Corresponding author: William Douglas Carvalho ( ) Academic editor: Jonathan Jeschke
© 2019 William Douglas Carvalho, Luís Miguel Rosalino, Maíra Sant’Ana M. Godoy, Marília F. Giorgete, Cristina Harumi Adania, Carlos E. Lustosa Esbérard.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Carvalho WD, Rosalino LM, Godoy MSAM, Giorgete MF, Adania CH, Esbérard CEL (2019) Temporal activity of rural free-ranging dogs: implications for the predator and prey species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. NeoBiota 45: 55-74.
Domestic or free-ranging dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) can have deleterious effects on wildlife, acting as predators or competitors to native species. These impacts can be highly important in fragmented pristine habitats or well-preserved areas located in human dominated landscapes and where biodiversity values are usually high, such as those in southeastern Brazil. Here we explored the level of overlap or mismatch in the distributions of activity patterns of rural free-ranging dogs and potential wild prey (Didelphis aurita, Cuniculus paca; Sylvilagus brasiliensis) and a wild predator (Leopardus pardalis) in areas of Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. We further explored the possible influence of the wild predator on the dog presence pattern detected in the territory analyzed. Our camera-trap data (714 camera-trap days) showed that while rural free-ranging dogs display a cathemeral activity pattern, with activity peaks at dusk and dawn, ocelot and prey species are mainly nocturnal. Moreover, we found no evidence of an effect of ocelot presence, the distance to human houses and the presence of native forests on site occupancy by dogs. The ocelot activity patterns in this study were similar to those already reported in previous studies. On the other hand, previous studies have indicated that that free-ranging dogs are often reported to be more diurnal, and it seems that the rural free-ranging dogs in our study area may have adjusted their behaviour to be more active at dawn and dusk periods. This might be to both maintain some overlap with potential prey, e.g. Sylvilagus brasiliensis, and also to avoid ocelots by being less active in periods when this predator is more active (which also coincides with peaks in activity for potential prey species). We hypothesize that the presence of ocelots might be influencing the temporal niche dimension of rural free-ranging dogs. As a sustainable management strategy, we propose conserving territories to promote the presence of medium to large predators in natural areas, in order to control free-ranging dogs and protect their vertebrate prey species.
Canis lupus familiaris, carnivores, competitive exclusion, Leopardus pardalis, mesopredators, prey, temporal segregation
Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) were the first mammals to be domesticated by humans (
The negative impacts of domestic dogs can be a major problem for conservation units located near major urban centers, with the number and frequency of dog incursions increasing with proximity to urban areas (
The impacts of competition for resources (e.g. prey) between dogs and wild carnivores are less well documented (
In this study, we used camera-trapping data from an Atlantic Forest area to: (1) compare the activity patterns of Canis lupus familiaris (rural free-ranging dogs) and Leopardus pardalis (ocelot); (2) examine the pattern of overlap of both carnivores with three potential prey species (the big-eared opossum (Didelphis aurita), the spotted paca (Cuniculus paca) and the tapiti (Sylvilagus brasiliensis)); and (3) assess factors influencing the occupancy patterns of rural free-ranging dogs. We hypothesized that the activity and occupancy patterns of the dogs would be affected by the presence of ocelots (which are mainly nocturnal predators;
The study was carried out in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve (hereafter REBIO Serra do Japi) and its surrounding areas, located in the municipality of Jundiaí, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil (23°12' – 23°21'S and 46°30' – 47°05'W) (Fig.
Surveys were conducted from July 2006 to February 2007 and July 2009 to February 2010, using seven and 10 camera traps in each period, respectively. The camera traps were located in different sites during each sampling period, but always placed on trails that were already established in the REBIO Serra do Japi (Fig.
Study area location in São Paulo state, Brazil, and Atlantic Forest remnants in the REBIO Serra do Japi. The circles represent the sampling sites used to place camera traps. Red circles represent the surveys conducted from July 2006 to February 2007 and black circles represent the survey conducted from July 2009 to February 2010.
Sampling effort was defined as the number of camera-traps × number of sampling days (1d = 24h;
Due to the asymmetry in activity patterns of dogs and ocelots (see results), we also tested for the influence of ocelot presence, type of habitat (Habitat; Atlantic Forest vs Eucalyptus plantations), distance to patch edge (Dist_edge) and distance to human houses (Dist_houses) on the occupancy by dogs (Ψ). In these models, we accounted for variations in detectability (p) by building single-season occupancy models (
The habitat type of each camera-trap, the distance between each trapping site and human houses and patch edge were tested as covariates influencing occupancy and detectability. We first tested for spatial autocorrelation in the detection frequency of rural free-ranging dogs in all cameras using Moran’s I Index (
Model selection was performed using the Akaike Information Criterion adjusted for small samples (AICc; but see below the use of QAICc after overdispersion was assessed) to rank models according to the model’s Akaike weights and the change in AICc score – ΔAICc (
From a total of 714 camera-trap days (17 cameras-trap running for 42 days), we revealed a nocturnal activity pattern for D. aurita, C. paca, S. brasiliensis, and L. pardalis, whereas the domestic dog presented a cathemeral pattern (Table
Domestic dogs showed a cathemeral pattern, with peak activity at dusk and dawn (Fig.
Kernel densities for paired activity patterns of free-ranging dogs and ocelot, spotted paca, big-eared opossum and tapiti in REBIO Serra do Japi. Individual records are shown as short vertical lines above the x-axis. The grey areas represent overlapping activity periods and the vertical dashed lines the approximate time of sunrise and sunset.
Number of detections, relative frequency (RF), type of activity and main activity period (Mean Vector in time and angle) of the studied taxa in the REBIO Serra do Japi, Jundiaí, São Paulo: Daur – Didelphis aurita (big-eared opossum); Cfam – Canis lupus familiaris (free-ranging dogs); Lpar – Leopardus pardalis (ocelot); Cpac – Cuniculus paca (spotted paca); Sbra – Sylvilagus brasiliensis (tapiti). Statistical significance (p) of Rayleigh’s test for comparing the unimodal distribution of activity patterns and Watson-Wheeler’s test for assessing differences in activity between species, as well as the coefficient of overlap between activity patterns (Δ1), are also presented.
Taxa | Number of detections (RF, %) | Rayleigh test (p) | Main activity period | Mean Vector in time and angle (µ) | Watson-Wheeler test (p) and overlap (%) | Coefficient of overlap Δ1 | ||
Lpar | Cfam | Lpar | Cfam | |||||
Daur | 17 (18.28) | <0.001 | Nocturnal | 02:21 (35.41º) | 0.111 (65) | <0.001 (37) | 0.69 | 0.34 |
Cfam | 19 (20.45) | >0.05 | Cathemeral | 08:47 (131.76º) | <0.001 (43) | – | 0.44 | – |
Lpar | 16 (17.20) | <0.001 | Nocturnal | 00:14 (3.703º) | – | <0.001 (43) | – | 0.44 |
Cpac | 11 (11.82) | 0.003 | Nocturnal | 23:12 (348.01º) | 0.602 (70) | 0.009 (44) | 0.83 | 0.24 |
Sbra | 30 (32.25) | <0.001 | Nocturnal | 22:41 (340.33º) | 0.529 (73) | <0.001 (37) | 0.80 | 0.48 |
Total | 93 (100) | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
We did not detect any significant spatial autocorrelation in detection frequency of rural free-ranging dogs (I = -0.059; p = 0.957). Distance to human houses (Dist_houses) and to patch edges (Dist_edge) were highly correlated (r = 0.912, p < 0.001). We, therefore, excluded the distance to edges, as it was the variable less associated with the dependent variable (rrDist_edg-dog = 0.181 rDist_houses-dog = 0.275). The null occupancy and detection estimates for rural free-ranging dogs were 0.472 (SE = 0.145) and 0.291 (SE = 0.082), respectively.
The full model produced for the rural free-ranging dogs, i.e. considering all the variables influencing detectability and occupancy, showed a good model fit (χ2 = 70.603, p = 0.200), but indicated wider variation in the observed data than expected, i.e. overdispersion (č = 1.29). Thus, model ranking, averaging and estimation of variable coefficients were based on QAICc (see Methods). The total set of 53 models produced (see Suppl. material
Top ten ranked models for occupancy of rural free-ranging dogs in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve, Brazil (N – Number of parameter in the model; QAICc – quasi-likelihood version of the Akaike Information Criterion, adjusted for small samples (i.e. accounting overdispersion); ΔQAICc – Difference between the lowest QAICc and the model’s QAICc; QAICcWeight – quasi-likelihood version of the Akaike weight; Cumulative QAICcWeight – Cumulative weight of the models; psi – occupancy; p – detectability; Habitat – Type of habitat; Dist_houses – distance to Human houses; Ocelot – Conditional occupancy of ocelot in each camera-trap).
Occupancy model | N | QAICc | ΔQAICc | QAICcWeight | Cumulative QAICcWeight |
psi(.)p(.) | 2 | 65.951 | 0.000 | 0.484 | 0.484 |
psi(.)p(Habitat) | 3 | 68.583 | 2.632 | 0.130 | 0.614 |
psi(.)p(Ocelot) | 3 | 69.184 | 3.233 | 0.096 | 0.710 |
psi(.)p(Dist_houses) | 3 | 69.202 | 3.251 | 0.095 | 0.805 |
psi(Ocelot)p(Dist_houses) | 4 | 72.321 | 6.369 | 0.020 | 0.825 |
psi(Dist_houses)p(Habitat) | 4 | 72.388 | 6.437 | 0.019 | 0.844 |
psi(Habitat)p(Dist_houses) | 4 | 72.448 | 6.497 | 0.019 | 0.863 |
psi(Habitat)p(Ocelot) | 4 | 72.475 | 6.524 | 0.019 | 0.882 |
psi(Ocelot)p(Habitat) | 4 | 72.513 | 6.562 | 0.018 | 0.900 |
psi(Dist_houses)p(Dist_houses) | 4 | 72.665 | 6.714 | 0.017 | 0.917 |
Cumulative QAICc weights of the explanatory variables for models of occupancy (Ψ) and detection (p) of free-ranging dogs in Serra do Japi Biological Reserve, Brazil. QAICc – quasi-likelihood version of the Akaike Information Criterion, adjusted for small samples (i.e. accounting overdispersion); Ψ – occupancy; p – detectability; Habitat – Type of habitat; Dist_houses - distance to Human houses; Ocelot – Conditional occupancy of ocelot in each camera-trap; b - Covariates coefficient; SE – Standard error of the covariates coefficient; z-value - Wald statistic for testing the hypothesis that the coefficient is zero; p-value – statistical significance.
Covariate | b | SE | z-value | p-value | Cumulative QAICc weights | |
Detection (p) | Habitat | 1.676 | 19.999 | 0.084 | 0.933 | 0.204 |
Dist_houses | -0.088 | 0.274 | 0.322 | 0.748 | 0.172 | |
Ocelot | -0.061 | 0.239 | 0.255 | 0.799 | 0.163 | |
Occupancy (Ψ) | Habitat | 0.914 | 13.904 | 0.066 | 0.948 | 0,077 |
Ocelot | -0.412 | 3.877 | 0.106 | 0.915 | 0,068 | |
Dist_ houses | 0.052 | 0.272 | 0.191 | 0.849 | 0,067 |
We did not detect any significant spatial autocorrelation in detection frequency of ocelots (I = -0.070; p = 0.920). Due to correlation problems (see above), we excluded the distance to edges from the analysis. Null occupancy and detection estimates for ocelots were 0.765 (SE = 0.019) and 0.147 (SE = 0.037), respectively.
The full model produced for the ocelots showed a good model fit (χ2 = 34.941, p = 0.300), with negligible overdispersion (č = 0.95), and therefore we used the AICc for model ranking, averaging and estimation of variables coefficients. From the set of 53 models produced, seven (including the null model) had a ΔAICc < 2 (Table
Top ten ranked models for occupancy of ocelots in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve, Brazil (N – Number of parameter in the model; AICc –Akaike Information Criterion, adjusted for small samples; ΔAICc – Difference between the lowest AICc and the model’s AICc; AICcWeight – Akaike weight; Cumulative AICcWeight – Cumulative weight of the models; psi – occupancy; p – detectability; Habitat – Type of habitat; Dist_houses - distance to Human houses; Dog – Conditional occupancy of dog in each camera-trap).
Occupancy model | N | AICc | ΔAICc | AICcWeight | Cumulative AICcWeight |
psi(Dist_houses+Dog)p(Dist_houses+ Dog) | 6 | 87.87 | 0.00 | 0.130 | 0.13 |
psi(Dist_houses+Dog)p(Dist_houses +Habitat) | 6 | 88.12 | 0.25 | 0.115 | 0.25 |
psi(Dist_houses+Dog)p(Dist_houses) | 5 | 88.51 | 0.64 | 0.095 | 0.34 |
psi(Dist_houses+Dog)p(Habitat) | 5 | 88.77 | 0.89 | 0.083 | 0.42 |
psi(.)p(.) | 2 | 89.19 | 1.31 | 0.068 | 0.49 |
psi(Dist_houses+Dog)p(Dist_houses +Habitat+Dog) | 7 | 89.68 | 1.81 | 0.053 | 0.54 |
psi(.)p(Habitat) | 3 | 89.78 | 1.91 | 0.050 | 0.59 |
psi(Dist_houses+Dog)p(Dog) | 5 | 89.95 | 2.08 | 0.046 | 0.64 |
psi(Dist_houses+Dog)p(Habitat+Dog) | 6 | 90.48 | 2.61 | 0.035 | 0.68 |
psi(Dist_houses+Habitat+Dog)p(Dog) | 6 | 90.86 | 2.99 | 0.029 | 0.70 |
Cumulative AICc weights of the explanatory variables for models of occupancy (Ψ) and detection (p) of ocelot in the Serra do Japi Biological Reserve, Brazil. AICc –Akaike Information Criterion, adjusted for small samples; Ψ – occupancy; p – detectability; Habitat – Type of habitat; Dist_houses - distance to Human houses; Dog – Conditional occupancy of dog in each camera-trap; b - Covariates coefficient; SE – Standard error of the covariates coefficient; z-value - Wald statistic for testing the hypothesis that the coefficient is zero; p-value – statistical significance.
Covariate | b | SE | z-value | p-value | Cumulative AICc weights | |
Detection (p) | Habitat | -0.383 | 0.756 | 0.506 | 0.613 | 0.486 |
Dist_houses | 0.059 | 0.201 | 0.295 | 0.768 | 0.521 | |
Dog | -0.022 | 0.181 | 0.120 | 0.905 | 0.423 | |
Occupancy (Ψ) | Dist_houses | -8.121 | 38.734 | 0.210 | 0.934 | 0.679 |
Dog | 11.951 | 54.127 | 0.221 | 0.853 | 0.674 |
In common with our results for the REBIO Serra do Japi, D. aurita, C. paca, S. brasiliensis, and L. pardalis have previously been described as having nocturnal habits in South American tropical forests (Alves and Adriolo 2005;
Here, the free-ranging dogs showed cathemeral activity pattern with peaks at dusk and dawn. This pattern is different to that described by other studies performed within and around protected areas in the Atlantic Forest, in which domestic dogs were mostly reported to be active during the day (
As ocelots in our study area maintain the activity patterns recorded in preserved environments (e.g.
Contrary to what we hypothesized, we did not detect any influence of ocelots on patterns of occupancy of rural free-ranging dogs, or vice versa. Occupancy models were not robust enough to allow us to infer what might be constraining or promoting the spatial patterns of dogs or ocelots in the REBIO Serra do Japi. Indeed, given that the most supported model for free-ranging dog occupancy was the null model (i.e. low QAICc/AICc and high QAICc/AICc weight; Tables
Although acknowledging that our data has some limitations due to the small sample size and the grouping of data from two different time periods, which should lead to a cautious interpretation of our results, our study still points out some ecological patterns that should be further investigated. Our data suggest that rural free-ranging dogs adapted their activity to avoid the main activity periods of ocelots, which also reduced the interference of the dogs with wild prey. Therefore, the management of protected areas subjected to incursions by rural free-ranging dogs should prioritize the protection and promotion of resident medium-sized to large felids, as they may inhibit dog activity in those areas and thereby act as a protective measure for threatened prey species.
We are grateful for the support of the City Hall and the Secretary of Planning & Environment of Jundiaí, and the Forest Rangers, Tetra Pak of Brazil, and CCR AutoBAn (highway Anhanguera-Bandeirantes). We are also grateful to the staff of Serra do Japi Reserve for granting us a collecting permit and for supporting the fieldwork. The final version of the manuscript was reviewed for English by Karen Mustin. L.M. Rosalino who was funded by post-doctoral fellowships from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia & Fundo Social Europeu (III Quadro Comunitário de Apoio) (SFRH/BPD/35842/2007 and SFRH/BPD/101556/2014). We thank the University of Aveiro (Department of Biology) and FCT/MEC for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017) through national funds and, co-financed by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, and for FCT/MEC funding to cE3c (UID/BIA/00329/2019). W.D. Carvalho was granted a PhD fellowship and sandwich PhD fellowship (process 99999.002169/2014-02) by CAPES. M.S.M Godoy was granted a master scholarship by CAPES. C.E.L. Esbérard has fellowships from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Jovem Cientista Program from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro 2009 e 2012 (FAPERJ).