Short Communication |
Corresponding author: Sabine B. Rumpf ( ) Academic editor: Moritz von der Lippe
© 2018 Sabine B. Rumpf, Inger Greve Alsos, Chris Ware.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Rumpf SB, Alsos IG, Ware C (2018) Prevention of microbial species introductions to the Arctic: The efficacy of footwear disinfection measures on cruise ships. NeoBiota 37: 37-49.
Biosecurity measures are commonly used to prevent the introduction of non-native species to natural environments globally, yet the efficacy of practices is rarely tested under operational conditions. A voluntary biosecurity measure was trialled in the Norwegian high Arctic following concern that non-native species might be transferred to the region on the footwear of travellers. Passengers aboard an expedition cruise ship disinfected their footwear with the broad spectrum disinfectant Virkon S prior to and in-between landing at sites around the remote Svalbard archipelago. The authors evaluated the efficacy of simply stepping through a disinfectant foot bath, which is the most common practice of footwear disinfection aboard expedition cruise ships in the Arctic. This was compared to a more time consuming and little-used method involving drying disinfected footwear, as proposed by other studies. The two practices were evaluated by measuring microbial growth on paired footwear samples before and after disinfection under both conditions. Step-through disinfection did not substantially reduce microbial growth on the footwear. Allowing disinfected footwear to dry, however, reduced the microbial burden significantly to lower levels. Thus, the currently adopted procedures used aboard ships are ineffective at removing microbial burden and are only effective when footwear is given more time to dry than currently granted under operational conditions. These findings underscore results from empirical research performed elsewhere and suggest the need to better relay this information to practitioners. It is suggested that footwear should minimally be wiped dry after step-through disinfection as a reasonable compromise between biosecurity and practicability.
biosecurity, disinfection, invasive species, microorganisms, monitoring, tourism
Increases in trade and tourism have facilitated the spread of non-native species across the globe (
Footwear has been demonstrated to be contaminated by a range of non-native species (
Expedition cruising ships constitute a large proportion of tourism opportunities in polar regions and is still increasing. In the Antarctic, the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) has introduced biosecurity guidelines aimed at reducing the transmission of non-native species via the footwear of ship passengers. The northern equivalent, the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO), has not yet formalised such biosecurity practices. Amongst other objectives, AECO is dedicated to managing respectable, environmentally-friendly and safe expeditions in the Arctic ( In 2012, AECO trialled voluntary biosecurity measures aimed at reducing the risk of non-native species introduction mediated by tourists and ship crews. One of these measures aimed at preventing the transmission of microorganisms to the natural environment through footwear disinfection.
Here, the efficacy of procedures used in the AECO trials was evaluated by undertaking an evaluation on board a single AECO expedition cruise ship under operational conditions. Specifically, the effectiveness of reducing microbial loads on footwear was measured using two different current disinfection practices: i) simple step-through disinfectant footbaths representing the most easily implementable and most often applied measure; and ii) the addition of a drying period following footwear disinfection to prolong the contact time of the disinfectant and microorganisms as urged by
The voluntary biosecurity measures trialled by AECO in 2012 were undertaken by ships operating around the remote Svalbard archipelago (74–81°N, 10–35°E), approximately 700 km north of mainland Norway (Fig.
Cruise ship tourism constitutes a large part of the tourism sector on Svalbard, with currently more than 70,000 passengers aboard cruise ships visiting Svalbard between the months of June and September annually (
Temporal trend of cruise ship tourism on Svalbard: a) number of cruise ship passengers visiting Svalbard per year and b) number of different landing sites visited by cruise ships on Svalbard per year. Linear regressions and 95% confidence intervals are depicted as lines and shaded areas, respectively.
During the voluntary biosecurity measures trialled by AECO, participating expedition cruise ships used baths of Virkon S (DuPont) to disinfect footwear without cleaning them beforehand. Virkon S is a broad spectrum virucidal disinfectant, commonly used in farm and tourism biosecurity settings that has been proven effective (
This study was carried out on board a single ship during the 2012 tourist season in conjunction with the biosecurity measures trialled by AECO. The study ship used a new solution of Virkon S for each voyage (four days' duration) to disinfect footwear. Used as a 1% solution, the agent is active for around five days, after which a loss of pink colour indicates the need to replace the solution ( Disinfection tubs, through which passengers stepped, were made of white plastic which allowed the colour of the solution to be monitored. Contact plates were used to sample the soles of footwear aboard the vessel since time and operational constraints imposed by the expedition-ship indicated that this would be the most effective sampling method. Following
Contact plates were stored in a drying oven at 37 °C for 48 hours following sampling. Growth on the contact plates was scored after 24 and 48 hours by the same observer, following the method of
Description of used growth scores on sample contact plates.CFUs = colony forming units.
Growth score | Growth description |
1 | No growth |
2 | Scanty growth (5–10 CFUs visible) |
3 | Moderate growth (>10 CFUs but none extending beyond a single grid square) |
4 | Heavy growth (CFUs extending beyond a single grid square) |
5 | Profuse growth (CFUs extending beyond two grid squares) |
The data underpinning the analysis reported in this paper are deposited in the Phaidra Data Repository at
No sample recorded a growth score of one, regardless of control or treatment level. Control samples produced scanty-to-profuse microbial growth on all 95 contact plates (growth score 2–5, Table
Flow diagram visualising the efficacy of footwear disinfection measures aboard a cruise ship on Svalbard. Numbers on the y-axes and colours represent growth scores (see Table
Footwear that was allowed to dry after disinfection showed reduced microbial growth in 47% after 24 hours and in 60% after 48 hours of the paired samples (Figs
Footwear disinfection is performed by tourism operators in the Arctic as a voluntary precautionary measure. Since there are no mandatory guidelines imposed as yet, disinfection procedures vary between operators and ships. Here, it is shown that the most common procedure, quick step-through disinfection prior to tender boat trips ashore, is ineffective at removing microbial load on footwear. This corroborates the findings of other studies making the same conclusions in different settings (
However, prolonged drying periods preferably combined with a cleaning procedure might not be feasible for all cruise ships under operational conditions.
The present study was limited to one ship and to the testing of disinfection procedures under restricted, yet normal conditions aboard cruise ships. The potential for microbial growth was not tested under different temperatures, nor were organism groups determined. Furthermore, the use of growth scores does not allow for an exact quantification of microbial burden. However, the focus of the present study was evaluating the efficacy of practical biosecurity procedures to remove or decrease microbial burden on footwear, which are either already in use or readily implementable. Within this scope, the evaluation demonstrates that improvements could be made to these disinfection measures and suggests that other unevaluated biosecurity practices should be monitored under operational conditions to ensure that they are effective.
It is also important to note that other means of microbe introduction are likely active in transporting organisms to Svalbard, including both natural and anthropogenic means. Natural vectors of dispersal, such as sea-ice, birds or wind, may be effective transporters of microbes (
While footwear disinfection was focused on removing associated microbial load, a biosecurity intervention would ideally also reduce the risk of introducing plant propagules and invertebrates. A range of plant (
Potential impacts caused by introduced microbial non-native species are not well indicated in Svalbard, though they are likely to be similar to those indicated elsewhere (e.g.
This study underscores the need to monitor the efficacy of management interventions against the spread of non-native species. Footwear cleaning and disinfection protocols are underpinned by empirical research, yet, as evidenced through this study, details of best-practice have not filtered through to practitioners. Monitoring can uncover such deficiencies. Through this study, ways are highlighted in which this practice can be improved, consistent with other published research. Given the operational restrictions imposed by the expedition cruise tourism setting, it is suggested that best practice footwear disinfection consists of first brushing and cleaning footwear in a water footbath, followed by step-through disinfection. A drying step should then be incorporated. Minimally, the latter could be achieved by wiping disinfected footwear dry with paper towels (e.g.
We are grateful to Mette Svenning and Anne Grethe Hestnes (University of Tromsø) for useful discussions about the experimental design and rationale and also for providing laboratory access. We thank Frigg Jørgensen and Ilja Lang (AECO) for liaising with expedition ships and also the operators and crew of expedition ships. Financial support for this project was received from the Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund (project 12/91 to Alsos).