Research Article |
Corresponding author: Pierre Tichit ( ) Academic editor: Ingolf Kühn
© 2024 Pierre Tichit, Paul Brickle, Rosemary J. Newton, Peter Convey, Wayne Dawson.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Tichit P, Brickle P, Newton RJ, Convey P, Dawson W (2024) Introduced species infiltrate recent stages of succession after glacial retreat on sub-Antarctic South Georgia. NeoBiota 92: 85-110.
Biological invasions are one of the main drivers of global biodiversity decline. At the same time, glacial retreat induced by climate warming is occurring at an alarming rate across the globe, threatening unique taxa and ecosystems. However, we know little about how introduced species contribute to the dynamics of colonisation in newly-deglaciated forelands. To answer this question, detailed inventories of plant and invertebrate communities were undertaken during two summer field seasons in the forelands of three tidewater and three inland glaciers that are retreating on the sub-Antarctic Island of South Georgia. The vascular plant communities present included a large proportion of South Georgia’s native flora. As expected, plant richness and cover increased with time since deglaciation along a deglaciation chronosequence. Introduced plants were well represented in the study sites and two species (Poa annua and Cerastium fontanum) were amongst the earliest and most frequent colonisers of recently-deglaciated areas (occurring on more than 75% of transects surveyed). Introduced arthropods were also present around tidewater glaciers, including an important predatory species (Merizodus soledadinus) with known detrimental impacts on native invertebrate communities. Our study provides a rare and detailed picture of developing novel communities along a deglaciation chronosequence in the sub-Antarctic. Introduced species are able to track glacial retreat on South Georgia, indicating that further local colonisation and spread are inevitable as the region’s climate continues to warm.
Biological invasion, Cerastium fontanum, chronosequence, climate change, conservation, glacial foreland, glacier-associated communities, Merizodus soledadinus, non-native species, Poa annua, sub-polar ecosystems
Species introduced through human activities (commonly referred to as introduced, alien, non-native, exotic) are considered invasive when they establish and have negative impacts on native biodiversity and ecosystems (
In most cold biomes across the globe, glaciers have been rapidly retreating over recent decades (
To date, biological invasions in glacier-associated communities have received very little research attention. This is surprising, given that invasive species can fundamentally alter the speed and trajectory of ecological succession in other ecosystems (
To start to understand interactive effects between biological invasions and glacial retreat, we assessed when and to what extent introduced species infiltrate the early successional sequence of proglacial communities. We surveyed pioneer communities of plants (with a focus on vascular plants and key lichens and bryophytes) and invertebrate species (with a focus on macroinvertebrates and Collembola) colonising glacial forelands around three tidewater and three inland glaciers on the sub-Antarctic Island of South Georgia. South Georgia is an important location to investigate how introduced species enter the sequence of colonisation in newly-deglaciated areas, because it harbours multiple introduced plant and invertebrate species (
The Island of South Georgia is about 170 km long and up to 40 km wide and is located in the South Atlantic, between 54°S–54°55'S and 35°50'W–38°W, about 1000 km north-east of the Antarctic Peninsula. Despite its geographical isolation and relatively harsh sub-Antarctic climate, South Georgia currently hosts species of plants and invertebrates that were introduced by sealing – and later shore-based whaling – industries between the late 18th and mid-20th centuries (
To assess the ability of established introduced species to colonise deglaciated areas, we surveyed six glacial foreland sites during the austral summer on the north coast of South Georgia (Fig.
Maps and overview of the six glacier sites on the north coast of South Georgia. Plant and invertebrate communities at three tidewater glacial forelands (1–3 purple) and three inland deglaciated sites (4–6 blue) were surveyed. Centre-right: example of transects (black dots) along former deglaciation fronts (from 1993 to 2017, light to dark purple) in the vicinity of Nordenskjöld Glacier.
To assess the dynamics of foreland colonisation by terrestrial communities, locations with contrasting times since deglaciation (tsd) were sampled at each foreland. For tidewater glaciers, detailed maps of glacial front changes were available (
At each sampled location, plant communities were surveyed along a 30 m transect. All vascular plants present within six adjacent quadrats (5 × 5 m) either side of the transect line were recorded (yielding 12 records of plant presence/absence per transect), while the cumulative number of bryophyte and lichen morpho-species (photographs provided as Suppl. materials) across two quadrats at opposite ends of the transect was recorded. For the tidewater glacier sites, the cover of plants and lichens was measured through a point-contact sampling procedure using a frame with 10 equidistant pins (length = 50 cm), placed every 2 m along the transect (yielding 15 records of plant cover per transect). The vegetation at inland glacier sites was too sparse to achieve representative point-contact sampling; we therefore used a Braun-Blanquet scale to estimate the cover of plants and lichens in each 5 m quadrat (Suppl. material
Several invertebrate sampling methodologies were applied in order to achieve the most comprehensive description of the communities present. Ground-dwelling (and secondarily flying) arthropods were sampled using pitfall traps (n = 3) consisting of 250-ml beakers half-filled with a water/washing detergent solution and buried to ground-level at the start, middle and end of each transect. Traps were retrieved after being deployed for approximately 48 h. Macro-invertebrates were extracted from approximately 200 ml of substrate obtained at the same three positions along the transect, using Tullgren extractions for 8 h. Micro-invertebrates were sampled on an opportunistic basis from soaked aliquots of the same substrate. Invertebrates sampled using this non-quantitative method were not included in statistical analyses. Finally, ground-dwelling invertebrates under stones and debris were recorded and sampled during hand searches of 8 min and flying insects were captured using sweep nets along a span of 5 m either side of the transect. All sampled invertebrates were rapidly transferred to ethanol for preservation.
All vascular plants were readily identifiable to species level in the field, based on published description and nomenclature (
While some macroinvertebrates could be identified to species level in the field (
All statistical analyses were performed in R (
To visualise the taxonomic composition of vascular plant communities across tsd and glacier site, we performed an ordination on a Jaccard dissimilarity matrix of the presence/absence data at the transect level, using non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) with the function metaMDS in ‘vegan’ (
The presence data were modelled as a function of tsd and glacier site through an ordination with the function cca from the package ‘vegan’ (
To investigate the effects of deglaciation time on the richness of communities and the presence or cover of species, we employed multivariate models using Bayesian Inference with the package brms (
Eighteen native species of vascular plant were found at tidewater glacier sites (Suppl. material
Frequency of occurrence across transects of the 10 most common vascular plants around tidewater glaciers (a, n = 21 transects), inland glaciers (b, n = 18 transects) and most frequent invertebrates around tidewater glaciers (c, n = 21 transects). Introduced species are highlighted in red.
Sixteen native species of terrestrial invertebrates were identified with high confidence at tidewater glacier sites (Suppl. material
Accumulation curves of vascular plant species were close to saturation for most of the sampled transects (n = 39, Suppl. material
The structure of vascular plant communities was significantly constrained by tsd, glacier site and marginally by their interaction in forelands of both tidewater and inland glaciers (Table
Taxonomic composition of vascular plant communities across time since deglaciation (tsd in years) at tidewater (a) and inland (b) glacier sites. The two first components of a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) from an ordination on the presence data at the transect level are mapped. Each circle, rectangle or triangle corresponds to a transect from a given site and deglaciation time (black to red). Small crosses represent the score of the ten most frequent species on the ordination plots.
Summary of results from ANOVA-like permutation tests (n = 999 permutations) for constrained correspondence testing whether community composition was significantly constrained by tsd, glacier site and their interaction.
Tidewater glaciers | Inland glaciers | |||||
Variable | F | df | p | F | df | p |
Time since deglaciation (tsd) | 3.23 | 1 | 0.001 | 3.45 | 1 | 0.007 |
Glacier site | 3.06 | 2 | 0.001 | 4.86 | 2 | 0.001 |
Interaction tsd: Glacier site | 1.41 | 2 | 0.068 | 2.28 | 1 | 0.046 |
Around tidewater glaciers, the number of bryophyte morpho-species increased linearly with tsd, while the number of vascular plant species initially increased and then reached a plateau (Fig.
Effect of time since deglaciation (tsd in years) on the number of vascular plant species and bryophyte morpho-species at tidewater (a, b) and inland (c, d) glacier sites modelled with Bayesian Inference. Transparent points represent the original data. Lines (a, b) or points (c, d) are the estimated mean effects of tsd. Purple, turquoise and yellow areas (a, b, Harker: purple, Lyell: turquoise, Nordenskjöld: yellow) or intervals (c, d, Husvik: purple, Col: turquoise, Hodges: yellow) represent the Bayesian 95% credible intervals, respectively.
At inland glacier sites, there were significantly more vascular plant species in older than in recently-deglaciated areas (Fig.
At tidewater glacier sites, the introduced Cerastium fontanum and Poa annua were most likely to occur across a broad range of intermediate tsd (Fig.
Scaled effect of time since deglaciation (tsd in years) on plant presence (a), vascular plant cover (b) and invertebrate presence (c) at tidewater glaciers modelled using Bayesian Inference. Effects on introduced and native species are represented in red and blue, respectively. Points are the mean effects of tsd on the logit scale. Intervals represent the Bayesian 95% credible intervals. The vertical dotted lines correspond to the null hypothesis (effect is zero).
At inland glacier sites, the occurrence of the invasive Taraxacum officinale agg. did not differ between old and recent areas of deglaciation (Fig.
Effect of time since deglaciation (tsd) on vascular plant presence (a) and vascular plant cover (b) at inland glaciers modelled using Bayesian Inference. Effects on introduced and native species are represented in red and blue, respectively. Points are the mean effects of tsd on the logit scale. Intervals represent the Bayesian 95% credible intervals. The vertical dotted lines correspond to the null hypothesis (effect is zero).
At tidewater glacier sites, the native spider Micromaso flavus seemed more frequent at older deglaciated sites, but there was no clear effect of tsd on the presence of other reliably sampled invertebrates (Fig.
For both inland and tidewater glaciers, there were notable differences between sites in the presence and cover of species (Suppl. materials
Introduced vascular plants and invertebrates were well represented in the recent stages of community assembly after glacial retreat on South Georgia. Four introduced vascular plants were found on glacial forelands, with Cerastium fontanum and Poa annua being very frequent, while Taraxacum officinale agg. and P. pratensis were rarely observed. Around tidewater glaciers, C. fontanum and P. annua occurred across a broad range of tsd and C. fontanum was more abundant in recently rather than in older deglaciated sites, indicating that these species are effective pioneers on glacial forelands along South Georgia’s coast. Notably, flowering specimens of C. fontanum were found in areas deglaciated less than five years prior to the survey, approximately 50 m from the terminus of Lyell Glacier. Both species originate from temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (
We also documented the presence of five introduced invertebrate species on recently-deglaciated forelands, indicating an ability to disperse and survive in challenging environments. This capacity to track glacial retreat is particularly remarkable for three of these invertebrates that are flightless and suggests high mobility through passive dispersal (
What characteristics of introduced plants and invertebrates make them capable of infiltrating the dynamics of colonisation on glacial forelands? The isolation and harsh environment of sub-Antarctic islands generate environmental filters that may provide opportunities for invaders with a mixture of typical invasive traits that guarantee high resource acquisition and efficient dispersal (
Although native plants seem to co-occur with the two invasive pioneers C. fontanum and P. annua, these invasive plants may have impacts on native communities in glacial forelands. During competition experiments in the field in the South Shetland Islands, P. annua reduced the biomass and photosynthetic abilities of C. quitensis and D. antarctica (
Current and future impacts of introduced species will likely vary between glacier locations. For instance, we found that Nordenskjöld Glacier had higher plant cover, but was also more invaded by introduced plants and invertebrates than the two other tidewater sites. Whether these local differences are due to contrasting topography, microclimate, soil quality or disturbance by macrofauna or human activities is still to be investigated, but they deserve consideration when assessing impacts of biological invasions on glacier-associated communities and developing conservation strategies.
Introduced invertebrates may also have impacts on the terrestrial ecosystems of sub-Antarctic islands (
The early expansion of introduced species likely modifies soil characteristics, provides biomass and generates biotic interactions in newly-deglaciated areas (
Overall, we found an increase in the cover and diversity of plants along the chronosequences in glacial forelands. This is consistent with the basic process of primary succession following glacial retreat (
There were interspecific differences in the colonisation speed of native plants that may help to disentangle the mechanisms underpinning the deglaciation chronosequence. Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quitensis were the first native species to colonise tidewater glacier sites alongside two genera of lichen (Stereocaulon and Pseudocyphellaria), followed by Phleum alpinum and, subsequently, Acaena magellanica, A. tenera, Festuca contracta, Rostkovia magellanica, Galium antarcticum and three bryophyte taxa. Interestingly, D. antarctica and C. quitensis are the only two native angiosperms in the more extreme maritime Antarctic and are known for their high degree of tolerance to adverse conditions (
Besides providing an important baseline on the patterns of community assembly along a deglaciation chronosequence in the sub-Antarctic, this study highlights the need for future research that quantifies the impacts of invasive pioneers on the speed and trajectory of ecological succession in glacier-associated ecosystems. While current colonisation dynamics suggest that invasive species infiltrate the sequence without outcompeting native colonisers, further studies are required to determine whether this co-occurrence will persist with ongoing climate change, glacial retreat and habitat transformation. On South Georgia and other sub-Antarctic islands, invasive species will likely track the ongoing and future retreat of glaciers where they are present. Our study illustrates that synergies between the effects of climate change and biological invasions constitute a key research avenue in vulnerable montane, polar and sub-polar ecosystems.
We thank Ryan Irvine and Simon Browning for their crucial help during fieldwork, as well as Jennifer Black, Michael Lavery, Sally Poncet, Kelvin Floyd and Ken Passfield for their help and advice. Fieldwork on South Georgia was made possible through the logistic support of SAERI, BAS and GSGSSI. We thank the four reviewers and the editor for their helpful comments.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This study was funded by the Darwin PLUS scheme [DPLUS144] from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
PT, PC, PB, RN and WD designed the study. PT, PC and WD coordinated logistical support. PT collected and analysed the data. PT and WD drafted the manuscript. PT, PC, PB, RN and WD revised the manuscript. All authors agree to be held accountable for the content of this paper and approve the final version.
Pierre Tichit
The original datasheets containing all species field and laboratory observations and images of surveyed bryophyte and lichen morphospecies can be downloaded as supplementary materials. Samples are stored at the University of Liverpool.
Positions of all transects (black dots) along former deglaciation fronts (from 1993 to 2017, light to dark purple) in the vicinity of tidewater glaciers or in recent and old deglaciation areas in the vicinity of inland glaciers
Data type: pdf
Explanation note: For the latter, the approximate last known positions of the glacier are highlighted in light purple (Husvik: 1958, Hodges: 1970, Col: 2023).
Adapted Braun-Blanquet scale used in the study of inland glacier sites
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Results of model selection, based on the posterior likelihood of models for each variable
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Explanation note: SE indicates standard error. The simplest model with best predictive performance determined was that using pairwise comparisons of the expected log pointwise predictive density (elpd-diff). Point estimates of the expected log pointwise predictive density (elpd_loo), the effective number of parameters (p_loo) and the loo information criterion looic are also provided.
Model traces, conditional effects and posterior predictive check of each modelled variable
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Summary of effects of time since deglaciation for each glacier site on all variables modelled with Bayesian Inference (including quadratic and interaction terms if retained in the best model)
Data type: pdf
Explanation note: Effects on the presence and cover of taxa are on a logit scale. Effects on unbound count data are on a log scale. The R-hat statistic is provided to assess the convergence of each estimate.
List of species found at tidewater and inland glacier sites
Data type: pdf
Explanation note: Introduced species in bold. Taxonomical information from up-to-date database (
Description of the introduced species observed in the survey (n = 9)
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Average cover (in %) across transects of the 10 most common vascular plants around tidewater glaciers (a, n = 21 transects), inland glaciers (b, n = 18 transects)
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Species sampling curves for each surveyed transect
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Effect of time since deglaciation on the presence of plant and invertebrate species at tidewater and inland glacier sites modelled with Bayesian Inference
Data type: pdf
Explanation note: Transparent points represent the original data. Lines (tidewater) or points (inland) are the estimated mean effects of tsd. Purple, turquoise and yellow areas (Harker: purple, Lyell: turquoise, Nordenskjöld: yellow) or intervals (Husvik: purple, Col: turquoise, Hodges: yellow) represent the Bayesian 95% credible intervals, respectively.
Plant and invertebrate inventory on glacial forelands of South Georgia (2022–2023)
Data type: zip
Explanation note: GPS positions, plant and invertebrate inventories made across tidewater (2022) and inland glaciers (2023) on South Georgia.
Bryophyte and lichen morphospecies observed on glacial forelands of South Georgia (2022–2023)
Data type: zip
Explanation note: Bryophyte and lichen morpho-species were photographed across two 5 × 5 m quadrats at opposite ends of each 30 m transect on forelands of tidewater glaciers. Specimens are recorded in Suppl. material