Citation: Colautti RI, Parker JD, Cadotte MW, Pyšek P, Brown CS, Sax DF, Richardson DM (2014) Quantifying the invasiveness of species. In: Capdevila-Argüelles L, Zilletti B (Eds) Proceedings of 7th NEOBIOTA conference, Pontevedra, Spain. NeoBiota 21: 7–27. doi: 10.3897/neobiota.21.5310
The success of invasive species has been explained by two contrasting but non-exclusive views: (i) intrinsic factors make some species inherently good invaders; (ii) species become invasive as a result of extrinsic ecological and genetic influences such as release from natural enemies, hybridization or other novel ecological and evolutionary interactions. These viewpoints are rarely distinguished but hinge on distinct mechanisms leading to different management scenarios. To improve tests of these hypotheses of invasion success we introduce a simple mathematical framework to quantify the invasiveness of species along two axes: (i) interspecific differences in performance among native and introduced species within a region, and (ii) intraspecific differences between populations of a species in its native and introduced ranges. Applying these equations to a sample dataset of occurrences of 1, 416 plant species across Europe, Argentina, and South Africa, we found that many species are common in their native range but become rare following introduction; only a few introduced species become more common. Biogeographical factors limiting spread (e.g. biotic resistance, time of invasion) therefore appear more common than those promoting invasion (e.g. enemy release). Invasiveness, as measured by occurrence data, is better explained by inter-specific variation in invasion potential than biogeographical changes in performance. We discuss how applying these comparisons to more detailed performance data would improve hypothesis testing in invasion biology and potentially lead to more efficient management strategies.
Biogeographical comparisons, biological invasions, preadaptation, functional traits, increased vigour, invasion success, intrinsic vs extrinsic factors
The economic and ecosystem impacts caused by species invasions are considerable (
One reason for this expanding literature is a growing appreciation for the inherent complexity of ecological and evolutionary (eco-evolutionary) processes. But an additional factor may be a lack of appropriate data to rigorously evaluate multiple hypotheses for invasion success and the circumstances under which they are most applicable. To further explore this latter possibility, we review the hypotheses suggesting that some plant species are inherently good invaders, and those suggesting that invasiveness is acquired as a result of ecological and genetic differences between the native and introduced range. We introduce two simple metrics for quantifying the invasiveness of species on a relative scale and demonstrate their utility using occurrence data of native and introduced plant species in Argentina, South Africa, and Europe. We demonstrate how inter- and intraspecific comparisons using field surveys can improve testing of the major hypotheses of invasion success, and identify a significant data gap – namely, the lack of comprehensive field data measuring survival and reproductive rates in natural populations.
Hypotheses proposed to explain invasion success can generally be grouped into two categories based on whether they primarily attribute invasion success or failure to (i) extrinsic differences in ecological or evolutionary processes that differ between native and introduced ranges or (ii) intrinsic biological characteristic of particular species or higher-order taxonomic groups. Two key assumptions underlie these hypotheses. First, if invasiveness arises as a result of eco-evolutionary differences between the native and introduced ranges, then introduced populations in the introduced range should exhibit enhanced performance relative to their conspecifics in the native range. Alternatively, if invasiveness is primarily an inherent characteristic, then invasive species should perform well in both ranges.
Perhaps the most common hypotheses in contemporary studies are those attributing the successful proliferation and spread of invasive species to altered ecological and evolutionary processes, an idea which dates back to the foundational literature of biological invasions (
An alternative class of hypotheses regard invasiveness as an intrinsic quality of some species, implicitly assuming that ecological differences between ranges are minor relative to the identity and functional traits of the invader. This idea also dates back to early literature on invasive species, particularly
The contrasting hypotheses outlined above attribute the successful (or failed) spread and proliferation of introduced species to either (i) intrinsic differences in performance among species (or higher-level taxonomic groups) often manifested through functional traits, or (ii) extrinsic consequences of the invasion process (e.g., release from natural enemies, novel weapons, biotic resistance). Two types of data would be particularly helpful to explore these alternatives. First, field data are needed to quantify the performance of introduced species relative to other species within a particular community or assemblage (i.e. interspecific field comparisons). Second, field data from populations of individual species are needed to compare biogeographical differences in performance between the native and introduced ranges (i.e. intraspecific field comparisons).
Inter- and intra-specific field comparisons can be conceptualized as separate but non-independent axes along which to classify invasiveness in a purely ecological context (Fig. 1). The interspecific comparison axis (ω) quantifies the ecological performance or ‘invasiveness’ of a species in its introduced range without regard to the mechanisms responsible. Here we define invasiveness as a composite measure of performance of introduced species, particularly rates of survival and reproduction in natural populations that lead to high abundance and competitive exclusion of native species. The intraspecific comparison axis (δ) quantifies the degree to which performance changes from the native to the introduced range resulting from differences in ecological and evolutionary processes. Note that performance measurements may include abundance, survival, reproduction, or more complex population demographic parameters.
Testing hypotheses of invasion success could be improved by quantifying interspecific (ω) variation in performance among introduced species and intraspecific (δ) changes in performance between introduced and native populations. Dots show relative positions of a species predicted by the enemy of my enemy hypothesis (EEH), evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA), empty niche hypothesis (ENH), enemy release hypothesis (ERH), hybrid vigour hypothesis (HVH), novel weapons hypothesis (NWH), Baker’s ideal weed (BIW), general purpose genotype (GPG), pre-adaptation hypothesis (PAH), specialist-generalist hypothesis (SGH), biotic resistance hypothesis (BRH), and the increased susceptibility hypothesis (ISH).
Comparing species along the axes in Fig. 1 could provide a simple but powerful characterization of whether a particular species is invasive because it performs well everywhere (ω >> 0 and δ ~ 0 in Fig. 1), or because it benefits from eco-evolutionary differences between ranges (ω >> 0 and δ > 0). This comparison can also distinguish non-invasive species (ω << 0) that are successful natives that fail to become invasive as a result of eco-evolutionary differences between ranges (δ < 0), from species that are simply rare species regardless of range (δ ~ 0). Moreover, the literature tends to inconsistently categorize species as ‘invasive’ if they have large economic or ecological impacts (
Quantifying the invasiveness of species could motivate appropriate study organisms for testing particular hypotheses of invasion success. For example, the enemy release hypothesis predicts that invasiveness results from native-introduced differences in the communities of natural enemies (
In addition to simple statistical correlations, incorporating field measurements of ω and δ as continuous variables can lead to more rigorous statistical tests of invasion success. For example, simple least-squares models or more advanced statistical approaches, such as a path analysis (
A simple index that compares the relative performance (W) of a focal species (j) in a pool of S species is the following log ratio:
This equation is simply performance (W) measured for a focal species (j) divided by the average performance of all species (S) in the pool. It is designed to quantify interspecific variation in performance on a relative scale, which is necessary to compare the same species in different habitats or in different species assemblages. For example, performance could be measured as the relative abundance of an introduced species and compared across habitats with different species communities and productivity levels (e.g.
Quantifying performance on a relative scale provides a convenient method for comparing a species in its native and introduced ranges. For example, to quantify the biogeographical change in performance of an introduced species, consider the log-ratio of the relative performance of species j (from Eq. 1) calculated in its native (n) and introduced (i) ranges (see also
which is mathematically equivalent to the difference in Eq. 1 between the native (ωn) and introduced (ωi) ranges:
Using the intraspecific comparison given by Eq. 2, a positive δ represents an increase in the relative performance of species in the introduced range compared to the native range (ωi > ωn), whereas a negative value represents a decrease in relative performance (ωi < ωn).
One potential limitation of having non-independent axes is that an error in calculating ωi will also increase δi, leading to spurious correlations if the same performance data are used. One solution to this problem would be to calculate these indices from different performance measurements. For example, one could calculate ωi using range size, but measure intrinsic growth rates of native and introduced field populations to calculate δi. Incorporating these into the kind of statistical framework described above would be useful to test whether an extrinsic factor of interest (e.g. enemy release, heterosis) could explain differences in population vital rates between native and introduced populations (δ) and whether this could account for variation in range size (ω), after controlling for other factors like time since invasion and phylogenetic relatedness. The choice of performance measurements used to calculate ω and δ will ultimately depend on the hypotheses to be addressed.
In addition to testing scientific hypotheses, this approach could help to guide management decisions. For example, species found in the top left quadrant of Fig. 1 have increased performance in the introduced range, perhaps by escaping enemies or otherwise experiencing novel conditions, but have not (yet) become invasive. These species may become invasive if ecological conditions change (e.g., habitat alteration, global warming) or just given enough time (e.g., finding suitable habitats, evolutionary adaptation). These species may provide a high return on investment in control programs as they represent introduced species that are likely to become more invasive if proper measures are not taken. Additionally, species in the lower left quadrant are introduced species that are currently not invasive but could be if ecological conditions become more similar to those in the native range, for example with new disturbance regimes or a changing climate. Identifying several of these potential invaders within a particular region or habitat might help to motivate conservation efforts to limit anthropogenic influences that would cause these species to become more invasive.
Despite the scientific and management value of this approach, even simple performance measurements such as annual survival and reproductive rates are not available for most species in most regions. Given this limitation, we instead apply occurrence data available from plant species surveys to demonstrate the potential utility of Eqs. 1 and 2.
To demonstrate the value of the inter- and intra-specific comparisons described above, we analysed occurrence data that has previously been published (
Importantly these data are not sufficient to account for potential influence of phylogenetic non-independence and time of invasion. Residence time in particular can have a large impact on spread measured at a particular point in time (
We used Eq. 1 to quantify the performance of each species (ωi) within each regional dataset as the number of occupied geographic cells relative to the number of cells averaged across all native and introduced species in a given region. The relative performance index of each species (ωi) in its native and introduced ranges is shown in Fig. 2 for each of the eight pairwise comparisons between regional datasets. We include both pairwise transcontinental comparisons (Europe, Argentina and South Africa) and a within-continent contrast between the Czech Republic and Britain. This demonstrates the utility of Eq. 1 to compare performance between regions despite differences in species communities and census cell sizes (e.g. 23 countries in Europe vs. 0.25 degree cells in South Africa).
Bivariate plots comparing standardized performance measurements of species in their native (x-axis) and introduced ranges (y-axis). Each point is a species and the 1:1 line is shown in grey. Performance is measured as the number of occurrences, standardized for each region using Eq. 1 (see main text). Slight random noise was added to increase visibility of overlapping points.
We found that in each region the majority of introduced species (66.6%) rated below-average on the relative performance axis (ω) in the introduced range (Fig. 2, y-axis < 0; G = 112.3, 1 d. f., P < 0.001). This includes recent invaders that are still spreading, but also is consistent with the generally accepted view that only a minority of introduced species are able to establish and spread widely (
After calculating relative performance of species between each pair of regional datasets, we used Eq. 2 to calculate biogeographical changes in relative performance of each species (Fig. 3). This equation simply uses the x and y coordinates of each species in Fig. 2 to calculate delta values (δ) for each introduced species in each region. The distribution of δ can provide insight into environmental and biotic differences between ranges given that δi = 0 represents a species performing similarly in the native and introduced range. For example, the majority of species introduced from Argentina to Europe have decreased in relative performance (δ < 0 in Fig. 3: AR-->EU), but species introduced from Argentina to South Africa have increased in relative performance, on average (δ < 0 in Fig. 3: AR-->ZA). A number of factors could be investigated to explain the weaker performance of Argentinian native species in Europe relative to South Africa, such as stronger competition, or more aggressive generalist herbivores and diseases. Climate matching is also likely to be important given the reduced performance of European species introduced to South Africa (EU-->ZA) and Argentina (EU-->AR).
Frequency distribution histograms of biogeographical changes in performance (δ), for species native to one region and introduced to another, in the form of labels: “native --> introduced”. Performance changes are based on the number of grid cells or regions of occurrence, standardized using Eq. 2 (see main text). Regions are abbreviated for Europe (EU), Argentina (AR), South Africa (ZA), the Czech Republic (CZ) and Britain (GB). Solid grey lines indicate equal performance in the native and introduced range, and the dotted lines shows the average δ.
Extrinsic ecological and genetic differences between the native and introduced range therefore appear to suppress most species from becoming common. But are the most common invaders more likely to belong to a subset of species that are common in their native range, or are they species that benefit most from eco-evolutionary processes (e.g. enemy release, novel weapons)? Following the heuristic approach in Fig. 1, we plotted ω and δ for each species in each pairwise comparison (Fig. 4) and found evidence for both scenarios. Of the 70 most common invaders (ω > 1.17), 85% (60 of 70) increased their performance relative to the native range (δ > 0), suggesting that extrinsic factors (e.g. enemy release, novel weapons, etc.) are important for explaining successful spread of the most common invaders. However, at any given point along the δ-axis in Fig. 4, species varied by up to an order of magnitude in ω, even though there is a strong correlation between these non-independent indices (R = 0.866). In other words, the extent of invasive spread (ω) varies significantly among species even after accounting for extrinsic environmental factors that cause differences in δ. Thus, we find evidence that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to the relative invasiveness of species.
Bivariate plot of interspecific (x-axis) and intraspecific (y-axis) performance comparisons, using occurrence data. The x-axis shows performance of a species (ω) relative to the average performance of all species in its introduced range (ω = 0, vertical grey line). The y-axis shows the degree to which the biogeographical difference in performance (δ) deviates from equality in the introduced range relative to the native range (δ = 0, vertical grey line). Each point is an individual species from one of the following regional comparisons: species native to Europe and introduced to Argentina (open circles), Argentina to Europe (filled circles), Europe to South Africa (open triangles), South Africa to Europe (filled triangles), Argentina to South Africa (open squares), and South Africa to Argentina (filled squares). Slight random noise was added to increase visibility of overlapping points.
Simultaneously accounting for variability in both axes in Fig. 4 would improve statistical tests of invasion success, as measured by occurrence data. In particular, few characteristics of species successfully predict invasion success across a range of taxa (
In addition to examining intrinsic differences in invasion potential among species, extrinsic factors can also be better tested by accounting for variation in both axes in Fig. 4. Without accounting for variation in ω, introduced species that become common through extrinsic factors that increase performance are confounded with species that become common because they are inherently good invaders. Additionally, species that fail to become common because of reduced performance are confounded with species that are inherently poor invaders. Accounting for variation in ω would therefore improve statistical power to test for extrinsic genetic or environmental factors that influence the invasiveness of species. Testing enemy release, novel weapons, hybrid vigour, and other hypotheses for invasion success (or failure) based on extrinsic factors could be improved in this manner.
Despite the inherent limits of focusing our analysis on occurrence data, we have demonstrated above the potential value of using Eqs. 1 and 2 to better inform management decisions and to improve hypothesis testing. In the next section we consider alternative data sources for characterizing ω and δ that would significantly improve the approach we have advocated.
What sorts of data are available to quantify the performance of invasive species relative to other species within a particular community or assemblage? A number of studies have used an interspecific comparative approach to test hypotheses of invasion success. Many of these have been included in a recent meta-analysis (
Overview of interspecific comparative studies testing hypotheses of invasion success. The number of categories in a study is in parentheses for those using categorical classification. N is the number of species included in the study.
Citation | Invasiveness criteria | Classification | N |
Burns 2004 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 6 |
Burns and Winn 2006 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 8 |
Cadotte et al. 2006 | Occurrence data | Categorical (5) | 1153 |
Cappuccino and Arnason 2006 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 39 |
Cappuccino and Carpenter 2005 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 18 |
Forcella et al. 1986 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 3 |
Gerlach and Rice 2003 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 3 |
Gioria et al. 2012 | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 321 |
Grotkopp and Rejmánek 2007 | Spread rate | Categorical (2) | 26 |
Hamilton et al. 2005 | Occurrence data | Quantitative | 152 |
Hejda et al. 2009 | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 282 |
van Kleunen et al. 2011 | Occurrence data | Categorical (2) | 28 |
Kubešová et al. 2010 | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 93 |
Lake and Leishman 2004 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 57 |
Lloret et al. 2005 | Expert opinion | Categorical (4) | 354 |
Mihulka et al. 2003 | Occurrence and spread | Quantitative | 15 |
Mitchell and Power 2003 | Expert opinion | Quantitative | 473 |
Moravcová et al. 2010 | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 93 |
Murray and Phillips 2010 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 468 |
Muth and Pigliucci 2006 | Occurrence data | Categorical (2) | 8 |
Nilsen and Muller 1980 | Occurrence data | Categorical (2) | 2 |
Parker et al. 2006 | Expert opinion | Quantitative | 51 |
Perrins et al. 1993 | Spread rate | Categorical (4) | 4 |
Phillips et al. 2010 | Expert opinion | Categorical (2) | 468 |
Pyšek and Jarošík 2005 | Occurrence data | Categorical (3) | 203 |
Pyšek et al. 2009a | Occurrence data | Categorical (2) | 1218 |
Pyšek et al. 2009b | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 17 |
Pyšek et al. 2011a | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 1221 |
Pyšek et al. 2011b | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 1007 |
Rejmánek and Richardson 1996 | Spread rate | Categorical (2) | 24 |
Richardson et al. 1987 | Occurrence data | Categorical (2) | 4 |
Skálová et al. 2011 | Occurrence and spread | Categorical (2) | 3 |
Burns, J.H. (2004). Divers. Distrib., 10, 387–397. Burns, J.H. & Winn, A.A. (2006). Biol. Invasions, 8, 797–807. Cadotte, M.W., Murray, B.R. & Lovett-Doust, J. (2006). Ecoscience, 13, 388–395. Cappuccino, N. & Arnason, J.T. (2006). Biol. Lett., 2, 189–193. Cappuccino, N. & Carpenter, D. (2005). Biol. Lett., 1, 435–438. Forcella, F., Wood, J. & Dillon, S. (1986). Weed Res., 26, 351–364. Gerlach, J.D. & Rice, K.J. (2003). Ecol. Appl., 13, 167–179. Gioria, M., Pyšek, P. & Moravcová, L. (2012). Preslia, 84, 327–350. Grotkopp, E. & Rejmánek, M. (2007). Am. J. Bot., 94, 526–532. Hamilton, M.A., Murray, B.R., Cadotte, M.W., Hose, G.C., Baker, A.C., Harris, C.J., et al. (2005). Ecol. Lett., 8, 1066–1074. Hejda, M., Pyšek, P., Pergl, J., Sádlo, J., Chytrý, M. & Jarošík, V. (2009). Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr., 18, 372–382. van Kleunen, M., Schlaepfer, D.R., Glaettli, M. & Fischer, M. (2011). J. Biogeogr., 38, 1294–1304. Kubešová, M., Moravcová, L., Suda, J., Jarošík, V. & Pyšek, P. (2010). Preslia, 82, 81–96. Lake, J.C. & Leishman, M.R. (2004). Biol. Conserv., 117, 215–226. Lloret, F., Médail, F., Brundu, G., Camarda, I., Moragues, E., Rita, J., et al. (2005). J. Ecol., 93, 512–520. Mihulka, S., Pyšek, P. & Martínková, J. (2003). Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, NL. Mitchell, C.E. & Power, A.G. (2003). Nature, 421, 625–627. Moravcová, L., Pyšek, P., Jarošík, V., Havlíčková, V. & Zákravský, P. (2010). Preslia, 82, 365–390. Murray, B.R. & Phillips, M.L. (2010). Biol. Invasions, 12, 2265–2275. Muth, N.Z. & Pigliucci, M. (2006). Am. J. Bot., 93, 188–196. Nilsen, E. & Muller, W. (1980). Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 107, 232–237. Parker, J.D., Burkepile, D.E. & Hay, M.E. (2006). Science, 311, 1459–1461. Perrins, J., Fitter, A. & Williamson, M. (1993). J. Biogeogr., 20, 33–44. Phillips, M.L., Murray, B.R., Leishman, M.R. & Ingram, R. (2010). Austral Ecol., 35, 695–703. Pyšek, P. & Jarošík, V. (2005). In: Invasive Plants: Ecological and Agricultural Aspects (ed. Inderjit, I.). Birkhäuser Verlag-AG, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 77–96. Pyšek, P., Jarošík, V., Chytrý, M., Danihelka, J., Küehn, I., Pergl, J., et al. (2011a). Ecol. Monogr., 81, 277–293. Pyšek, P., Jarošík, V. & Pergl, J. (2011b). PLoS One, 6. Pyšek, P., Jarošík, V., Pergl, J., Randall, R., Chytrý, M., Kühn, I., et al. (2009a). Divers. Distrib., 15, 891–903. Pyšek, P., Křivánek, M. & Jarošík, V. (2009b). Ecology, 90, 2734–2744. Rejmánek, M. & Richardson, D.M. (1996). Ecology, 77, 1655–1661. Richardson, D., van Wilgen, B. & Mitchell, D. (1987). Oecologia, 71, 345–354. Skálová, H., Moravcová, L. & Pyšek, P. (2011). Perspect. Plant Ecol. Evol. Syst., 13, 173–180.
These results show that comparative studies testing hypotheses of invasion success generally have used a categorical rather than a quantitative approach like the one we advocate in Figs 1–4. Moreover, invasiveness categories were determined primarily on expert opinion or presence/absence data in these studies, although occurrence data were occasionally combined with information on date of introduction to estimate rates of spread. This limited review therefore suggests that invasion biologists currently define species’ invasiveness on a categorical scale, despite the obvious interspecific variation in performance that we demonstrate in Figs 2 and 4.
In addition to interspecific comparisons, testing hypotheses of invasion success also requires performance comparisons of natural field populations in the native and introduced range, yet these data are surprisingly rare (
This paucity of performance data is surprising for plant taxa given the availability of large databases of presence/absence data (
In addition to these data limitations, it is often not clear which performance data are most appropriate for biogeographical comparisons. For example, one of the most common intraspecific comparison of invader performance is individual size (e.g. length or biomass), and sometimes time to maturity, ostensibly because fast-growing or long-lived individuals can become large and lead to increased population growth rates, population density, and abundance (
Rates of survival and reproduction, as well as abundance data from natural field populations would be valuable for testing hypotheses of invasion success and setting management priorities. More to the point, the ideal dataset for testing the hypotheses of invasion success would include: (i) a census of all major life stages, and (ii) vital rates (i.e. survival and reproduction) at each life stage, perhaps with experimental manipulations and demographic modelling to better understand ecological dynamics of native and introduced populations (
We recognize that although ideal, extensive spatial and temporal replication of demographic data and manipulative field experiments would be difficult to obtain for even a single species, let alone the dozens or hundreds needed to test the generality of invasion success hypotheses. We therefore wish to stress that even basic performance data would be a significant improvement over most currently available data. Given likely financial and time constraints, large-scale sampling efforts that quantify relatively simple performance measurements in a large number of populations across entire native and introduced distributions should be a priority. Measurements of abundance, survival and reproductive rates as a complement to large presence-absence datasets would significantly improve our ability to identify the biological basis of invasiveness.
This project was conceived during the “Are Invasive Species Different?” symposium at the 94th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America, which was facilitated by the Global Invasions Network ( NSF RCN DEB-0541673. This paper was significantly improved by data from Marten Winter and discussions with Mark Davis and Mark Torchin, and comments on the manuscript by Jill Anderson, Spencer Barrett, Ruth Hufbauer, John Maron, and Sarah Yakimowski. The work was funded by a NSERC PDF fellowship to RIC and NSERC discovery grant (grant #386151) to MWC. PP is supported by Praemium Academiae award from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, projects P504/11/1112 and P504/11/1028 (Czech Science Foundation), long-term research development project no. RVO 67985939 (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), and institutional resources of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. DMR acknowledges funding from the Working for Water Programme and the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology through their collaborative project on ‘Research for Integrated Management of Invasive Alien Species’ and the National Research Foundation (grant 85417).