Corresponding author: Yelin Huang ( ) Academic editor: Harald Auge
© 2019 Achyut Kumar Banerjee, Wuxia Guo, Yelin Huang.
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Banerjee AK, Guo W, Huang Y (2019) Genetic and epigenetic regulation of phenotypic variation in invasive plants – linking research trends towards a unified framework. NeoBiota 49: 77-103.
Phenotypic variation in the introduced range of an invasive species can be modified by genetic variation, environmental conditions and their interaction, as well as stochastic events like genetic drift. Recent studies found that epigenetic modifications may also contribute to phenotypic variation being independent of genetic changes. Despite gaining profound ecological insights from empirical studies, understanding the relative contributions of these molecular mechanisms behind phenotypic variation has received little attention for invasive plant species in particular.
This review therefore aimed at summarizing and synthesizing information on the genetic and epigenetic basis of phenotypic variation of alien invasive plants in the introduced range and their evolutionary consequences. Transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic modifications was highlighted focusing on its influence on microevolution of the invasive plant species. We presented a comprehensive account of epigenetic regulation of phenotypic variation and its role in plant invasion in the presence of reduced standing genetic variation, inbreeding depression and associated genomic events which have often been observed during introduction and range expansion of an invasive alien species. Finally, taking clues from the studies conducted so far, we proposed a unified framework of future experimental approaches to understand ecological and evolutionary aspects of phenotypic variation. This holistic approach, being aligned to the invasion process in particular (introduction-establishment-spread), was intended to understand the molecular mechanisms of phenotypic variation of an invasive species in its introduced range and to disentangle the effects of standing genetic variation and epigenetic regulation of phenotypic variation.
epigenetics, evolution, genetic diversity, phenotypic variation, plant invasion, transgenerational inheritance
With the increasing number of reports on negative impacts of invasive species on regional biota (
Multiple hypotheses have been put forward to explain successful invasion, e.g. resource fluctuation, enemy release hypothesis, evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA) [reviewed by (
i) detrimental inbreeding effects are mitigated (
ii) the plasticity of ecologically relevant traits of a genotype is enhanced in a way it can take advantage of a wider ecological niche (
Epigenetic modifications in gene expression, being independent of any changes in DNA sequence (
In this context, a comprehensive appraisal of the role of genetic and epigenetic variation in plant invasion and future prospects for investigation appears to be timely. This review was therefore framed to i) recognize the factors responsible for phenotypic variation; ii) identify the role of epigenetic processes in maintaining fitness of invasive plants; and iii) to propose a unified framework of experimental approaches to understand the relative importance of genetic differentiation and epigenetic regulation of trait fitness.
In the first step of the invasion process, a species can be introduced from its native range either by introduction of a few or even only a single genotype or through multiple introductions from different source populations of its native range. Multiple introductions of the species may give rise to two situations: i) the introduced genotype(s) can be restricted within the introduced region(s) and/or ii) multiple introductions from different source populations, breaching of geographical barriers, intra- or interspecific hybridization may produce genetically diverse populations and different phenotypes (phenotypic divergence). Phenotypic variation among the introduced populations is therefore dependent on the number of introduced genotypes (standing genetic variation) and can be increased by intra- and inter-specific hybridization. In addition to standing genetic variation, new mutations may also contribute to phenotypic variation (
In addition to genetic-differentiation driven phenotypic divergence among the introduced populations, an individual genotype may also produce phenotypic variation in response to different environmental conditions of the introduced range (phenotypic plasticity). Epigenetic changes (without any change in DNA sequence) can contribute to phenotypic variation in plant traits independently of genetic variation (
Several studies have been conducted on model and non-model species, both in field and controlled conditions to quantify epigenetic influence on trait variation being independent of genetic variation (
In addition to environmentally induced epigenetic variation, spontaneous epimutation may also cause the observed epigenetic differences among natural population. For example, a multi-generation common garden experiment on Alternanthera philoxeroides revealed that a combination of environmental induction and spontaneous epimutation resulted in epigenetic variation in the species (
First, similar to genetic variation, heritable epigenetic variation may translate into phenotypic variation and fitness differences among individuals for natural selection to act on. On the other hand, unlike genetic variation, epigenetic variation is altered by environmental conditions directly and, therefore, may provide an additional, accelerated way for evolution (
Secondly, epigenetic mechanisms play a role in adaptive transgenerational plasticity, defined as the ability of the parent population to alter traits in their offspring which may enhance their fitness in similar environmental conditions (
While most of the molecular investigations on transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic changes have been restricted to model and endemic species (
After successful introduction (i.e. crossing the geographic and cultivation barriers, (
However, contrasting examples also exist where introduced plant populations with very low genetic diversity (and lower in comparison to native populations) have been found to be successful invaders (
Populations with such restricted genetic variation may find other mechanisms to extend the ability of a single genotype, or general-purpose genotype or GPG (
Reduced genetic diversity during invasions may not only result in a loss of adaptive potential; it may also increase inbreeding rates. Inbreeding enhances the phenotypic expression of deleterious recessive mutations leading to a loss of fitness in the offspring generation (i.e., inbreeding depression), which can considerably hamper invasion success (
Epigenetic modifications may not only contribute to establishing the success of genetically depleted plant founder populations, but they may also further enhance the adaptive potential of intra-or inter-specifically hybridized or polyploid invaders. Genomic events such as intra-or inter-specific hybridization between genetically distinct source populations and polyploid formation are responsible largely for speciation (
During these processes of intra-or inter-specific hybridization and allopolyploid formation, epigenetic alterations are found to be prevalent (
One of the major objectives of this review has been finding a comprehensive structural guideline of experimental approaches taking clues from the studies already conducted on invasive and non-invasive, model and non-model species. Phenotypic variation in a plant species in its introduced range is one of the most highly-researched topics in invasion biology in which basic ecological research demonstrated the role of phenotypic variation in the invasion success of exotic species. On the other hand, genetic variation, microevolution and epigenetic processes have been found to play significant roles in the phenotypic variation of traits, and therefore, have been recognized as relevant to understand the mechanisms underlying the natural variation in ecologically important traits (e.g.
Conceptual framework for differentiating genetic and epigenetic basis for phenotypic variations across three stages of alien plant invasion process (introduction, establishment, spread). While genetic differentiation between introduced populations may cause phenotypic variation which leads to local adaptation and post-invasion rapid evolution through selection of traits and natural selection of optimal phenotype across environmental conditions, epigenetically regulated phenotypic variations are more prevalent in genetically similar populations. Three sites where epigenetic mechanisms may influence invasion success have been marked with triangles: 1) in case of genetic admixture between different genotypes present in a region, 2) biotic and abiotic stress induced epigenetic alterations among the genetically similar populations, and 3) transmission of epigenetic information from the parents (P) to the offspring (O) making the progeny capable of dealing with similar kinds of parental environment.
Experimental framework for differentiating genetic and epigenetic regulation of phenotypic plasticity. While a field survey of natural populations may identify plastic traits (1), reciprocal transplant experiments comparing performances of local and foreign populations may give insights into local adaptation, phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation as well (2.1). Plants grown in common garden experiments may be subjected to analysis with genetic and methylation-sensitive markers (2.2) or they can be exposed to environmental stresses before analysis (2.3) to identify genetic and epigenetic variation regulating trait plasticity. The use of demethylating agents (2.4) can also provide indirect evidence of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Samples from the natural population can also be analyzed with these markers followed by proper statistical analysis to disentangle genetic and epigenetic effects on trait plasticity (3). Characterization of reaction norms of the plants (e.g. comparison between native and invasive lineages) grown in common garden in response to environmental gradients (4) may highlight the trade-offs between maintaining a high performance across a range of conditions (robustness or jack of all trades) and maximizing fitness in an environmental condition (opportunism or master of some) or both (robust to environmental conditions and high performance, the general-purpose genotype).
Methodologies for screening epigenetic variation in invasive plants.
Molecular markers with methylation sensitive restriction enzymes
: A standard Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) process followed by methylation sensitive AFLP (MS-AFLP or MSAP). In MS-AFLP, pairs of methylation sensitive restriction enzymes (isoschizomers) have been used to survey cystine methylation at restriction sites spread across the investigated genomes. In AFLP, MseI and EcoRI have been used to digestion of DNA extracts whereas HpaII and MspI with EcoRI have been used in MS-AFLP. AFLP and MS-AFLP are usually applied in parallel to compare genetic and epigenetic structures of populations using statistical techniques. Unlike HPLC- and ELISA-based assays which determined the proportion of methylated cytosines across the entire genome, the MS-AFLP can distinguish between different genomic locations or contexts (CG, CHG, CHH) of cytosine methylation from the banding patterns: CpG methylated loci (bands present in EcoRI/MspI only); nonmethylated loci (bands present in both profiles); loci hemimethylated at the external C of the restriction site (bands present in EcoRI/HpaII only) and noninformative loci (bands absent in both profiles). This methodology has been successfully applied to screen epigenetic variation in both invasive species [e.g. Alternanthera philoxeroides ( |
Future directions
: Among the advanced and more powerful technologies, bisulfite sequencing-based methods are now being used for screening epigenetic variation (e.g. |
Examples of experimental studies investigating the role of epigenetic variation in phenotypic plasticity in both non-native and native, model and non-model species in controlled as well as field-based experiments. The factors which may influence the experimental designing and outcomes are mentioned here: species reproduction (sexual, vegetative, or both), plant material used, environmental gradient responsible for epigenetically controlled plastic changes and genetic as well as methylation sensitive genetic marker-based analysis (AFLP = Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism; MS-AFLP/MSAP/met-AFLP = methylation sensitive AFLP).
Obs. | Name of the species | Species status | Species reproduction | Experimental design | Plant material | Environmental gradient | Methodology | Reference |
1 | Fallopia sp. (Japanese knotweed) | Invasive | Vegetative and sexual | Controlled | Rhizome – Leaf | Diverse habitats | AFLP and MS-AFLP |
2 | Poa annua | Non-native | Sexual | Field based | Shoot | Comparison between native & invasive populations | AFLP and met-AFLP |
3 | Alternanthera philoxeroides | Non-native | Vegetative | Field based | Leaf | Habitat – Aquatic and terrestrial | AFLP and MSAP |
Common garden | Plant | |||||||
4 | Spartina sp. (5 species – 2 parents, 2 hybrids and 1 allopolyploid | Non-native | Sexual | Controlled | Leaf | Allopolyploid speciation | AFLP and MSAP |
5 | Phragmites australis | Introduced invasive and native non-invasive subspecies | Facultative clonal | Field based | Leaf | Comparison between native & invasive subspecies | AFLP and MS-AFLP |
6 | Ageratina adenophora (Crofton Weed) | Non-native | Sexual and vegetative | Controlled | Leaf | Cold tolerance | ICE1 gene methylation |
7 | Taraxacum officinale | Endemic | Apomictic | Controlled | Seed – Leaf | Nutrient, Salt, Pathogen attack | AFLP and MS-AFLP analysis |
8 | Arabidopsis thaliana | Model species | Controlled | Seed – Leaf | Demethylating agent 5-azacytidine |
9 | Viola cazorlensis | Endemic | Sexual | Field based | Leaf | Adaptive epigenetic variation | AFLP and MSAP |
10 | Viola elatior | Endemic | Vegetative and sexual | Field based | Leaf | Light availability | AFLP and MSAP |
11 | Betula ermanii | Endemic | Sexual | Field based | Leaf | Habitat | AFLP and MS-AFLP |
12 | Armeria maritima | Endemic | Obligatory outbreeding | Controlled | Seed – Leaf | Metal concentration | AFLP and met-AFLP |
13 | Ilex aquifolium | Endemic | Sexual | Field based | Leaf – heterophylly | Herbivory | MSAP |
14 | Laguncularia racemose | Mangrove-endemic | Vegetative and sexual | Field based | Leaf | Habitat | MSAP |
15 | Viola cazorlensis | Endemic | Sexual | Field based (long term: 20 years) | Leaf | Herbivory | AFLP and MSAP |
Experimental designs commonly used for investigating the effect of epigenetic variation on phenotypic plasticity and transgenerational pattern of epigenetic changes across generations. Strengths and challenges associated with each of these approaches have been mentioned.
Experimental design | Examples | Strengths | Challenges | |
Study system | Study procedure | |||
Natural population | 1. Sampling from plant materials (leaf, shoot) of identical developmental stages across a disturbance gradient | ( |
1. Consider dynamic ecological factors that exist in wild populations ( |
1. Cannot identify whether the observed differences reflect heritable variation or repeated introduction ( |
2. Analysis with molecular markers and methylation sensitive restriction enzymes (Box |
2. Three-way relationship (environment x phenotypic plasticity x epigenetic changes) can be established | 2. Challenging for sexually reproducing organisms in which genetic and epigenetic variation may be closely intertwined ( |
3. Statistical analysis to identify epigenetic variation that is not explained by genetic variation | ||||
Controlled experiments | ||||
Common garden – I | 1. Sampling of reproductive materials (rhizomes, seeds) from the field population across a disturbance gradient | ( |
1. Minimization of epigenetic differences induced among sampling locations | 1. Experimental design may be narrow and therefore, may oversimplify the dynamic ecological factors existing in the wild populations ( |
2. Grow materials in a common environment | 2. Detection of stable and heritable (through clonal propagation) epigenetic changes ( |
2. Not suitable for outcrossing species as genetic identity of the field population is unknown | ||
3. Sampling from plants grown in the controlled environment | 3. By controlling genetics and environment, quantification of epigenetic variation is possible | |||
4. Analysis with molecular markers and methylation sensitive restriction enzymes (Box |
5. Statistical analysis to identify epigenetic variation that is not explained by genetic variation | ||||
Common garden – II | 1. Collection of known genotypes (e.g. from seed stocks, seeds from asexual variants of apomictic plants) | ( |
1. Identification of stress induced DNA methylation patterns | Not suitable for sexually reproducing species in case the genetic variation is unknown and seed stock is not available |
2. Exposure to environmental treatments | 2. Heritability of traits | |||
3. Seeds collected from treated plants and grown in control environment | ||||
4. Samples from controlled environment plants | ||||
5. Analysis with molecular markers and methylation sensitive restriction enzymes (Box |
Natural population + Common garden | 1. Genetic and epigenetic profiling (Box |
( |
1. Identification of epigenetic changes at a temporal scale (a plant’s life time) | Challenging for sexually reproducing plant species |
2. Grow material in a common environment | 2. Direction of epigenetic alteration (reversible) | |||
3. Reciprocal transplantation of the plants grown in common environment | ||||
4. Sampling from the transplanted plants | ||||
5. Analysis with molecular markers and methylation sensitive restriction enzymes (Box |
6. Statistical analysis to identify epigenetic variation that is not explained by genetic variation |
Field and controlled experiments are being conducted to characterize phenotypic variation of invading populations, often in comparison to their native congeners and to other species native to the invaded habitat (
For example, morphological differentiation was studied between weedy, non-native and non-weedy, native populations of Centaurea solstitialis in a common garden setting and further compared using neutral genetic variation at simple sequence repeat markers (
However, phenotypic differentiation in invading populations may also arise from random shifts in allele frequencies during repeated demographic disequilibrium (i.e., genetic drift). Thus it is necessary to account for non-adaptive evolutionary change when investigating adaptive differentiation in invaders (
To identify genetic and epigenetic regulation of phenotypic variation, the invasive populations of the common greenhouse environment can be subjected to analysis with genetic and methylation-sensitive markers (marked 2.2 in Figure
Experiments involving multiple generations of the species may detect the heritability of plastic traits across generations (stage 2.2 in Figure
Focusing on a specific gene methylation variation can also provide two important insights: in case of genetically uniform species, variation in gene or protein expression (measured using microarrays or 2-D electrophoresis) indicate underlying epigenetic variation (
Finally, a higher degree of phenotypic plasticity in an invasive species does not necessarily mean that the species has become invasive due to the plasticity (
This review, being especially focused on plant invasion, has provided a comprehensive account of the molecular mechanisms of trait fitness of invasive plants. The strength of this review lies in the proposed framework that will encapsulate the ecological and evolutionary aspects of phenotypic variation. Future ecological studies should consider looking into the relative contributions of genetic variation and epigenetic modification to the observed phenotypic variation in invasive plant species, and characterizing the three-way relationship between environmental cue, phenotypic plasticity and epigenetic changes. This framework also suggests that these studies should combine trait and molecular data and include comparative analysis of fitness functions between native and introduced ranges of a species (
This study is supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41776166 and 31700178), Special Fund for Science and Technology Development of Guangdong Province (2017A030303014), the Science Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol (32-2017-A30), the Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou (Grant No. 201707020035) and the Chang Hungta Science Foundation of Sun Yat-sen University. The authors would like to thank Prof. Mark van Kleunen of the University of Konstanz, Germany, for providing valuable insights towards improving this manuscript’s quality and readability. The authors are grateful to the editor and three reviewers, Dr. Vit Latzel, Dr. Karin Schrieber and Dr. Stefan Michalski, for their constructive criticisms and valuable suggestions which have immensely improved the manuscript’s quality.