, dead trees and living trees (Eucalyptus) | Australia | New Zealand | From imported second-hand railroad ties from Australia in the last centuries, but now low risk mainly through live potted plants |
Zootermopsis angusticollis (Hagen, 1858) | Zang | 690 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | No | Rotten wood | North America | Hawaii | Unknown, as it feeds on rotten wood which is not a great commodity, low risk |
Zootermopsis nevadensis (Hagen, 1874) | Znev | 54 | I | Single-piece | Yes | MF | No | Rotten wood | US | Japan | Unknown, as it feeds on rotten wood which is not a great commodity, low risk |
Kalotermitidae | ||||||||||||
Cryptotermes brevis (Walker, 1853) | Cbre | 467 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | Yes | Buildings | Coastal Chile, Peru | S and N America, W Africa, Azores, Australia (Brisbane), Fiji, Pacific and Atlantic islands, Egypt | From furniture, wooden articles, pallets, dunnage, sailboats, ships and planes, high risk |
Cryptotermes domesticus (Haviland, 1898) | Cdom | 32 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | Yes | Buildings | SE Asia | China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Pacific Ocean, Polynesia | Intercepted in private vessels, high risk |
Cryptotermes dudleyi (Banks, 1918) | Cdud | 50 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | Yes | Buildings | SE Asia | India, Bangladesh, Indian Ocean, East Africa, Australia, Micronesia, South America | Intercepted in private vessels, high risk |
Cryptotermes havilandi (Sjöstedt, 1900) | Chav | 42 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | Yes | Buildings | West Africa | E Africa, India, S America, West Indies and Indian islands | Probably from wooden rafts or boats from Madagascar long time ago and now probably in boats like other Cryptotermes species, high risk |
Glyptotermes brevicornis (Froggatt, 1897) | Gbre | 55 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | No | Non-significant | Australia | New Zealand and Fiji | Very limited spread, low risk |
Incisitermes immigrans (Snyder, 1922) | Iimm | 40 | I | Single-piece | Yes | ? | No | Buildings | Central and South America | Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, Japan | From infested wood from a wrecked schooner in the last centuries and now probably through movement of furniture like I. minor, high risk |
Incisitermes minor (Hagen, 1858) | Imin | 311 | I | Single-piece | Yes | SF, EF and MF | Yes | Buildings | South-western US and northern Mexico | Eastern US, Canada, China, Pacific Ocean, Japan | From wooden chests, furniture, and grape boxes from US West Coast and now through movement of furniture, high risk | Gay, 1969; |
Rhinotermitidae | ||||||||||||
Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt, 1898) | Caci | 464 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | ? | Yes | Buildings, orchard trees, rubber trees, oil palms, plastic | Australia | New Zealand | From railroad ties and telephone poles from Australia in the last centuries, but now low risk mainly through live potted plants |
Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki, 1909) | Cfor | 367 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | SF and EF | Yes | Buildings, sugarcane, plastic | China and Taiwan | Japan, US, Israel | From recycled railroad ties, potted plants, furniture and private vessels, high risk |
Coptotermes frenchi (Hill, 1932) | Cfre | 132 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | ? | Yes | Buildings, eucalyptus trees | Australia | New Zealand | From railroad ties and imported logs from Australia in the last centuries, but now low risk mainly through live potted plants |
Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann, 1896) | Cges | 285 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | ? | Yes | Buildings, pine trees, plastic | SE Asia | Taiwan, Pacific Ocean, Micronesia, Mexico, Florida, West Indies, Brazil | Intercepted in private vessels, high risk |
Heterotermes cardini (Snyder, 1924) | Hcar | 320 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | SF, EF and MF | No | Buildings | Bahamas, Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Panama Colombia | US (Florida) | Probably shipboard infestations in the last centuries and now private vessels, medium risk |
Heterotermes convexinotatus (Snyder, 1924) | Hcon | 460 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | SF, EF and MF | Yes | Crops and buildings | Southern Mexico, Nicaragua, northern Colombia, Panama, northern Venezuela | Puerto Rico, Haiti, Antigua, Barbados, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Kitts, Saint Martin, Galapagos | Probably shipboard infestations in the last centuries and now private vessels, medium risk |
Heterotermes tenuis (Hagen, 1858) | Hten | 449 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | SF, EF and MF | Yes | Crops and buildings | Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guianas, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela | West indies | Probably shipboard infestations in the last centuries and now private vessels, medium risk |
Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar, 1837) | Rfla | 812 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | SF, EF and MF | Yes | Buildings | Eastern US, northern Bahamas | Canada, Europe, South America, Easter Island | From imported timbers and from railroad ties from North America in the last centuries, but now probably through budding in infested furniture, high risk |
Reticulitermes grassei (Clément, 1977) | Rgra | 33 | I | Intermediate-piece | Yes | SF, EF and MF | No | Buildings and oak trees | South-western Europe (France and Spain) | Britain, Azores | Very limited spread, medium risk |
Termitidae | ||||||||||||
Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky, 1855) | Ncor | 726 | II | Separate-piece | Yes | MF | Yes | Buildings, ornamental trees | Central, S America, West Indies | New Guinea, Florida | Intercepted in private vessels, high risk |
Termes hispaniolae (Banks, 1918) | This | 420 | II | Separate-piece | Yes | ? | No | No damage | Coasts of Central and S America | West indies | Intercepted in shipments of firewood in the last century, low risk |
The curation process of our ten species yielded an average of 313 occurrences per species (Table
Explanatory varisables were standardised to the same resolution (0.25°, the resampling was done using the nearest-neighbour algorithm), dimensions (nrow = 600, ncol = 1440), extent (xmin = -180°, xmax = 180°, ymin = -60°, ymax = 90°) and format (WGS84 EPSG:4326) using the software QGIS (
To determine the current distribution of species, we obtained 19 bioclimatic variables from Worldclim 2.1 (
For future climate projections, we accessed several global climate models (GCMs) from the sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6;
We incorporated land-cover information to capture the habitat preferences of the selected termite species. Land-cover layers were obtained from the Land-Use Harmonization 2 (LUH2) project (
Socioeconomic variables, such as distance to airports, seaports and human density, are the most significant factors determining the distribution of global invasive species after climatic variables and habitat characteristics (
To address these dynamics, we selected three connectivity variables (four if including urban areas): Accessibility to Cities (ATC, trade and transport related,
The ATC layer quantifies the time it takes to travel to the nearest urban area through foot, roads, railways and rivers, as of 2015 (
POP gives a more precise representation of densely populated areas compared to the urban variable, as it considers the number of inhabitants rather than solely the footprint of a building (
The LVE variable (downloaded from the database) delineates leisure vessels density based on AIS (automatic identification system) positions of leisure vessels between January 2015 and February 2021, with higher densities observed in major marinas, influencing model outcomes (
All three layers (ATC, POP and LVE) were standardised (same resolution, dimensions, extent and format) using QGIS, following the methodology described earlier. The Pearson correlation analysis (refer to Suppl. material
Termite diversity typically decreases with increasing elevation, primarily due to lower temperatures that result in unsuitable habitats for warm-adapted species (
The entire modelling and evaluation process was conducted in R4.2.0 using the Biomod2 4.2-4 package. We performed modelling analyses by integrating bioclimatic, land-use, connectivity and elevation variables into our models. Additionally, we ran models exclusively using bioclimatic variables to assess outcomes and discern any divergences. The same algorithms (FDA, RF, MAXNET, GAM, GLM, GBM) as described earlier were used for all the modelling. For model training, only 75% of the randomly-selected occurrences were utilised, while the remaining 25% were kept for model evaluation. The performance of the models was assessed using two metrics: True Skill Statistic (TSS,
Ensemble modelling, which combines individual forecasts into a consensus projection (
To facilitate the visual comparison between present and future scenarios, the range size function from Biomod2 was used instead of relying on multiple maps. This function computes the number of pixels that are lost, stable or gained, along with their relative proportions, when comparing two species distribution models. To perform this analysis, the current and future ensemble models were transformed into binary predictions (absence: 0 or presence: 1) by applying an optimised threshold derived from TSS (
To delineate potential high-risk invasion areas, the same methodology as outlined in the previous section was used. However, “lost” and “absent” pixels were converted to 0, while “stable” and “increase” pixels were converted to 1. This adjustment enabled the summation of values for each species across all pixels, providing an estimate of the potential number of species in each pixel under the selected scenario.
The evaluation process supports the robustness and accuracy of the models in predicting species distributions. For ROC, all the individual models could be considered excellent (0.900–1), ranging from 0.968 to 1, while all the ensemble models were close to perfect, ranging from 0.986 to 1 with an excellent average of 0.996. For TSS, all the individual models could be considered good to excellent (0.800–1), ranging from 0.819 to 0.999, while all the ensemble models were good to excellent ranging from 0.879 to 0.994 with an excellent average of 0.958 (Suppl. material
The analysis of variable importance revealed that bioclimatic variables were overall the most important predictors, followed by our four connectivity variables. In contrast, the significance of elevation and land-cover variables (excluding urban land) appears comparatively lower than other variables (Fig.
Average contribution of each predictive variable to the model for each species. In total, eight variables (2/19 for bioclimatic and 2/12 for land-use) were chosen for each species (see Suppl. material
Variable | Kalotermitidae | Rhinotermitidae | Termitidae | |||||||
Cbre | Cdom | Cdud | Chav | Iimm | Imin | Cfor | Cges | Rfla | Ncor | |
Bioclimatic | ||||||||||
Annual Mean Temperature | 0.159 | |||||||||
Mean Diurnal Range | 0.218 | |||||||||
Isothermality | ||||||||||
Temperature Seasonality | 0.407 | |||||||||
Max Temperature of Warmest Month | 0.086 | |||||||||
Min Temperature of Coldest Month | ||||||||||
Temperature Annual Range | 0.407 | 0.572 | 0.662 | 0.090 | 0.484 | |||||
Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter | 0.354 | 0.311 | ||||||||
Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter | ||||||||||
Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter | 0.177 | |||||||||
Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter | 0.203 | 0.164 | 0.2853 | |||||||
Annual Precipitation | ||||||||||
Precipitation of Wettest Month | 0.088 | |||||||||
Precipitation of Driest Month | 0.038 | |||||||||
Precipitation Seasonality | ||||||||||
Precipitation of Wettest Quarter | 0.086 | |||||||||
Precipitation of Driest Quarter | 0.047 | |||||||||
Precipitation of Warmest Quarter | ||||||||||
Precipitation of Coldest Quarter | 0.121 | |||||||||
Land-use | ||||||||||
C3 annual crops | 0.097 | 0.029 | ||||||||
C3 nitrogen-fixing crops | ||||||||||
C3 perennial crops | ||||||||||
C4 annual crops | ||||||||||
C4 perennial crops | 0.161 | 0.071 | 0.057 | |||||||
Managed pasture | ||||||||||
Forested primary land | 0.121 | 0.061 | 0.061 | |||||||
Non-forested primary land | 0.015 | 0.067 | 0.025 | |||||||
Rangeland | 0.101 | 0.024 | ||||||||
Potentially forested secondary land | ||||||||||
Potentially non-forested secondary land | ||||||||||
Connectivity | ||||||||||
Urban land | 0.284 | 0.090 | 0.252 | 0.543 | 0.468 | 0.233 | 0.360 | |||
Accessibility to cities | 0.119 | 0.263 | 0.111 | 0.010 | 0.152 | 0.065 | 0.014 | 0.159 | 0.073 | 0.095 |
Population density | 0.020 | 0.116 | 0.077 | 0.057 | 0.079 | 0.025 | 0.011 | 0.045 | 0.028 | 0.012 |
Leisure vessels | 0.019 | 0.060 | 0.029 | 0.148 | 0.019 | 0.004 | 0.003 | 0.004 | 0.006 | 0.007 |
Elevation | ||||||||||
Elevation | 0.014 | 0.403 | 0.137 | 0.085 | 0.064 | 0.018 | 0.085 | 0.232 | 0.050 | 0.016 |
Summary of the main results. Native range, invaded range, potential current habitat suitability, range shift between our models and our models using only bioclimatic variables, potential lost and new ranges for the most pessimistic scenario and range shift for each scenario according to our models for each species.
Family and species | Native range | Invaded range | Potential current habitat suitability (See Suppl. material |
Differences between multifactorial modelling and bioclimatic modelling | Potential lost and new ranges for SSP5-8.5 2041–2060 compared to potential current habitat (See Suppl. material |
Range shift between current and: | ||
SSP2-4.5 2021–2040 | SSP2-4.5 2041–2060 | SSP5-8.5 2041–2060 | ||||||
Kalotermitidae | ||||||||
Cryptotermes brevis | Coastal Chile, Peru | S and N America, W Africa, Azores, Australia (Brisbane), Fiji, Pacific and Atlantic islands, Egypt | Mainly cities of eastern US, West Indies, big cities of Central and South America, around Lagos, Lake Victoria and Lower Egypt. Big port towns in Europe, large economic areas of Asia and a few cities of the eastern coast of Australia | 34.79% | New ranges: deeper into the US, Europe, India, China, and Japan, western Australia. Some lost ranges: Central America, Brazil, India, Indonesia | 5.47% | 3.12% | -11.85% |
Cryptotermes domesticus | SE Asia | China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Pacific Ocean, Polynesia | SE Asia, southern coast of China, south-eastern coast of India, Japan, Taiwan, Central America, West Indies, Florida and major cities of the Guinean coasts | -1175.27% | New ranges: deeper into SE Asia, eastern and western coasts of Africa, Florida, Central and South America | -22.66% | 19.15% | 81.21% |
Cryptotermes dudleyi | SE Asia | India, Bangladesh, Indian Ocean, East Africa, Australia, Micronesia, South America | SE Asia, southern coast of China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Central America, South America, West Indies, Florida and major cities of the Guinean coasts | -47.73% | Lost ranges: mainly in South America, western Africa and India | -37.49% | -60.96% | -29.22% |
Cryptotermes havilandi | West Africa | E Africa, India, S America, West Indies and Indian islands | Western Africa, West Indies, Central and coastal South America, SE Asia, Sri Lanka, southern tip of India | -120.91% | New ranges: deeper into Central and South America, Africa, India and SE Asia | 16.11% | 47.04% | 105.34% |
Incisitermes immigrans | Central and S America | Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, Japan | Central and S America, western Africa, SE Asia | -256.91% | New ranges: large urban areas of the US and Australia; deeper into Africa and SE Asia. Lost ranges: in some parts of South America and western Africa | -17.17% | 2.62% | 17.11% |
Incisitermes minor | South-western US and northern Mexico | Eastern US, Canada, China, Pacific Ocean, Japan | Large cities of North America, Europe, around the Mediterranean Sea and important economic areas of Asia and Australia | -168.78% | New ranges: deeper into the US, Europe, Middle-East, Australia, China | 34.95% | 64.44% | 80.98% |
Rhinotermitidae | ||||||||
Coptotermes formosanus | China and Taiwan | Japan, US, Israel | Large cities of: south-eastern US, south-eastern China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Israel and Egypt | -1059.63% | New ranges: large urban areas of the US, Europe, western Africa and deeper into China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Israel and Egypt. Lost ranges: in a few places between China and Vietnam | 67.88% | 77.68% | 174.70% |
Coptotermes gestroi | SE Asia | Taiwan, Pacific Ocean, Micronesia, Mexico, Florida, West Indies, Brazil | SE Asia, Brazil, West Indies, Florida as well as large economic areas of: south-eastern China, Japan, India, Australia, western Africa. In a few cities of the US and Europe | -216.41% | New ranges: more urban areas of US and Europe, deeper into Central America, South America, Africa, India, China, Japan, SE Asia and Australia | 38.96% | 54.34% | 28.13% |
Reticulitermes flavipes | Eastern US, northern Bahamas | Canada, Europe, South America, Easter Island | Eastern and western US, southern South America, most of Europe and the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, most of eastern China, Korea, Japan and the main cities of Australia | -72.68% | New ranges: deeper into the US, Europe, southern South America and Africa, southern Australia, Japan. Lost ranges: US (Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi), northern Africa, China | 38.26% | 33.23% | 47.25% |
Termitidae | ||||||||
Nasutitermes corniger | Central, S America, West Indies | New Guinea, Florida | Central America, South America, West Indies, Florida, tropical Africa and tropical India as well as SE Asia | -46.24% | Lost ranges: mainly South America but also in some parts of Central America and tropical Africa | -21.83% | -54.24% | -34.56% |
Number of times each variable was identified as the most important (First), second most important (Second) and third most important (Third) for each species.
Amongst the top three most important variables, a bioclimatic variable ranked first for six species and urban land for four species. Ranking second in importance, bioclimatic factors held for six species, whereas urban land held for two species. Accessibility to Cities (ATC) and elevation (ELE) held this position for one species. Lastly, the third-rank variable category encompassed bioclimatic factors for four species, C4 perennial crops for two species, ATC for two species, leisure vessels (LVE) and elevation for one species (Fig.
The majority of the ten invasive species demonstrate significant potential for occupying a wide range of habitats for the current climate conditions and socioeconomic development. Although no overarching trends apply to all our species, some preferences can be observed with our models. For instance, species such as Cryptotermes brevis, Cryptotermes domesticus, Incisitermes immigrans, Incisitermes minor, Coptotermes formosanus, Coptotermes gestroi and Reticulitermes flavipes all show preference for large and well-connected urban areas, while Cryptotermes dudleyi, Cryptotermes havilandi and Nasutitermes corniger appear to be slightly more restricted to environments resembling their native habitats (Table
Cryptotermes brevis, originating from Coastal Chile and Peru, has expanded its distribution to encompass North and South America, western Africa, the Azores, Australia (around Brisbane) and numerous Pacific and Atlantic islands (Table
Cryptotermes domesticus, originates from Southeast Asia and has invaded China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia and Pacific islands (Table
Cryptotermes dudleyi, also originating from Southeast Asia, has already invaded India, Bangladesh, Indian Ocean islands, eastern Africa, Australia, Micronesia and South America (Table
Cryptotermes havilandi, originating from western Africa, has spread to eastern Africa, India, South America, Indian Ocean islands and the West Indies (Table
Incisitermes immigrans is native to Central and South America and, though not a structural pest, has been introduced to several Pacific islands, such as the Galapagos, Polynesia, Hawaii and Japan (Table
Incisitermes minor, native to south-western USA and northern Mexico, has extended its range to eastern USA, Canada, China, Pacific Islands and Japan in part through the transportation of infested furniture (Chouvenc, personal communication, January 2024, Table
Originating from China and Taiwan, Coptotermes formosanus has established populations in the US, Hawaii, Israel and Japan (Table
Coptotermes gestroi, native to Southeast Asia, has become invasive in Taiwan, Micronesia, Mexico, Florida, the West Indies, Brazil and several Pacific Islands (Table
Reticulitermes flavipes, a native pest of the eastern US and the northern Bahamas, has been introduced to Canada, Europe, South America and Easter Island (Table
Nasutitermes corniger, a pest native to Central and South America and the West Indies, has spread to Florida and New Guinea (Table
In the short term (2021–2040) and under the SSP2-4.5 scenario, four species are projected to have a significant (> 20%) expanded range: I. minor by 35%, R. flavipes by 38%, Co. gestroi by 39% and Co. formosanus by 68%. In contrast, three species are expected to experience a significant decline in their habitat range: N. corniger by 22%, Cr. domesticus by 23% and Cr. dudleyi by 37%. Three species, Cr. brevis, Cr. havilandi and I. immigrans, are forecast to maintain their current distribution with minimal variations during this period and scenario (Fig.
Potential projected range shift (left) and high-risk invasion map (right) for selected periods and socioeconomic-shared pathways.
When considering the long term (2041–2060) under the same SSP2-4.5 scenario, the trend remains consistent, except that one more species, Cr. havilandi, is expected to experience a significant range expansion, by 47% instead of the previous 16% observed in the short term (Fig.
Shifting to a more pessimistic scenario (“fossil-fuelled scenario”, SSP5-8.5) reveals a broader impact, with six species significantly increasing their habitat range. Co. gestroi is expected to expand by 28%, R. flavipes by 47%, Cr. domesticus and I. minor by 81%, Cr. havilandi by 105% and Co. formosanus by 175%. Conversely, Cr. dudleyi and N. corniger could experience a significant reduction in range, by 29% and 35%, respectively, under this scenario; while Cr. brevis could see a slight decrease of 12% (Fig.
Overall, the average range shift is consistently positive for each scenario and increases over time as the combined effects of climate change and socioeconomic developments intensify. Specifically, in the short term (2021–2040 SSP2-4.5), the average range shift is low at 10%. In the long term (2041–2060) under the same scenario, this increases to 19%. In a scenario characterised by higher fossil fuel reliance, the range shift reaches 46% (Suppl. material
To look at the range shift for each species separately, a comprehensive set of 30 distinct maps providing a visual depiction of the changes for each species, timeframe and shared socioeconomic pathway has been developed (Suppl. material
The aim of our study was to predict the potential global spread of highly invasive termite species. We expanded the analysis beyond commonly considered bioclimatic and land-cover variables by incorporating elevation and connectivity factors, which encompass trade, transport and demographic patterns. Our objective was to forecast the short-term (2021–2040) and long-term (2041–2060) distribution of these species, considering climate change and socioeconomic development worldwide, under two shared socioeconomic pathways, SSP2-4.5 (“middle of the road”) and SSP5-8.5 (“fossil-fuelled development”). Climate change, trade, transport and socioeconomic changes will be the main drivers of biological invasions in the coming decades (
Temperature and precipitation play a crucial role in determining the distribution of termites (
Our findings reveal that numerous invasive termite species could find suitable habitats in heavily urbanised and connected areas within major economic regions of every continent (excluding Antarctica). This trend is particularly evident as climate change and socioeconomic development intensify, providing more favourable bioclimatic conditions and human infrastructure for many species. Moreover, land-use changes – whether driven by urbanisation or deforestation for agriculture – profoundly shape species distribution (
Our study validates the significance of bioclimatic conditions as fundamental variables to understand termite distribution patterns (
Elevation (ELE) was found to play a minor role in predicting the distribution of invasive termites. While
A previous study had integrated land-cover variables to project the spatial distribution of two invasive termite species (
Most of the ten invasive termites we studied show the ability to occupy a wide range of habitats, especially urban areas, confirming the global threat posed by invasive termites. Contrary to previous descriptions (
We also noted important differences for Cr. brevis, with a narrower suitable range compared to previous reports (
Our models for Co. formosanus and Co. gestroi also showed a distribution heavily associated with urban areas (see also
Regarding Reticulitermes flavipes, our models suggest a threat to most cities in temperate and subtropical regions, particularly in its native range in the US, but also in Europe and eastern Asia, with a notable focus on urban areas (the urban layers contribute 36% to the projections). Our results partially disagree with those of
Finally, our results suggest that N. corniger is highly adapted to tropical regions. Our results agree with those of
Secondly, nesting in wood is particularly advantageous for invasions given the ubiquitous presence of wood in households worldwide (e.g.
All ten invasive species share a third characteristic: the ability to produce secondary reproductives, typically through neoteny of nymphs (nymphoid reproductives), workers or pseudergates (ergatoid reproductive) or through the retention of alates (adultoid reproductive) (
Consequently, all ten of our highly-invasive species are capable of nesting in wood, whether in furniture or in boats (
Some termite species have biological and/or behavioural characteristics that can help them invade and survive in new territories. For instance, Reticulitermes species are naturally well-adapted to low temperatures and can move the nest to deep underground during the winter (
Urbanisation is an inevitable phenomenon as projected by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (
Overall, most of these ten invasive termites will thrive in a changing climate and a heavily transformed world marked by escalating urbanisation, particularly under a fossil-fuel-dependent trajectory. Even if our models do not consider the full force and speed of future connectivity, the undeniable expansion potential of the ten termite species and, therefore, the damage concomitant with invasions, underscores the urgency of addressing climate change, urbanisation and growing connectivity. These factors will be crucial in contributing to the spread of invasive termites, posing a significant threat not only to the economies of invaded regions, but also, to some extent, to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
As our world becomes increasingly interconnected and urbanised, it is imperative to recognise the importance of incorporating connectivity variables – trade, transport and demography – into invasive species distribution modelling, particularly for termites. We have demonstrated that ten highly-invasive termite species could potentially spread to heavily-urbanised and connected areas in tropical, subtropical and, to a lesser extent, temperate regions. This risk is amplified with the combined effects of global warming, urbanisation and growing connectivity. Most species could experience expanded ranges or find suitable habitats in more urbanised and connected areas, resulting in costly damage regardless of range shifts. Major cities, particularly in tropical, subtropical and temperate areas, should swiftly implement rigorous termite control measures and citizen-science initiatives to prevent and detect further invasions before irreversible damage occurs.
We thank Grzegorz Buczkowski, Thomas Chouvenc, Sang-Bin Lee, Rudolf Scheffrahn, one anonymous referee and the subject editor for their helpful and insightful comments on the manuscript.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This research was funded by the French Community of Belgium through a grant from the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique (FRS-FNRS, no. J.0110.17 to DF; FNRS/FRIA funds to ED) and the Université libre de Bruxelles (Fonds Defay to DF).
Edouard Duquesne: Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Software, Visualisation, Writing – original draft.
Denis Fournier: Conceptualisation, Funding acquisition, Supervision, Visualisation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
Edouard Duquesne
Denis Fournier
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.
Supplementary tables and figures (S1 to S7)
Data type: docx
Occurrences of the 22 invasive termites as well as their source
Data type: xlsx