Research Article |
Corresponding author: Marek Šmejkal ( ) Academic editor: Ingolf Kühn
© 2024 Marek Šmejkal, Kiran Thomas, Vladimír Kořen, Jan Kubečka.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Šmejkal M, Thomas K, Kořen V, Kubečka J (2024) The 50-year history of anglers' record catches of genus Carassius: circumstantial evidence of wiping out the native species by invasive conspecific. NeoBiota 92: 111-128.
Successful invasive non-native fish species can cause enormous damage to native biodiversity. In mainland Europe, the introduction of the gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) has led to a decline in populations of the formerly widespread native crucian carp (C. carassius). Both invasive and native species develop two phenotypes, namely stunted and deep-bodied, which depend on the intensity of competition and predation in the water body. The deep-bodied phenotype is associated with a more diverse fish community composition, can attain large sizes and is very attractive to recreational anglers. This study analysed trends in the record sizes of native crucian carp and invasive gibel carp (individuals close to the maximum attainable size of the species) reported by recreational anglers over the last 50 years in Czechia, recording the invasion of gibel carp from its beginnings to the fully established population phase. The study provides circumstantial evidence that gibel carp is behind transition from the relative abundance of large crucian carp to near extirpation, while large gibel carp have taken over the reports of record catches in the genus Carassius. This indicates that the crucian carp, which is currently classified as critically endangered in the Red List of Czechia, has very limited possibilities to realise its deep-bodied phenotype. It also shows the potential of using data from recreational anglers for mapping invasion processes and as a source of relatively localised information on endangered species.
Aquatic conservation, culturomics, crucian carp, gibel carp, iEcology, Prussian carp
Invasive non-native species can have an enormous impact on freshwater ecosystems, displacing native species or even causing their complete extinction (
Fish of the Cyprinidae family were the first to be spread outside their native waters (
Due to limited resources in monitoring the progress of invasive non-native species, it has proven useful to utilise knowledge, photos and video recordings collected by people through approaches such as citizen science, culturomics and iEcology (
Despite the great attention paid by recreational anglers to large species and individuals (
The crucian carp used to be one of the most abundant species in small European lentic waters; however, it declined due to habitat reduction and the invasion of the gibel carp in Western and Central Europe (
This study thus attempts to retrospectively map the disappearance of the large-sized crucian carp after the invasion of the gibel carp, which was not well documented by the regular monitoring activities of scientists and nature conservation authorities. To this end, recreational angling magazines and websites dedicated to record catches were scrutinised for focal species. In addition to information on fish and catches, recreational anglers also provided photos of their record catches. The study selected evidence of record catches of native crucian carp and invasive gibel carp and used common bream (Abramis brama) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) as a reference dataset. These species were not as severely affected by the invasion of the gibel carp in Czechia as native species in southern latitudes and the gibel carp did not cause a significant decline in the populations of these species in reservoirs and large rivers (
The first dataset compiled for the study includes reported catch records of the focal species for which the recreational angling magazines “Rybářství”, “Rybář”, “Český Rybář”, “Sportovní Rybářství”, “Kajman” and the recreational angler´s website “” were examined for evidence of record fish of the species crucian carp, gibel carp, common bream and roach from the years 1973–2022, resulting in a dataset spanning 50 years. The submitted photos, together with the total length (TL, in cm), weight (kg; W) and angling area code, were first reviewed by a magazine editor-in-chief or an expert (an experienced angler and often an authority from the Czech or Moravian Anglers Union, or from the anglers’ community on the website) before being officially admitted to the competition. Selected photos appeared directly in the magazines, while the rest of the record catches were not selected for publication in the magazines and were included in the annual summarised statistics of record catches. Both datasets were extracted in a standardised manner, focusing on the presence of TL, W, species, water type (lentic, lotic) and numerical angling area identifier (code unique to a particular water body or river section, if available in the record). In addition, due to the similarity between crucian carp and gibel carp, the authors’ team reviewed all available photos to assess the reliability of the dataset and changed the category from crucian carp to gibel carp (or vice versa) where appropriate. We also extracted the central GPS position of the angling site and the total area in ha and assigned the angling ground to three existing watersheds in Czechia (Elbe, Danube and Odra; Suppl. material
The angling sites are part of the Czech and Moravian Anglers Unions, which are large organisations with around 330,000 members and whose angling grounds cover the catchment areas of the Elbe, Danube (Morava) and Odra Rivers in Czechia. There are 76,000 kilometres of watercourses and 107 reservoirs in Czechia. The area of waters totals 42,000 hectares, both in lotic and lentic ecosystems and is accessible for recreational angling with a licence.
To estimate whether the number of record-sized individuals of a given species follows any pattern in the time series, the data were tested with the funtimes package (
In addition, the records of native crucian carp and invasive gibel carp were analysed to determine whether they differ in their maximum recorded length and weight. The crucian carp and gibel carp datasets were tested for normality assumptions using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test. As the data were not normally distributed, the Mann-Whitney U-test was used for all data regardless of the year of capture.
Generalised additive models (GAM) were used to assess trends in fish size during the study period (
Generalised additive models were used to plot the points of records of all four species for each decade, using the number of reported catches in each period as the response variable and their GPS locations as the explanatory variable, by creating contour plots (
In total, the dataset contained 982 records in the period 1973–2022, with 124 records of native crucian carp (mean TL = 39.8 ± 4.3 cm, mean W = 1.46 ± 0.43 kg), 248 invasive gibel carp (TL = 44.5 ± 4.0 cm; W = 1.82 ± 0.50 kg), 369 common bream (TL = 62.3 ± 5.7 cm, W = 3.29 ± 0.87 kg) and 241 roach (TL = 40.8 ± 3.5 cm, W = 1.09 ± 0.27 kg). Of the total number of catches, 66.9% of the native crucian carp were caught in lentic waters, while the figures for invasive gibel carp, common bream and roach were 62.9%, 42.5% and 36.5%, respectively. The highest contribution to the dataset was made by the magazine “Rybářství”(700), followed by Kajman (103), (93), Český Rybář (48), Rybář (34) and Sportovní Rybářství (4). When checking the available photos of crucian carp and gibel carp, 27 and 98 photos were obtained, respectively. The reliability of species identification on these photos reached 63% for crucian carp and 100% for gibel carp. All misidentifications were made after 1993, while all 10 crucian carp records with photos were confirmed as crucian carp before that year.
The test for any trend on all four species indicated that all species contain a significant trend in their data (WAVK test: crucian carp p < 0.001; gibel carp p < 0.001; common bream < 0.001; roach < 0.05). Trends in number of record crucian carp reported by recreational anglers declined sharply after 2005 and, for these data and the best fit, we used a model with moving window (MW) 7 and a polynomial fit of degree 11 (WAVK test = 34.098, p < 0.001). Reports of invasive gibel carp first appeared in 1985 and were comparable in number to native crucian carp between 1985 and 2000. Since then, reports of invasive gibel carp have become very dominant in terms of record sizes (Fig.
The number of record catches extracted from angling magazines and websites between 1973 and 2022 for A the native crucian carp (Carassius carassius), invasive gibel carp (C. gibelio) and reference fish species B common bream (Abramis brama) and C roach (Rutilus rutilus). The period captures the invasion phase of gibel carp from early invasion phase to fully established, as well as the current impact on the native and critically endangered crucian carp in Czechia.
The reported native crucian carp were, on average, smaller than invasive gibel carp in both length (39.8 ± 4.3 cm vs. 44.5 ± 4.0 cm, W = 6167.0, p < 0.001; Fig.
The parametric coefficient of general additive models for record catches of native crucian carp (Carassius carassius), invasive gibel carp (C. gibelio), common bream (Abramis brama) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) with response variable of total length (upper table) and weight (lower table). The significance of smooth term on variable year was < 0.001 for both models and explained deviance was 83.4 and 71.8%, respectively.
Estimate | t-value | p-value | |
GAM Length | |||
Intercept | 40.174 | 74.966 | <0.001 |
Species:Roach | 0.383 | 0.709 | NS |
Species:Bream | 22.069 | 43.021 | <0.001 |
Species:Gibel | 3.812 | 6.876 | <0.001 |
Angling ground size | 0.001 | 2.369 | 0.0181 |
Type: Lotic | -0.088 | -0.267 | NS |
Basin: Elbe | 0.298 | 0.840 | NS |
Basin: Odra | -0.820 | -1.152 | NS |
GAM Weight | |||
Intercept | 1.408 | 19.973 | <0.001 |
Species:Roach | -0.420 | -5.908 | <0.001 |
Species:Bream | 1.810 | 26.838 | <0.001 |
Species:Gibel | 0.314 | 4.305 | <0.001 |
Angling ground size | 7.094e-05 | 2.157 | 0.031 |
Type: Lotic | 0.001 | 0.198 | NS |
Basin: Elbe | 0.107 | 2.280 | 0.029 |
Basin: Odra | -0.041 | -0.440 | NS |
The comparison of reported record catches size in the 50-year dataset. The maximum attainable size of the invasive gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) significantly exceeds the maximum size of the native crucian carp (C. carassius) in Czechia in both A total length and B weight. The boxplot boundaries represent upper and lower quartiles; the thick lines represent medians and the whiskers represent 1.5 times the interquartile range. Violin plots represent kernel density distribution.
The GAM trend-line of record catches size (total length) in the 50-year dataset. The GAM fit has been computed with the stat_smooth function. The data suggest: A unimodal response in the native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) with time B increase maximum attainable size in the invasive gibel carp (C. gibelio) C stabilised size limits in common bream (Abramis brama) and D maximum in 1990 in roach (Rutilus rutilus).
The GAM trend-line of record catches size (weight) in the 50-year dataset. The fit has been computed with the smooth function with a value of k = 1 to avoid overfitting. The data suggest A unimodal response in the native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) with time B moderate increase in maximum attainable size in the invasive gibel carp (C. gibelio) C relatively stabilised size limits in common bream (Abramis brama) and D fluctuating trend in roach (Rutilus rutilus).
The GAM contour plots showed the concentration of large-sized fish mainly in the area of the lowland rivers and the interconnected oxbows. While common bream and gibel carp were almost ubiquitous, record-sized crucian carp and roach showed a more aggregated distribution with few hotspots in Czechia (Fig.
Contour plots based on GAMs for A native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) B invasive gibel carp (C. gibelio) C common bream (Abramis brama) and D roach (Rutilus rutilus) for all study period, where the number of reported record catches in a given area was used as the response variable and their GPS locations as the explanatory variable. Each line (or contour) represents the reported catches in that region within the country. The proximity of the lines indicates the steepness of the gradient. Colours show the abundance of records with red indicating the highest abundance.
Given the speed at which invasions are progressing in the aquatic environment, it appears that utilising the information collected from citizens can help combat the problem (
Both native crucian carp and invasive gibel carp were found more frequently in the lentic waters, which is consistent with their ecology (
While the records of both reference species showed a relatively stable trend around the same average value, both native crucian carp and invasive gibel carp showed GAM trend-lines indicating changes in maximum size. For crucian carp, the unimodal response with a decline in recorded maximum size in recent years suggests either growth limitations or possible confusion with invasive gibel carp or hybrids between crucian carp and gibel carp around 2000. Both options are possible, as the growth restriction may be caused either by increased interspecific competition due to the invasion of the gibel carp (
Hybridisation is also a likely explanation, as both species form hybrids under certain circumstances (
The gibel carp was accidentally introduced to Hungary together with the commercial Asian fish species (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, H. nobilis, Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the 1950s (
There are currently three invasive species of the genus Carassius living in Czechia, the goldfish (including feral form), C. langsdorfii in addition to already mentioned gibel carp (
The passion for enhancing native crucian carp populations was first brought to public attention in England, where Peter Rolfe launched his attempt as a pilot angler to reintroduce the species to Norfolk waters and promote the existence of exceptionally large fish in ponds (
Although the conservation and fisheries management described above is artificial, it has its roots in the life-history strategy of the crucian carp. In the floodplain rivers, the population has a metapopulation structure with a rare deep-bodied phenotype in multi-species community of large water bodies or lowland rivers (
Culturomics in conservation has been shown to be an effective means of raising public understanding, framing conservation issues and engaging people in timely environmental monitoring (
We sincerely thank all those people reporting their record catches to the magazine and, thus, helping to capture the decline of large-sized crucian carp. We are especially grateful to Tomáš Matýsek, who, with his passion to record fish statistics, helped to reveal the patterns captured in the data.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
This study did not involve handling of animals or personal information.
The collection of data resulting in this manuscript has been supported by the programme of Regional Cooperation of the Czech Academy of Sciences (R200962201) and the Research Programme Strategy AV21 Water for life for valuable support.
Marek Šmejkal: Conceptualisation, Investigation, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing Original draft, Writing, Review & Editing, Visualisation. Kiran Thomas: Formal analysis, Visualisation, Writing, Review & Editing. Vladimír Kořen: Conceptualisation, Writing, Review & Editing. Jan Kubečka: Conceptualisation, Data curation, Writing, Review & Editing.
Marek Šmejkal
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