Corresponding author: Martin Enders ( ) Academic editor: Robert Colautti
© 2019 Martin Enders, Frank Havemann, Jonathan M. Jeschke.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Enders M, Havemann F, Jeschke JM (2019) A citation-based map of concepts in invasion biology. NeoBiota 47: 23-42.
Invasion biology has been quickly expanding in the last decades so that it is now metaphorically flooded with publications, concepts, and hypotheses. Among experts, there is no clear consensus about the relationships between invasion concepts, and almost no one seems to have a good overview of the literature anymore. Similar observations can be made for other research fields. Science needs new navigation tools so that researchers within and outside of a research field as well as science journalists, students, teachers, practitioners, policy-makers, and others interested in the field can more easily understand its key ideas. Such navigation tools could, for example, be maps of the major concepts and hypotheses of a research field. Applying a bibliometric method, we created such maps for invasion biology. We analysed research papers of the last two decades citing at least two of 35 common invasion hypotheses. Co-citation analysis yields four distinct clusters of hypotheses. These clusters can describe the main directions in invasion biology and explain basic driving forces behind biological invasions. The method we outline here for invasion biology can be easily applied for other research fields.
bibliometric methods, biological invasions, concepts, invasion biology, invasion science, map, navigation tools, network of invasion hypotheses
When you are visiting a city, you can usually find some important places by yourself, for example the central station, a supermarket, and maybe even a few touristic highlights. A better way, however, would be that a friend draws you a map with the places in the city you are interested in. Then you would also find the small French café, the little arthouse cinema, and the restaurant serving delicious oriental food. But this map will be limited by your friend’s knowledge of her district. What if you want to visit another part of the city? You will find yourself in the same position as before. Therefore, an even better way is to ask several people who live in different areas of the city. In this way, you can get a detailed picture of the whole city and, if you are lucky, even find the best brewed coffee in the city.
The same is true when you start in a new research field.
Authors of a scholarly paper cite publications and other sources they assume to be relevant for the topic of their paper. Thus, scholarly papers form a huge network, a view already propagated by one of the fathers of bibliometrics (
For this publication, we analysed co-citations of invasion hypotheses in research papers of the last two decades. Co-citation analysis was independently introduced by Irina
Invasion biology is a discipline that grew very slowly at first. In the 19th century, early concepts on non-native species were mentioned (
Our study aims were twofold. First, we wanted to find a suitable map of the field of invasion biology based on co-citation analysis. Second, we aimed to compare this map to those created with two other approaches: a map based on an assessment of the characteristics (“traits”) of hypotheses (
We defined 35 common concepts and hypotheses in invasion biology and their representing key publications (Table
A first hint about relationships between our key publications can be obtained from their direct citation links, but this approach is limited by the small sample size of publications. As there is some randomness in the act of citation, a larger sample size is useful. Using bibliographic coupling relations between key papers, i.e., analysing to which degree their reference lists overlap, has the same drawback.
An alternative approach, which we applied here, is co-citation analysis, where joint citations of key papers are analysed, using all publications of the field. This approach can thus draw from a much larger dataset.
We downloaded all 10,430 records citing any of our key publications from the Web of Science (WoS, as licensed for Freie Universität Berlin, March 2017). Variants of referencing key papers were identified semi-automatically with the help of an R-script provided by Felix Mattes. For example, missing or wrong author initials or wrong page numbers were corrected in this way. Then we determined the yearly citation and co-citation numbers of all key publications. We expect higher numbers of key papers cited in review papers which diminishes the weight of each co-citation. Therefore, we excluded reviews from the analysis.
Key invasion papers are also cited outside of invasion biology. We excluded such outside-of-the-field papers from co-citation analysis, as invasion hypotheses are primarily applied in invasion biology and we expect that peculiarities of their relationships are discussed within the field, whereas joint citations by publications outside of the field are less reliable for assessing such relationships. We defined papers belonging to the field as those that are returned by the term search proposed by
“Ecological invasion*” or “Biological invasion*” or “Invasion biology” or “Invasion ecology” or “Invasive species” or “Alien species” or “Introduced species” or “Non-native species” or “Nonnative species” or “Nonindigenous species” or “Non-indigenous species” or “Allochthonous species” or “Exotic species”.
Using this term search on 28.08.2017 in the WoS returned 30,731 records. After excluding 1,769 review papers, 28,962 papers remained in the sample. These are mainly primary research communications (28,295) and have mainly been published after 1990 (28,841; i.e. 99.6%). Figure
Numbers of publications in invasion biology, using the same search term as
Number of publications per year that cite at least two of the key papers given in Table
List of 35 common invasion hypotheses and how we defined them (cf.
Hypothesis | Description | Key reference | |
ADP | Adaptation | The invasion success of non-native species depends on the adaptation to the conditions in the exotic range before and/or after the introduction. Non-native species that are related to native species are more successful in this adaptation. |
BA | Biotic acceptance aka “the rich get richer” | Ecosystems tend to accommodate the establishment and coexistence of non-native species despite the presence and abundance of native species. |
BID | Biotic indirect effects | Non-native species benefit from different indirect effects triggered by native species. |
BR | Biotic resistance aka diversity-invasibility hypothesis | An ecosystem with high biodiversity is more resistant against non-native species than an ecosystem with lower biodiversity. |
DEM | Dynamic equilibrium model | The establishment of a non-native species depends on natural fluctuations of the ecosystem, which influences the competition of local species. |
DN | Darwin’s naturalization | The invasion success of non-native species is higher in areas that are poor in closely related species than in areas that are rich in closely related species. |
DS | Disturbance | The invasion success of non-native species is higher in highly disturbed than in relatively undisturbed ecosystems. |
EE | Enemy of my enemy aka accumulation-of-local-pathogens hypothesis | Introduced enemies of a non-native species are less harmful to the non-native as compared to the native species. |
EI | Enemy inversion | Introduced enemies of non-native species are less harmful for them in the exotic than the native range, due to altered biotic and abiotic conditions. |
EICA | Evolution of increased competitive ability | After having been released from natural enemies, non-native species will allocate more energy in growth and/or reproduction (this re-allocation is due to genetic changes), which makes them more competitive. |
EN | Empty niche | The invasion success of non-native species increases with the availability of empty niches in the exotic range. |
ER | Enemy release | The absence of enemies in the exotic range is a cause of invasion success. |
ERD | Enemy reduction | The partial release of enemies in the exotic range is a cause of invasion success. |
EVH | Environmental heterogeneity | The invasion success of non-native species is high if the exotic range has a highly heterogeneous environment. |
GC | Global competition | A large number of different non-native species is more successful than a small number. |
HC | Human commensalism | Species that are living in close proximity to humans are more successful in invading new areas than other species. |
HF | Habitat filtering | The invasion success of non-native species in the new area is high if they are pre-adapted to this area. |
IM | Invasional meltdown | The presence of non-native species in an ecosystem facilitates invasion by additional species, increasing their likelihood of survival or ecological impact. | |
IRA | Increased resource availability | The invasion success of non-native species increases with the availability of resources. |
IS | Increased susceptibility | If a non-native species has a lower genetic diversity than the native species, there will be a low probability that the non-native species establishes itself. |
ISH | Island susceptibility hypothesis | Non-native species are more likely to become established and have major ecological impacts on islands than on continents. |
IW | Ideal weed | The invasion success of a non-native species depends on its specific traits (e.g. life-history traits). |
LS | Limiting similarity | The invasion success of non-native species is high if they strongly differ from native species, and it is low if they are similar to native species. |
MM | Missed mutualisms | In their exotic range, non-native species suffer from missing mutualists. |
NAS | New associations | New relationships between non-native and native species can positively or negatively influence the establishment of the non-native species. |
NW | Novel weapons | In the exotic range, non-native species can have a competitive advantage against native species because they possess a novel weapon, i.e. a trait that is new to the resident community of native species and therefore affects them negatively. |
OW | Opportunity windows | The invasion success of non-native species increases with the availability of empty niches in the exotic range, and the availability of these niches fluctuates spatio-temporally. |
PH | Plasticity hypothesis | Invasive species are more phenotypically plastic than non-invasive or native ones. |
PP | Propagule pressure | A high propagule pressure (a composite measure consisting of the number of individuals introduced per introduction event and the frequency of introduction events) is a cause of invasion success. |
RER | Resource-enemy release | The non-native species is released from its natural enemies and can spend more energy in its reproduction, and invasion success increases with the availability of resources. |
RI | Reckless invader aka “boom-bust” | A non-native species that is highly successful shortly after its introduction can get reduced in its population or even extinct over time due to different reasons (such as competition with other introduced species or adaptation by native species). |
SDH | Shifting defence hypothesis | After having been released from natural specialist enemies, non-native species will allocate more energy in cheap (energy-inexpensive) defenses against generalist enemies and less energy in expensive defenses against specialist enemies (this re-allocation is due to genetic changes); the energy gained in this way will be invested in growth and/or reproduction, which makes the non-native species more competitive. |
SG | Specialist-generalist | Non-native species are more successful in a new region if the local predators are specialists and local mutualists are generalists. |
SP | Sampling | A large number of different non-native species is more likely to become invasive than a small number due to interspecific competition. Also, the species identity of the locals is more important than the richness in terms of the invasion of an area. |
TEN | Tens rule | Approximately 10% of species successfully take consecutive steps of the invasion process. |
In the n-dimensional vector space with one dimension per citing paper, each cited source i can be represented by a vector vik (k = 1, ..., n) with vik = 1 if paper k cites source i and vik = 0 otherwise. The Salton index S (i, j) of two sources is a similarity measure defined as the cosine of the angle between the two source vectors (
where ci is the set of papers citing source publication i. Salton’s cosine gives values in the interval [0, 1]. Co-citations are usually determined within reference lists of citing publications ci published during a given year. Due to heavily fluctuating citation numbers, we combined several years to get broader citation windows. Due to this change, a challenge was that two key papers i and j published within the citation window in different years yi < yj have different chances to be cited: older papers have more opportunities to be cited than younger papers. We made their chances to be cited as equal as possible by reducing the set ci to citing papers published from year yj on.
Clusters of highly cited sources containing often co-cited sources are assumed to represent knowledge bases of current research fronts (Small and Sweeny 1985). Such clusters are particularly useful for constructing conceptual maps that should serve as navigation tools for research fields, as they group similar concepts and hypotheses in one cluster. Especially in the last two decades, several clustering methods have been developed in network science (see
For the case of disjoint communities,
We compared the results of different algorithms for community detection from the packages SNA (
Beside global evaluation functions like modularity, there are also functions that evaluate cohesion and separation of each community. A community C is well separated from the rest of the network if the escape probability of a random walker is small (
The weak definition of a community after
We analysed different time periods (time steps of 1–5 years), but the results varied too much to get a clear picture. This means that the edges between the nodes varied from period to period. Obviously, in different years relationships between different concepts and hypotheses were discussed in the literature. We decided to accumulate the data from 1999 to 2017 to get a clearer, cumulative picture of relationships between invasion hypotheses.
We constructed two co-citation networks of our 31 key papers. Network M is based on
Partition of co-citation network M with maximum modularity q = 0.520. Links are weighted with significant co-citation numbers of hypothesis papers (significance level 95%, cf. text). For acronyms of hypotheses see Table
We compared the results obtained with different clustering algorithms (Table
The plasticity hypothesis (PH) switches between the enemy and the propagule cluster. In the M-network, PH has no links to the propagule cluster because the numbers of co-citations with papers of the cluster are not significant on the 95%-level.
The best partition of network M has modularity 0.520 (see Fig.
Partition of co-citation network S with maximum modularity q = 0.463. Links are weighted with Salton’s cosine of co-citation numbers of hypothesis papers above a minimum threshold of 0.1 (cf. text). For acronyms of hypotheses see Table
Partitions of co-citation networks M and S obtained by different algorithms maximizing modularity.
Algorithm | Number of clusters | Modularity | ||
M-network | S-network | M-network | S-network | |
Cluster_optimal | 4 | 4 | 0.520 | 0.463 |
Fast_greedy | 4 | 4 | 0.520 | 0.463 |
Louvain | 4 | 4 | 0.520 | 0.463 |
Leading_eigen | 6 | 4 | 0.502 | 0.441 |
Edge_betweenness | 3 | 5 | 0.464 | 0.428 |
Walktrap | 4 | 5 | 0.520 | 0.430 |
Partitions of co-citation networks M and S with maximum modularity. The key papers (see Table
Network M | Network S | ||
Hypothesis-paper | Internal strength | Hypothesis-paper | Internal strength |
Darwin´s cluster | |||
Pesc(C) = 0.27 | Pesc(C) = 0.24 | ||
Adaptation (ADP 2002) | 54 | Darwin‘s naturalization (DN 2001) | 0.77 |
Darwin‘s naturalization (DN 2001) | 53 | Adaptation (ADP 2002) | 0.76 |
Limiting similarity (LS 1967) | 19 | Limiting similarity (LS 1967) | 0.57 |
Habitat filtering (HF 1995) | 6 | Habitat filtering (HF 1995) | 0.32 |
Niche cluster | |||
Pesc(C) = 0.02 | Pesc(C) = 0.25 | ||
Biotic resistance (BR 1999) | 243 | Biotic resistance (BR 1999) | 1.75 |
Disturbance (DS 1992) | 163 | Disturbance (DS 1992) | 1.28 |
Sampling (SP 1999) | 63 | Sampling (SP 1999) | 0.57 |
Invasional meltdown (IM 1999) | 44 | Biotic acceptance (BA 2006) | 0.45 |
Increased resource availability (IRA 1999) | 38 | Dynamic equilibrium model (DEM 1979) | 0.41 |
Opportunity windows (OW 1986) | 37 | Empty niche (EN 1970) | 0.35 |
Biotic acceptance (BA 2006) | 36 | Invasional meltdown (IM 1999) | 0.34 |
Empty niche (EN 1970) | 33 | Opportunity windows (OW 1986) | 0.34 |
Dynamic equilibrium model (DEM 1979) | 31 | Increased resource availability (IRA 1999) | 0.29 |
Environmental heterogeneity (EVH 2007) | 24 | Environmental heterogeneity (EVH 2007) | 0.20 |
Propagule cluster | |||
Pesc(C) = 0.01 | Pesc(C) = 0.38 | ||
Propagule pressure (PP 2005) | 186 | Propagule pressure (PP 2005) | 1.28 |
Global competition (GC 2006) | 141 | Global competition (GC 2006) | 0.78 |
Human commensalism (HC 2006) | 38 | Ideal weed (IW 1996) | 0.66 |
Tens rule (TEN 1986) | 28 | Tens rule (TEN 1986) | 0.54 |
Island susceptibility hypothesis (ISH 2008) | 11 | Island susceptibility hypothesis (ISH 2008) | 0.50 |
Ideal weed (IW1996) | 10 | Human commensalism (HC 2006) | 0.46 |
Plasticity hypothesis (PH 2006) | 0.40 | ||
Enemy cluster | |||
Pesc(C) = 0.02 | Pesc(C) = 0.14 | ||
Enemy release (ER 2002) | 652 | Enemy release (ER 2002) | 2.41 |
Evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA 1995) | 465 | Evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA 1995) | 1.98 |
Enemy inversion, Enemy reduction, Increased susceptibility, New associations | 357 | Enemy inversion, Enemy reduction, Increased susceptibility, New associations (EI; ERD; IS; NAS 2004) | 1.58 |
Missed mutualism | 196 | Missed mutualism (MM2006) | 1.37 |
Novel weapons | 192 | Novel weapons (NW 2004) | 1.30 |
Resource-enemy release (RER 2006) | 81 | Specialist-generalist, Biotic indirect effects (SG; BID 2004) | 1.04 |
Specialist-generalist, Biotic indirect effects (SG; BID 2004) | 67 | Enemy of my enemy aka accumulation-of-local-pathogens hypothesis (EE 2006) | 0.69 |
Enemy of my enemy aka accumulation-of-local-pathogens hypothesis (EE 2006) | 60 | Resource-enemy release (RER 2006) | 0.62 |
Plasticity hypothesis (PH 2006) | 41 | Shifting defence hypothesis (SDH 2011) | 0.58 |
Shifting defence hypothesis (SDH 2011) | 35 | Reckless invader aka “boom-bust” (RI 2004) | 0.24 |
Reckless invader aka “boom-bust” (RI 2004) | 20 |
The clusters of networks M and S are remarkably similar. Two of the four clusters in each network are even identical, namely the concept clusters focused on eco-evolutionary and phylogenetic relationships between non-native and resident species (Darwin’s cluster) and the concept cluster focused on biotic resistance of ecosystems against non-native species (resistance cluster). Comparing these two networks further, one can see that the other two concept clusters differ just in the membership of PH, the plasticity hypothesis. In one case (M-network), PH is in the concept cluster focused on species relationships (enemy cluster). In the other case (S-network), PH is a member of the concept cluster focused on introduction and species traits (propagule cluster).
The networks visualize how invasion biologists have seen their research field during the last two decades. Essentially, the networks suggest four broad themes that are represented by the four clusters. One core idea comes from evolutionary biology; it highlights the importance of eco-evolutionary relationships between non-native and resident species, and the capability of species to adapt to new environments (evolutionary perspective, Darwin’s cluster). A second core idea is the possibility that ecosystems can be resistant, or not, against non-native species based on their characteristics (ecosystem perspective, resistance cluster). A third core idea is that species interactions such as host-parasite or predator-prey interactions (including the loss of such interactions in the exotic environment, i.e., enemy release) are very important for understanding biological invasions (species-interactions perspective, enemy cluster). Finally, the most recent core idea is that human action is principally influencing biological invasions, which can thus only be understood by studies bridging different research fields (
Some of the hypotheses in our networks are particularly strongly connected. In this section, we highlight one strongly connected hypothesis pair for each of the four clusters, and outline whether these connections are reasonable.
In Darwin’s cluster, the two hypotheses adaptation (ADP) and Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis (DN) are very strongly connected. The two key publications for these hypotheses included in Table
In the resistance cluster, there is a particularly strong connection between biotic resistance (BR) and the disturbance hypothesis (DS). These two hypotheses are in fact logically linked. According to DS, the invasion success of non-native species is higher in highly disturbed than in relatively undisturbed ecosystems (Table
In the propagule cluster, the propagule pressure hypothesis (PP) is very strongly connected to global competition (GC). The latter hypothesis is actually based on PP (
Finally in the enemy cluster, the enemy release hypothesis (ER) and EICA hypothesis are particularly strongly connected. This can also be easily explained, as EICA uses enemy release as an underlying assumption (Table
Although the clusters of the two networks are very similar, the better map is in our opinion the M-network. This is due to the following two reasons. First, the M-network has 25% less edges compared to the S-network which results in a clearer picture. Second, the clusters in the M-network are better separated from each other than in the S-network; all clusters in the M-network are communities in the strong sense, but this is only true for two clusters in the S-network.
In comparison to the other two networks published by
The network in
The co-citation approach has proven useful to construct conceptual maps of the field of invasion biology. These maps, particularly the M-network, are clearer than previous maps created with other approaches. Efforts to create such conceptual maps that highlight relationships between major concepts within a research field are currently limited. In fact, we are unaware of other attempts to create such maps. This lack of conceptual maps means that researchers lack navigation tools which would help them identify where their work is located within a given research field such as invasion biology. The results of a recent online survey among >350 invasion biologists suggest that the participants lack a “joint vision how invasion hypotheses are related to each other” (
But the conceptual maps constructed for this study are early steps on the way towards advanced navigation tools. An important next step would be to allow for concepts and hypotheses to be included in more than one cluster, so that they can take the role of cluster-connecting concepts. To take this next step, a cluster-finding-algorithm that allows overlapping communities should be considered. Furthermore, we have thus far applied three different approaches to create conceptual maps. Other approaches can be imagined as well, for example based on a Delphi-approach in which a group of experts follows multiple iterative steps to create a consensus map. Further work should also involve the expansion of the network to include maps of related fields. In this way, a larger map, or atlas of science (see also
The R script underlying this study is available via Dryad (
We thank Felix Mattes for providing an R-script to identify variants of reference strings in the Web of Science. Financial support was provided by the Foundation of German Business (sdw) to ME and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, JE 288/9-2) to JMJ.