Research Article |
Corresponding author: Kevin Kožić ( ) Academic editor: Johannes Kollmann
© 2024 Kevin Kožić, Matthias Hartmann, Ragan M. Callaway, Isabell Hensen, Dávid U. Nagy, Patrik Mráz, Mohammad M. Al-Gharaibeh, Svetlana Bancheva, Alecu Diaconu, Jiří Danihelka, David J. Ensing, Rita Filep, Zigmantas Gudžinskas, Avni Hajdari, Roxana Nicoară, Susanne Lachmuth, Chandra E. Moffat, Andriy Novikov, Dragica Purger, Mandy L. Slate, Agnieszka Synowiec, Ghizela D. Vonica, Annika M. Zuleger, Christoph Rosche.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Kožić K, Hartmann M, Callaway RM, Hensen I, Nagy DU, Mráz P, Al-Gharaibeh MM, Bancheva S, Diaconu A, Danihelka J, Ensing DJ, Filep R, Gudžinskas Z, Hajdari A, Nicoară R, Lachmuth S, Moffat CE, Novikov A, Purger D, Slate ML, Synowiec A, Vonica GD, Zuleger AM, Rosche C (2024) Performance in the recruitment life stage and its potential contribution to invasive success in the polyploid invader Centaurea stoebe. NeoBiota 95: 309-329.
The recruitment life stage, including germination and early seedling establishment, is the most vulnerable life stage of plants and has cascading effects on plant performance at later life stages. However, surprisingly little is known on the eco-evolutionary processes that determine the success of biological invasions at this life stage.
We performed germination experiments with and without simulated drought stress and monitored early seedling growth in diploid and tetraploid Centaurea stoebe. While diploids are the major cytotype in the native European range, only tetraploids became invasive in North America. Thus, C. stoebe is an excellent model species to simultaneously study both, pre-adaptive differences in the native range (diploids vs. tetraploids) and post-introduction evolution in the non-native range (native tetraploids vs. non-native tetraploids). To account for broad spatial-environmental variation within cytotypes and ranges, we germinated 23,928 seeds from 208 widely distributed populations.
Tetraploids germinated better than diploids. Within tetraploids, invasive populations outperformed native populations in germination. However, these differences were not evident under simulated drought stress. Seedlings of invasive tetraploids had a higher biomass and developed the first true leaf earlier than those from the native range, while the native cytotypes did not differ in these early seedling traits.
Our results suggest that a combination of pre-adaptation related to superior performance of polyploids (greater and faster germination) and post-introduction evolution towards higher performance in the invasive range (greater and faster germination, greater and faster accumulation of seedling biomass) may have contributed to the invasion success of tetraploid C. stoebe in North America.
Biological invasions, Cox-regression, geo-cytotypes, germination, pre-adaptation, post-introduction evolution, seedling establishment traits, spotted knapweed
Germination and early seedling establishment comprise the recruitment life stage, which is likely the most vulnerable life stage of plants (
With regard to pre-adaptation, polyploidy has been increasingly recognised as an advantage for invasion success because polyploid plants are more likely to become invasive than closely related diploids (
Polyploids are also assumed to be better pre-adapted to stressful environments and show higher phenotypic variation than diploids (
Finally, it is important to consider that populations from native and non-native ranges can show a pronounced among-population variation within either range (
An example of a polyploid plant invader that shows evidence for post-introduction evolution is Centaurea stoebe L. (spotted knapweed; Asteraceae), a polyploid complex consisting of a diploid and a tetraploid cytotype. Both cytotypes are native to Europe, whereas only tetraploids are invasive in North America (
Here, we studied germination and early seedling traits in 208 Centaurea stoebe populations that occupy a wide environmental variation in local aridity regimes across the three GCTs. We also differentiated between populations from ruderal vs. (semi-)natural habitats. We performed germination experiments with and without simulated drought stress and monitored early seedling development. Our study was directed by the following hypotheses: EU4x shows a greater performance in recruitment traits than EU2x which would indicate pre-adaptive differences to successfully invade North America; 2) NA4x outperforms EU4x in recruitment traits which would suggest evidence of post-introduction evolution in the non-native range; and 3) differences in recruitment traits can be explained by the population history (e.g., ruderal populations germinate faster than (semi-) naturals; mesic populations show higher germination than arid populations) which would identify drivers of among-population variation within the GCTs. By understanding these mechanisms, we expect to reveal factors that contribute to the successful invasion of tetraploid C. stoebe which could have broader implications for predicting future invasion dynamics. More generally, we anticipate to gain insights into the significance of the recruitment life stage in the context of biological invasions and how polyploidy can confer benefits during this life stage.
Taxonomically, Centaurea stoebe L. is divided into two subspecies: the diploid C. stoebe subsp. stoebe (2n=18; 2x) and the tetraploid C. stoebe subsp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek (2n=36; 4x). Tetraploids originated from allopolyploidization between diploids and a yet unknown, closely related, second parental species (
At the end of the 19th century, both cytotypes were likely introduced to North America, but only tetraploids established (
We sampled seeds from 208 populations (83 EU2x, 96 EU4x and 29 NA4x, Fig.
Overview of the sampled Centaurea stoebe populations across the three geo-cytotypes. The panels A, B show the geographical distribution of the populations across the native, European and the non-native, North American ranges, respectively. Circles represent populations from (semi-)natural habitats, whereas squares represent populations from ruderal habitats. In panel C populations are plotted according to their mean annual temperature and precipitation on a Whittaker diagram showing the classification of the main terrestrial biomes. Panel D shows the comparison of climatic water deficit among the three geo-cytotypes. Geo-cytotypes: native diploids (EU2x) = blue, native tetraploids (EU4x) = purple and non-native tetraploids (NA4x) = red. Climatic water deficit data was downloaded from the TerraClimate database (
For each population, we distinguished between ruderal and (semi-)natural habitats following the methodology in
We used only undamaged, healthy-looking seeds (e.g., black/brown coloured and well rounded). For each seed-family, 20 seeds were weighed using a fine scale. Ten of these 20 seeds were placed on a filter paper moistened with tap water in a 10–cm Petri dish (no replication of seed families within each treatment). Seeds were germinated in a growth chamber at 20:10 °C with a 12:12 h photoperiod; positions of Petri dishes were randomized daily. Germination was monitored daily over 14 days. Prolonging this germination trial may have resulted in further germination. However, previous studies on C. stoebe showed that the vast majority of seeds germinated by the end of this period (
The remaining ten seeds per seed family were germinated under experimental drought. To simulate drought stress, we used D-Mannitol solution in place of water to moisten the filter paper and sealed Petri dishes with Parafilm®. Mannitol decreases osmotic pressure and therefore reduces the water availability, and is more stable than other osmotic agents such as polyethylene glycol (
To assess early seedling traits, we used the first seed per seed family that germinated from the mesic treatment. For each seed family, we transferred this seedling into a new Petri dish in the growth chamber (set up as described previously). At this point, we measured radicle length with ImageJ (
All statistical analyses were performed with R version 4.2.3 (
To identify significant predictors of germination success at the end of the 14-day period (binomial, cumulative values over population means), we used generalized linear mixed-effects models. We used the same explanatory variables as for the mixed-effects Cox-regression models, setting population nested within year of germination trial as random effects. Again, we ran two separate models for both mesic and dry treatments.
For the early seedling traits and the seed mass, we used linear mixed-effects models analysing the following traits as response variables: loge-transformed RGR, loge-transformed RER, loge-transformed DTL, untransformed RSR and loge-transformed seed mass. Explanatory variables and random effects were identical to the generalized mixed-effect models on germination success. In all linear models, we assessed statistical significances of the predictors through stepwise backward model selection. The minimal adequate models were achieved using χ2-tests in the R-package lme4 ver. 1.1.32 (
Seed mass differed among GCTs (χ2 = 7.4, p < 0.05). EU4x populations had higher seed mass than EU2x (p < 0.01, Suppl. material
We monitored germination probability – the chance of a germination event happening on successive days - across a total of 23,928 seeds (9,608 EU2x, 10,713 EU4x, 3,607 NA4x) from 208 C. stoebe populations. In the mesic treatment, germination patterns differed among geo-cytotypes (GCTs: χ2 = 51.4, p < 0.001, Fig.
Kaplan-Meier curves of germination probability and their 95% confidence intervals for the three geo-cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe in (semi-)natural (left panels) and ruderal (right panels) habitats. Kaplan-Meier curves are presented for the mesic (upper panels) and the dry treatment (lower panels). Geo-cytotypes: native-range diploids (EU2x) = blue, native-range tetraploids (EU4x) = purple and non-native range tetraploids (NA4x) = red. The dotted lines represent the day at which 50% of the seeds that did germinate had germinated.
In the dry treatment, the germination probability of all GCTs declined (Fig.
In the mesic treatment, total germination differed among GCTs (χ2 = 405.0, p < 0.001; Fig.
Relationship between climatic water deficit and total germination across 208 populations from the three geo-cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe in the mesic treatment (upper panel) and the dry treatment (lower panel). Geo-cytotypes: native diploids (EU2x) = blue, native tetraploids (EU4x) = purple and non-native tetraploids (NA4x) = red.
In the dry treatment, total germination again differed among GCTs (χ2 = 20.8, p < 0.001), but in contrast to the mesic treatment, total germination was comparable between EU4x and NA4x, whereas EU2x showed greater total germination than EU4x. Again, total germination differed between habitat types (χ2 = 33.8, p < 0.001) with populations from ruderal habitats showing greater germination success. Contrary to the mesic treatment, CWD was positively correlated with total germination (χ2 = 5.8, p < 0.05) and the effect of CWD differed among GCTs (χ2 = 29.9, p < 0.001), with a positive relationship evident only for NA4x. Moreover, seed mass (χ2 = 102.4, p < 0.001) and population size (χ2 = 9.9, p < 0.01) were positively correlated with total germination under dry conditions.
There was no difference in any of the early seedling traits between EU2x and EU4x (Suppl. material
Differences among the three geo-cytoypes of Centaurea stoebe in early seedling traits. The panels A, B show the days needed to develop the first true leaf and the relative growth rate, respectively. Geo-cytotypes: native diploids (EU2x) = blue, native tetraploids (EU4x) = purple and non-native tetraploids (NA4x) = red. For model estimates see Suppl. material
Under mesic conditions, EU4x seeds showed a higher germination probability through time and a greater total germination than seeds of EU2x. These findings contrast with previous results from
Under simulated drought, the superior germination performance of tetraploids disappeared. Instead, EU2x showed greater total germination than EU4x under dry conditions. Polyploids often shift their germination behaviour under unfavourable conditions (
Given the differences in germination probabilities and seed masses between the cytotypes, it is surprising that EU2x did not differ from EU4x in early seedling traits. Larger seeds are expected to result in faster seedling growth, especially in root mass allocation and seedling size (
NA4x showed greater germination than EU4x, which contrasts with
Regarding early seedling traits, we found seedlings of NA4x to develop their first true leaf faster than those of EU4x while also accumulating more overall biomass in this shorter time period. This faster development and seedling growth is not only important because it marks the transition from auto- to heterotrophy (
The negative correlation between the climatic water deficit and germination probability could be due to reduced energy content of the seeds from dry populations, where mother plants likely faced drought stress during seed production (
The higher germination in ruderal than (semi-)natural habitats, indicates a selection toward genotypes that quickly occupy open niches in ruderal habitats whereas in (semi-)natural habitats there may be a selection for genotypes that show more conservative germination behaviour (
Our results support current concepts emphasizing that populations within native and non-native ranges (
Our study is the first in the recruitment life stage to show that a biological invasion can be associated with a combination of pre-adaptive differences between cytotypes and post-introduction evolution of native and non-native populations. Because early seedling establishment is a crucial bottleneck in the life-cycle of plants and has cascading effects on all later individual performances, we call for further eco-evolutionary research at this life stage. Given that we recorded early seedling traits only under mesic conditions, we recommend that future research should investigate those traits also at suboptimal conditions. Furthermore, we emphasize that adaptive differentiation can be even more pronounced within than among GCTs. To avoid misleading conclusions from rather simplistic native vs. non-native or diploid vs. polyploid comparisons, future experimental studies should consider that not only the habitat type but also environmental gradients should be sampled to a broad and comparable extent between ranges and cytotypes.
We thank L. Frazee, G. Röhrborn, M. Schramm, A. Roeske and B. Bischoff for supporting our field work. We also acknowledge the invaluable efforts of K. Kittlaus, W. Gelgat and M. Schulze in the lab. Flow cytometry analyses were supported by P. Zdvořák.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This study was supported by a graduate stipend from the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt to K.K.; K.K., C.R. and I.H. acknowledge the support of iDiv funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG–FZT 118, 202548816).
C.R. and K.K. designed the study. K.K. wrote the manuscript with the help of C.R.. K.K. analyzed the data with the help of M.H. and C.R.. All authors contributed to the sampling, discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript.
Kevin Kožić
Matthias Hartmann
Dávid U. Nagy
Patrik Mráz
Mohammad M. Al-Gharaibeh
Svetlana Bancheva
Alecu Diaconu
Jiří Danihelka
David J. Ensing
Rita Filep
Zigmantas Gudžinskas
Avni Hajdari
Roxana Nicoară
Susanne Lachmuth
Chandra E. Moffat
Andriy Novikov
Dragica Purger
Mandy L. Slate
Agnieszka Synowiec
Annika M. Zuleger
Christoph Rosche
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.
Supplementary information
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Raw data
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Explanation note: Experimental data.