Research Article |
Corresponding author: Rob Tanner ( ) Academic editor: Franz Essl
© 2017 Rob Tanner, Etienne Branquart, Giuseppe Brundu, Serge Buholzer, Daniel Chapman, Pierre Ehret, Guillaume Fried, Uwe Starfinger, Johan van Valkenburg.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Tanner R, Branquart E, Brundu G, Buholzer S, Chapman D, Ehret P, Fried G, Starfinger U, van Valkenburg J (2017) The prioritisation of a short list of alien plants for risk analysis within the framework of the Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014. NeoBiota 35: 87-118.
Thirty-seven alien plant species, pre-identified by horizon scanning exercises were prioritised for pest risk analysis (PRA) using a modified version of the EPPO Prioritisation Process designed to be compliant with the EU Regulation 1143/2014. In Stage 1, species were categorised into one of four lists – a Residual List, EU List of Minor Concern, EU Observation List and the EU List of Invasive Alien Plants. Only those species included in the latter proceeded to the risk management stage where their priority for PRA was assessed. Due to medium or high spread potential coupled with high impacts twenty-two species were included in the EU List of Invasive Alien Plants and proceeded to Stage 2. Four species (Ambrosia trifida, Egeria densa, Fallopia baldschuanica and Oxalis pes-caprae) were assigned to the EU Observation List due to moderate or low impacts. Albizia lebbeck, Clematis terniflora, Euonymus japonicus, Lonicera morrowii, Prunus campanulata and Rubus rosifolius were assigned to the residual list due to a current lack of information on impacts. Similarly, Cornus sericea and Hydrilla verticillata were assigned to the Residual List due to unclear taxonomy and uncertainty in native status, respectively. Chromolaena odorata, Cryptostegia grandiflora and Sphagneticola trilobata were assigned to the Residual List as it is unlikely they will establish in the Union under current climatic conditions. In the risk management stage, Euonymus fortunei, Ligustrum sinense and Lonicera maackii were considered a low priority for PRA as they do not exhibit invasive tendencies despite being widely cultivated in the EU over several decades. Nineteen species were identified as having a high priority for a PRA (Acacia dealbata, Ambrosia confertiflora, Andropogon virginicus, Cardiospermum grandiflorum, Celastrus orbiculatus, Cinnamomum camphora, Cortaderia jubata, Ehrharta calycina, Gymnocoronis spilanthoides, Hakea sericea, Humulus scandens, Hygrophila polysperma, Lespedeza cuneata, Lygodium japonicum, Pennisetum setaceum, Prosopis juliflora, Sapium sebiferum, Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia molesta).
Biodiversity, ecosystem services, Europe, impact, non-native, risk management
Trade liberalisation and rapid globalisation have led to the increased spread of invasive alien species (IAS) around the world (van Kleunnen et al. 2015). IAS (plants, animals, fungi or micro-organisms) are recognised as one of the greatest threats to biological diversity by inflicting irreversible damage to the ecosystems they invade (
Established invasive alien plant species are one of the largest groups of IAS both in terms of species numbers and the area they occupy (
To mitigate the threat of IAS to the European Union (EU), the European Commission adopted the EU Regulation (No. 1143/2014) ‘on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species’ which came into force on the 1st January 2015 (
The IAS of Union concern will be subject to stringent enforcements including a ban on sale and preventative actions such as a ban on import (see
The IAS Regulation places an emphasis on prevention as opposed to cure, and as such the focus should be on species with a limited regional distribution within the Union, and species that are currently absent but pose a potential threat in the future. Many European countries and regional organisations have produced species lists and conducted horizon scanning studies which have identified priority species (
A PRA can be a time-consuming process requiring significant finances and high levels of species specific expertise. When presented with a large pool of invasive, or potentially invasive alien plants, prioritizing species for PRA is an essential prerequisite to focus limited resources. High priority species would be those that have the highest negative impact and can be prevented from entering, or cost effectively managed in the European Union (
Several schemes have been developed for different countries or regions to prioritise alien plants (Austria-Germany:
The objective of this study was to produce a list of alien plant species that comply with the definitions and criteria of Article 4 of the IAS Regulation, i.e. alien species that would be capable of causing major detrimental impacts on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services after establishment and spread within the EU territory, and to determine which of these have the highest priority for PRA at the European level.
In March 2016, a three-day workshop was held at EPPO in Paris (FR), with the purpose of prioritising a list of invasive alien plants for PRA as part of a LIFE funded project ‘Mitigating the threat of invasive alien plants in the EU through pest risk analysis to support the EU Regulation 1143/2014’ (LIFE15 PRE FR 001) (see, Eight experts from the EPPO Panel on Invasive Alien Plants, the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and the EPPO Secretariat attended the workshop.
We appreciate that there are numerous alien plants which could be proposed as candidates for prioritisation, however, due to limited time and financial resources we focused on species that had already been preselected by horizon scanning from two sources. Species were taken from the EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants (see and a recent horizon scanning exercise by
The EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants included a total of 15 plant species identified as having a high priority for a PRA whereas
The prioritisation scheme used for this study was an amended version of the EPPO prioritisation process for Invasive Alien Plants (
The first stage of the process, the preliminary risk assessment stage, categorises each species into one of four lists (Residual List, EU List of Minor Concern, EU Observation List and the EU List of Invasive Alien Plants) by addressing pre-determined criteria (questions). To proceed to any of the three EU lists, each species needs to meet the requirements of questions A1, A2, A3, A5 and A6, i.e. a positive (yes) answer is required. If a negative (no) answer is recorded, the species is included in the Residual List of species that do not qualify. Reasons a species (including subspecies, varieties, hybrids and cultigens, hereafter collectively called species) may be included in the Residual list include uncertainty in taxonomy and nomenclatural (question A1. Fig.
Decision scheme for the EU prioritisation process for alien plants (Taken from
Within the second stage, the preliminary risk management stage, priority for a PRA at the EU level is evaluated based on the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of mitigating impacts with management measures and/or preventative actions. The output of stage two is to define the species into one of two categories:
(1) the plant species is included in a List of Priority Invasive Alien Plants for performing an EU level PRA,
(2) the plant species is included in a List of Invasive Alien Plants that are not considered as a priority to conduct a EU level PRA.
Scientific information was collected for each species prior to the workshop. Each expert collected detailed scientific information on each species from a number of predetermined resources, including online databases scientific publications (internet searches and Web of Science), grey literature and relevant books and personal communications (see Table
Quality and quantity of information for each species was evaluated under the main headings set out in Table
Uncertainty scores were assigned to questions A7 (spread) and A8–A9 (impacts) following the criteria set out in
Key information sources. Information resources utilised when collecting information on the species.
Scientific area | Relating to question in EU P. process | Key resources |
Stage 1 | ||
Taxonomic identity | A1 | The Plant List ( |
Geographical origin | A2 | ARS Grin Taxonomy ( |
Global occurrence | A4 | GBIF (, EPPO Global Database (, CABI ISC (, Q-Bank ( |
Global invasive behavior | A5 | Scientific literature, reports, expert opinion |
Spread potential & areas threatened | A6, A7 | Scientific literature, reports, expert opinion |
Impacts | A8, A9 | Scientific literature, reports, expert opinion |
Stage 2 | ||
Current occurrence within the EU | B1 | GBIF (, EPPO Global Database (, CABI ISC (, Q-Bank ( |
Invasive behavior in the EU | B2 | Scientific literature, reports, expert opinion |
Trade status | B3 | Numerous internet suppliers (e.g.;; |
Phytosanitary measures | B4, B5 | Scientific literature, reports, expert opinion |
To support question A6, ‘based on ecoclimatic conditions, could the species establish in at least 3 EU Member States (excluding the outermost regions)’, maps of potential species occurrence were developed. A key criterion in evaluating the risk of a species to the EU is to assess if the species can establish under current climatic conditions. This is especially important for species which are currently absent from the region but have been highlighted as a risk through horizon scanning exercises.
However, modelling the potential distributions of alien species presents challenges, including the non-equilibrium nature of the distribution, presence of casual records representing failed introductions and spatial biases in recording effort (Václavik and Meentemeyer 2012). Substantial effort is usually required to develop accurate models that account for these effects, prohibiting the use of such models for rapid multi-species PRA prioritisation exercises. Therefore, we adopted a simple but precautionary approach based on delimiting a ‘climate envelope’ of each species that can be projected onto a map of Europe.
To delimit climate envelopes, we used the 19 standard bioclimatic variables gridded at 10 arcminute resolution (0.167 × 0.167 decimal degrees) from WorldClim (
An example of the distribution maps and potential occurrence in Europe – Ambrosia confertiflora. A Global occurrence locations were obtained from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility B The global climate was summarised as two principal components analysis (PCA) axes on the 19 WorldClim layers (
We emphasise that this method does not provide a definitive estimate of the potential for further species establishment, but rather a way of rapidly assessing if a species is worthy of further consideration in full PRA. We also note that the 95 % density kernels may be overly generous and exceed the climatic tolerances of the species. However, while a lower percentage threshold could have been used to constrict the envelopes, a precautionary approach is desirable for our purpose, given that invasive species may not have fully filled their climate niche space and because many species can invade outside of their native climatic niche (
The 37 alien plant species prioritised in this study include representatives from 23 families where Asteraceae (5 species) and Poaceae (4 species) are most represented (Table
The first stage of the prioritisation process categorised 22 plant species in the EU List of Invasive Alien Plants, 4 plant species in the EU Observational List and 11 species in the Residual List (Table
Cornus sericea L. did not fulfil the criteria of the first question in the prioritisation process ‘Is the taxonomic identity of the plant species clearly established’ as naturalised plants belong to a complex of hybrids of C. sericea and C. alba (
Of the 29-species assessed under question A4 (is the plant species established in the EU excluding the outermost regions?), 68 % are recorded as established (Table
Results from the prioritisation exercise (Stage 1: risk assessment). The first stage of the prioritisation process categorised twenty-two plant species in the European List of Invasive Alien Plants (List IAP), 4 plant species in the European Observational List (Obs List) and 11 species were rejected from the process (Residual List) as they did not fulfil the criteria of specific questions. Area abbreviations follow: Aus: Australia, N. Am: North America, Afr: Africa, S.Am: South America, Oce: Oceanic. Country abbreviations correspond to ISO codes. The symbol (ǂ) represents some uncertainty in the establishment of a species in the EU and thus questions A5 and A6 are completed for these species. Under A6, the percentage corresponds to the estimate area of the EU within the species 95% Kernel. Under questions A8 and A9, uncertainty is represented by (L) low, (M) medium or (H) high.
Species | A.1. Clear taxonomy | A.2. Alien in the EU | A.3. Quality of information sufficient | A.4. Established in the EU | A.5. Invasive outside the EU | A.6. Establishment in the EU | A.7. Spread | A.8. Impact on native plant species | A.9. Impact on ecosystem functions and services | Conclusion of stage 1 |
Acacia dealbata (Fabaceae) | Yes | Yes (Aus) | High | Yes (ES, FR, IT) | Medium | High (M): forms dense stands displaces native species ( |
Medium (L): Nitrogen cycle modifications ( |
List IAP | ||
Albizia lebbeck (Fabaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Low (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Ambrosia confertiflora (Asteraceae) | Yes | Yes (N.Am) | Medium/High | No | Yes (C.Asia, Oce) | Yes (8.80%) | High | High (M): forms dense stands displaces native species ( |
Medium (H): Ecosystem modifier ( |
List IAP |
Ambrosia trifida (Asteraceae) | Yes | Yes (N.Am) | Medium/High | Yesǂ (ES, NL, RO, PL, FR, IT) | Yes (Asia) | Yes (90%) | High | Medium (L): allelopathic and competes with native spp. for nutrients/light ( |
Low (M): No recorded impacts | Obs List |
Andropogon virginicus (Poaceae) | Yes | Yes (N.Am) | High | Yesǂ (FR) | Yes (Asia, N.Am, Oce) | Yes (70.10%) | High | High (H): Allelopathic impacts ( |
Medium (H): Promotes fire ( |
List IAP |
Cardiospermum grandiflorum (Sapindaceae) | Yes | Yes (Afr, S.Am) | Medium | Yesǂ (IT) | Yes (Afr) | Yes (5.10%) | High | High (M): Smothers native spp. ( |
Medium (M): Habitat transformer (( |
List IAP |
Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | High | Yesǂ (GB) | Yes (N.Am, Oce) | Yes (77%) | High | High (H): Suppression native spp. ( |
Medium (H): Negatively affects aesthetics ( |
List IAP |
Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) | Yes | Yes (S.Am) | High | No | Yes (Afr, N.Am, Oce) | No (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | High | Casual (FR) | Yes (N.Am, Oce) | Yes (35.10%) | High | High (H): Forms monocultures/ Allelopathic impacts ( |
Medium (H): Ecosystem modifier ( |
List IAP |
Clematis terniflora (Ranunculaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Low (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Cornus sericea (Cornaceae) | No (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Cortaderia jubata (Poaceae) | Yes | Yes (S. Am) | High | No | Yes (N.Am, Oce) | Yes (55.80%) | High | High (M): Strongly competes for resources (Lambrinos 2000) | High (M): Alters trophic levels/reduces aesthetics ( |
List IAP |
Cryptostegia grandiflora (Apocynaceae) | Yes | Yes (Afr) | High | No | Yes (Oce, S.Am) | No (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Egeria densa (Hydrocharitaceae) | Yes | Yes (S. Am) | High | Yes (FR, BE, IT, NL, UK) | High | Medium (H): Displaces native spp. ( |
Medium (H): Reduces recreation activities ( |
Obs List | ||
Ehrharta calycina (Poaceae) | Yes | Yes (S. Afr) | High | Yesǂ (ES, PT) | Yes (N.Am) | Yes (15.30%) | High | High (M): Outcompetes native plant spp. ( |
Medium (M): Alter fire regimes ( |
List IAP |
Euonymus fortunei (Celastraceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | High | Yesǂ (LV) | Yes (N.Am) | Yes (70.10%) | High | High (M): Outcompetes native plant spp. ( |
Medium (H): Ecosystem modifier ( |
List IAP |
Euonymus japonicus (Celastraceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Low (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Fallopia baldschuanica (Polygonaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | High | Yes (widespread) | Medium | Medium (M): Smoothers native spp. ( |
Medium (M): Ecosystem modifier ( |
Obs List | ||
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (Asteraceae) | Yes | Yes (N. Am, S.Am.) | High | Yesǂ (HU, IT) | Yes (Asia, Oce) | Yes (14.20%) | High | High (M): forms dense monocultures/ displaces native species (CAB, 2016) | Medium (M): Reduces recreation activities ( |
List IAP |
Hakea sericea (Proteaceae) | Yes | Yes (Aus) | Medium | Yes (FR, ES, PT) | High | High (H): Alter composition of native communities ( |
Medium (M): Reduces recreation activities ( |
List IAP | ||
Humulus scandens (Cannabaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | High | Yes (FR, IT, HU) | High | High (M): Dense stands outcompete native spp. ( |
Medium (M): Ecosystem modifier ( |
List IAP | ||
Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) | Yes | No (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Hygrophila polysperma (Acanthaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | High | Yesǂ (DE) | Yes (N.Am) | Yes (75.20%) | High | High (H): Dense mats outcompete native plant spp. ( |
High (M): Reduces recreation activities ( |
List IAP |
Lespedeza cuneata (Fabaceae) | Yes | Yes (Aus, Asia) | Medium | No | Yes (N.Am, Afr) | Yes (49.10%) | High | High (M): Outcompetes native species/ allelopathic ( |
Medium (H): Ecosystem modifier (NWCA 2016) | List IAP |
Ligustrum sinense (Oleaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | High | Yesǂ (IT, PT, GB) | High | High (M): Reduces abundance and species richness of native plant spp. ( |
Medium (H): Ecosystem modifier ( |
List IAP | ||
Lonicera maackii (Caprifoliaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Medium | No | Yes (N.Am) | Yes (72.60%) | High | High (M): Reduces plant species richness ( |
Low (H): No recorded impacts | List IAP |
Lonicera morrowii (Caprifoliaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Low (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Lygodium japonicum (Lygodiaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Medium | No | Yes (N.Am, Oce) | Yes (26.50%) | High | High (H): Dense monocultures outcompete native spp. ( |
Medium (H): Ecosystem modifier ( |
List IAP |
Oxalis pes-caprae (Oxalidaceae) | Yes | Yes (Afr) | High | Yes (FR, IT, PT, ES, GB, MT) | Medium | Medium (M): Outcompetes native plant spp. ( |
Medium (M): Ecosystem modifier ( |
Obs List | ||
Pennisetum setaceum (Poaceae) | Yes | Yes (Afr, Asia) | High | Yes (IT, PT, ES) | High | High (H): Disrupts primary succession and competes with native species for resources ( |
Low (H): No recorded impacts | List IAP | ||
Pistia stratiotes (Araceae) | Yes | Yes (S.Am) | High | Yesǂ (DE, ES, IT, SI) | Yes (Afr, Asia, N.Am, Oce) | Yes (69.40%) | High | High (M): forms dense mats displaces native species ( |
Medium (H): Reduces recreation activities ( |
List IAP |
Prosopis juliflora (Mimosoideae) | Yes | Yes (C.Am, S. Am) | High | No | Yes (Asia, Afr, Oce) | Yes (7.10%) | High | High (M): Outcompetes native plant spp. ( |
High (H): Degrades land/negative social effect ( |
List IAP |
Prunus campanulata (Rosaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Low (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Rubus rosifolius (Rosaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Low (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Salvinia molesta (Salviniaceae) | Yes | Yes (S.Am) | High | Yesǂ (IT, PT) | Yes (Afr, N.Am, Oce) | Yes (62.80%) | High | High (M): forms dense monocultures/ displaces native species ( |
High (M): Alters trophic levels, reduces areas for recreation ( |
List IAP |
Sapium sebiferum (Euphorbiaceae) | Yes | Yes (Asia) | Medium | No | Yes (N.Am, Oce) | Yes (21.70%) | High | High (M): Outcompetes native plant spp. ( |
High (H): Alters nutrient composition ( |
List IAP |
Sphagneticola trilobata (Asteraceae) | Yes | Yes (S.Am) | Medium | Yesǂ (ES, IT) | Yes (Asia, Afr, C. Am, N. Am, Oce) | No (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | Residual List |
Three species, Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & H.E.Robins, Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br. and Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski were assigned to the Residual List due to uncertainty in potential for establishment (A.6). Species occurrence maps overlaid in EU climate space indicated establishment at 0.1 %, 0.3 % and 0.2 %, respectively.
The majority of species evaluated in question A7 (88 %) were assigned a high score for spread potential, indicating the species is highly fecund and propagules can spread over distances of 500 to 1,000 m from the parent plant (Table
The spread potential scores, uncertainty rating and justification for the 24 plant species assessed under question A7. Spread scores are based on
Species | Spread score | Uncertainty | Justification |
Acacia dealbata | Medium | High | Clonal growth from parental plants. Seed dispersed by birds ( |
Ambrosia confertiflora | High | Low | Seeds spread over long distances when the hooked spines attach to livestock and wild animals, or can be spread by water, especially during flooding, as the woody burr floats (EPPO 2014) |
Ambrosia trifida | High | Medium | Seeds spread naturally via water courses. Seeds also a contaminant of seed stock ( |
Andropogon virginicus | High | Medium | Seed spread over long distances by wind ( |
Cardiospermum grandiflorum | High | Medium | Fruit capsules can spread via wind or float along water bodies dispersing the propagules over long distances ( |
Celastrus orbiculatus | High | Medium | Birds and small mammals spread seed ( |
Cinnamomum camphora | High | Medium | Reproduces by seed which are eaten and spread by birds ( |
Cortaderia jubata | High | Low | In California, each plant can produce over 100 000 seeds which are wind dispersed ( |
Egeria densa | High | Medium | Spread by stem fragments throughout watercourse (State of Washington 2016) |
Ehrharta calycina | High | Medium | Seeds spread by wind movement ( |
Euonymus fortunei | High | Medium | Seeds are dispersed by birds and other wildlife and by water ( |
Fallopia baldschuanica | Medium | Low | Spread by seed, vegetatively and rhizomes (EPPO 2007) |
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides | High | Medium | Broken stem fragments are spread by water currents, and can also be accidentally spread by machinery (e. g. boats, trailers, etc.) or animal hooves, and grow into a new plant when settling in a stream bed, and then form new colonies ( |
Hakea sericea | High | Low | Winged seeds which are produced in large numbers are dispersed by wind ( |
Humulus scandens | High | Low | Reproduces by seeds which are spread by wind and water ( |
Hygrophila polysperma | High | Low | Brittle stem fragments are capable of spreading by water currents ( |
Lespedeza cuneata | High | Medium | Aggressively spreading species. Reproduces by seed as well as vegetatively ( |
Ligustrum sinense | High | Low | Prolific seed producer and the fruit is spread by birds up to 1 km from parental plant ( |
Lonicera maackii | High | Low | Birds and mammals disperse seeds over long distances in the USA ( |
Lygodium japonicum | High | Low | Tiny spores are readily dispersed by wind ( |
Oxalis pes-caprae | Medium | Medium | Vegetative reproduction dispersed by agricultural activity and water ( |
Pennisetum setaceum | High | Low | Seeds spread over long distances by wind (PCA 2005) |
Pistia stratiotes | High | Low | Long dispersal of plants facilitated by water movement ( |
Prosopis juliflora | High | Low | Seed is spread by birds and mammals over long distances. Seeds can become incorporated into waterbodies facilitating spread ( |
Salvinia molesta | High | Medium | The floating form of the plant facilitates its spread within waterbodies ( |
Sapium sebiferum | High | Medium | Seeds can become incorporated into waterbodies and disperse through the system. Birds eat and disperse seeds ( |
For impact (A8: impacts on native plant species, A9: impacts on ecosystem functions and related ecosystem services), the highest of the two scores from A8 and A9 was used in the assessment. A high impact score, coupled with a medium or high spread potential, categorised the species in the EU List of Invasive Alien Plants whereas a medium impact score, coupled with a medium or high spread potential, listed the species in the EU Observation List. It is interesting to note that 84 % of species assessed in question A8 scored high compared to only 19 % scoring high for impacts on ecosystem functions and related ecosystem services. The low percentages for the latter may reflect the current lack of data on such impacts compared to direct impacts on native plant species. Four species, Ambrosia trifida L., Egeria densa Planch., Fallopia baldschuanica (Regel) Holub and Oxalis pes-caprae L., were assigned to the EU Observation list due a medium impact score.
Of the 22 species assessed under stage 2, 19 were considered as a high priority for a PRA at the EU level (Table
Andropogon virginicus L., Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr., and Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G.Don, were regarded as having the highest potential for further spread where each could colonise 4 biogeographical regions.
Three species, Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Maz., Ligustrum sinense Lour. and Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim., were considered low priority for PRA as all are widely cultivated within the EU without showing significant signs of invasive behaviour (Table
Results from the prioritisation exercise (Stage 2: risk management). Based on the potential for further spread and available prevention and control methods, 19 species where identified a priority for an EU level risk assessment. Under question B1, the potential biogeographical regions that could be invaded are listed in brackets where abbreviations follow: ATL: Atlantic, CON: Continental, MED: Mediterranean, STE: Steppic. Under question B2 countries (abbreviations correspond to ISO codes) are indicated where the species has shown evidence of invasiveness.
Species | B.1. Potential for further spread | B.2. Widely cultivated without invasive behaviour | B.3. Can intro/spread be reduced by trade restrictions | B.4. Can intro/spread be reduced by other preventative action | B.5. Can populations be cost-effectively eradicated | Conclusion of stage 2 |
Acacia dealbata | Yes (ATL, MED) | No (FR, PT) | Yes (forestry spp.) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Ambrosia confertiflora | Yes (MED) | No (not established) | No (seed contaminant) | No (small seed difficult to detect) | Yes (effective management measures exist and risk management can identify national or international measures) | Priority for EU RA |
Andropogon virginicus | Yes (ATL, CON, MED, STE) | No (FR) | Yes* (internet sale) | No (small seed difficult to detect) | Yes (large conspicuous grass, with existing management methods) | Priority for EU RA |
Cardiospermum grandiflorum | Yes (MED) | No (Not widely planted, Inv. similar climatic regions) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Celastrus orbiculatus | Yes (ATL, CON, MED) | No (Not widely planted, inv. similar climatic regions) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Cinnamomum camphora | Yes (MED) | No (Not widely planted, inv. similar climatic regions) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Cortaderia jubata | Yes (ATL, MED) | No (not established) | Yes* (internet sale) | No (small seed difficult to detect) | Yes (large conspicuous grass, with existing management methods) | Priority for EU RA |
Ehrharta calycina | Yes (MED) | No (Not widely planted, inv. similar climatic regions) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Euonymus fortunei | Yes (CON, STE) | Yes (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | Not a priority for RA (national measures) |
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides | Yes (MED) | No (HU, IT) | Yes (widely sold within EU) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Hakea sericea | Yes (ATL, MED) | No (PT) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Humulus scandens | Yes (ATL, CON, MED, STE) | No (FR) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Hygrophila polysperma | Yes (MED) | No (DE) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Lespedeza cuneata | Yes (ATL, CON, MED, STE) | No (not established) | Yes (currently absent from EU) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Ligustrum sinense | Yes (ALT, CON, MED) | Yes (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | Not a priority for RA (national measures) |
Lonicera maackii | Yes (ALT, CON, MED) | Yes (STOP) | ---- | ---- | ---- | Not a priority for RA (national measures) |
Lygodium japonicum | Yes (MED) | No (not established) | Yes (currently absent from EU) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Pennisetum setaceum | Yes (ATL, MED) | No (ES) | Yes (traded) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Pistia stratiotes | Yes (MED) | No (DE) | Yes (widely traded within EU) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Prosopis juliflora | Yes (MED) | No (not established) | Yes* (internet sale) | No | Yes (large conspicuous shrub species, with existing management methods) | Priority for EU RA |
Salvinia molesta | Yes (MED) | No (AU, BE, FR, IT, PT) | Yes (widely traded within EU) | Priority for EU RA | ||
Sapium sebiferum | Yes (ATL, MED) | No (not established) | Yes (currently absent from EU) | Priority for EU RA |
Most species (68 %) evaluated under question B3 (can the risk of introduction and spread into and within the EU be effectively controlled by trade restrictions?), are sold within the EU and therefore a European level PRA would be required to assess if trade restrictions could prevent further introduction and spread (Table
Globally, numerous prioritisation schemes have been specifically designed to address specific taxonomic groups (
This study identified 19 globally invasive alien plant species with a high priority for a PRA at the EU level. As shown in our results, all 19 species comply with the IAS definition and criteria of art. 4 of the IAS Regulation, i.e. alien species being capable of causing major detrimental impacts to biodiversity and the associated ecosystem services after establishment and spread within the territory of the EU. Within the first stage of the prioritisation scheme, four species (A. trifida, E. densa, F. baldschuanica and O. pes-caprae) were assigned to the EU Observation List highlighting that at the current time the species are likely to cause only a moderate detrimental impact to biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. A. trifida has become a major weed of annual crops in the US (
In the first stage of the prioritisation scheme, eleven species were assigned to the Residual List and thus did not qualify for further assessment. Having a clear understanding of the taxonomic identity of a species is an essential component in any prioritisation, and subsequent PRA. This is important to ensure that the assessment is performed on a distinct organism (
If an invasive plant is native to part of the European Union, this would preclude its inclusion on the list of species of Union concern. Although Hydrilla verticillata is often considered non-native to Europe, there is some uncertainty to the status of the species and Lansdown (2013) details the species as native to Belarus, Ireland, the United Kingdom (southern Scotland) and the Russian Federation. There is additional uncertainty of its native status in Latvia and Poland (
Most species included in the Residual List (75 %) warrant their place due to the lack of current information on the species. A PRA is only as robust as the scientific information which is used to compile the assessment and even though uncertainty ratings can go some way to capturing data gaps, or conflicting information, without some baseline data consideration is needed to whether a PRA is warranted. Based on the lack of quantitative impact studies, and to some extent information on the biology and ecology of the species (at a global scale), we considered Albizia lebbeck, Clematis terniflora, Euonymus japonicus, Lonicera morrowii, Prunus campanulata and Rubus rosifolius are not suited for a PRA at this time. We do suggest that a comprehensive literature review is conducted periodically for each species in the Residual List, including those species where there is uncertainty in potential for establishment (C. odorata, C. grandiflora and S. trilobata). If new scientific information comes to light that may change the outcome of the prioritisation, the species should be re-evaluated.
Impact studies can be biased to species which are widespread and/or high-profile species to particular sectors of society (
All 22 species evaluated under stage 2 have potential for further spread, though three species, namely Euonymus fortunei, Ligustrum sinense and Lonicera maackii were not considered a priority for an European level PRA due to being widely cultivated within the region without showing any signs of invasive behaviour. E. fortunei has been cultivated within the region since the late 1800s where it is grown in parks and gardens (Personal Communication, John David, Royal Horticultural Society, UK, 2016). It has however, been identified in the eastern USA as a species spreading into native plant communities (
In the prioritisation scheme, questions B3-B5 focus on the cost effectiveness of prevention and management measures and assess if the introduction and spread of the species can be reduced by trade restrictions, other preventative actions (pathway management) or cost-effective management in the field (
It should be noted for Andropogon virginicus, Prosopis juliflora and Cortaderia jubata, trade in these species is predominately via internet sites such as eBay and Amazon and as such any trade restrictions may be ineffective in the absence of greater enforcement of existing regulations (
The EU prioritisation scheme does not consider potential impacts which may be realised because of climate change scenarios, or indeed the potential for further spread and establishment because of future climatic projections. Of course, the effect of climate change on a species is a key consideration in any subsequent PRA but we suggest that the detailed analysis needed to address this issue is not suited to a prioritisation scheme. We reiterate the point made in
In conclusion, in utilising the EU prioritisation process for alien plants, 19 species have been identified as high priorities for PRA. These species present a prominent risk to the EU, either now or in the future and thus warrant a full PRA. Whether these species are eventually included on the list of Union concern remains to be seen and will depend, in part, on the outcome of the subsequent PRA and decision makers of the Member States.
This research was funded in part by the European Commission, DG Environment LIFE funding under the project LIFE15 PRE-FR 001: Mitigating the threat of invasive alien plants in the EU through pest risk analysis to support the Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014.