Discussion Paper |
Corresponding author: Arunava Datta ( arunava.datta@ufz.de ) Academic editor: Curtis Daehler
© 2020 Arunava Datta, Sabrina Kumschick, Sjirk Geerts, John R. U. Wilson.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Datta A, Kumschick S, Geerts S, Wilson JRU (2020) Identifying safe cultivars of invasive plants: six questions for risk assessment, management, and communication. In: Wilson JR, Bacher S, Daehler CC, Groom QJ, Kumschick S, Lockwood JL, Robinson TB, Zengeya TA, Richardson DM. NeoBiota 62: 81-97. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.62.51635
The regulation of biological invasions is often focussed at the species level. However, the risks posed by infra- and inter-specific entities can be significantly different from the risks posed by the corresponding species, to the extent that they should be regulated and managed differently. In particular, many ornamental plants have been the subject of long-term breeding and selection programmes, with an increasing focus on trying to develop cultivars and hybrids that are less invasive. In this paper, we frame the problem of determining the risk of invasion posed by cultivars or hybrids as a set of six questions that map on to the key components of a risk analysis, viz., risk identification, risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. 1) Has an infra- or inter-specific entity been proposed as “safe to use” despite at least one of the corresponding species being a harmful invasive? 2) What are the trait differences between the proposed safe alternative and its corresponding invasive species? 3) Do the differences in traits translate into a difference in invasion risk that is significant for regulation? 4) Are the differences spatially and temporally stable? 5) Can the entities be distinguished from each other in practice? 6) What are the appropriate ways to communicate the risks and what can be done to manage them? For each question, we use examples to illustrate how they might be addressed focussing on plant cultivars that are purported to be safe due to sterility. We review the biological basis of sterility, methods used to generate sterile cultivars, and the methods available to confirm sterility. It is apparent that separating invasive genetic entities from less invasive, but closely related, genetic entities in a manner appropriate for regulation currently remains unfeasible in many circumstances – it is a difficult, expensive and potentially fruitless endeavour. Nonetheless, we strongly believe that an a priori assumption of risk should be inherited from the constituent taxa and the onus (and cost) of proof should be held by those who wish to benefit from infra- (or inter-) specific genetic entities. The six questions outlined here provide a general, science-based approach to distinguish closely-related taxa based on the invasion risks they pose.
cultivars, hybrids, infra-specific genetic entities, invasive species, non-invasive cultivars, ornamental plants, seedless cultivars, sterility
Invasion is a population-level phenomenon (
These issues are particularly significant in the context of horticulture. The introduction of plants as ornamentals constitutes a major pathway for invasive plants across the globe (Bell et al. 2003;
In response to the risks of biological invasions, several countries have enacted legislation to regulate the use and trade of invasive plant species. Many of these regulated species are, however, of great ornamental value, and so such regulations cause economic losses and directly impinge on individual rights (
A specific case in point is South Africa’s National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, Alien and Invasive Species Regulations of 2014 (
To clarify the issue of how to separate “safe” cultivars from “risky” relatives, we developed a set of six questions (Fig.
Six questions that should be answered if “safe” cultivars are to be differentiated from “risky” relatives in regulations on biological invasions. The questions align with the constituent parts of risk analysis as indicated by the dotted boxes. Each of the questions is explained in further details in the main text.
Question 1: Has an infra- or inter-specific entity been proposed as “safe to use” despite at least one of the corresponding species being a harmful invasive? To minimise the risk of invasion from known invasive ornamental species, the use of non-invasive and sterile forms has been promoted. Question 1 concerns identifying and specifying this problem. Is there a cultivar of an invasive ornamental species that is deemed to be safe? Is there sufficient demand for this cultivar to warrant answering the other questions? It is essential to assess the invasion risk of a supposedly non-invasive genetic entity in the context of the invasiveness of the closely-related invasive taxa or parent invasive taxa (Table
Selected case studies in which sterile cultivars and hybrids were specifically generated as an alternative to known invasive stocks. Details of the cultivar name, method used to generate the cultivar or hybrid, biological cause of sterility, and the commercial purpose of generating the sterile cultivar or hybrid are detailed below.
Taxa | Cultivar name(s) | Method | Cause of sterility | Purpose | Reference |
Citrus | NA | Cybridisation | Cytoplasmic male sterility | Development of seedless fruits |
Euonymus alatus | Compactus | Ploidy alternation: Triploid plant generation | Uneven division of chromosomes | Development of sterile ornamental |
Lantana camara | UF-T3 | Interploid Hybridisation | Highly reduced pollen fertility and seed set (with seed germination highly reduced for UF-T3 and zero for UF-T4) | Development of sterile ornamental |
UF-T4 | |||||
Ruellia simplex | R10-102 (Mayan Purple) | Interploid hybridisation and induced polyploidy using oryzalin | Fruitless and low pollen viability (R10-102 and R10-108), and both female and male sterility (R12-2-1) | Development of sterile ornamental | Rosanna |
R10-108 (Mayan White) | |||||
R12-2-1 (Mayan compact purple) | |||||
Verbena × hybrida | SS | Mutation by heavy-ion beam | Non functional male and female gametes in SS and self-incompatibility in SC | To halt senescence and increase flowering duration of the plants |
SC |
Question 2: What are the trait differences between the proposed safe alternative and its corresponding invasive species? This question refers to measurable differences that could help us to characterise and differentiate between cultivars and the known invasive entity. These differences could either be due to underlying genetic differences or could be induced due to environmental factors. The traits could include vegetative traits (e.g., leaf size, presence of variegated leaves, presence of thorns and spines, height, and growth form) or reproductive traits (e.g., flower colour, phenology or number of fruits or seeds). In some cases, underlying genetic differences leading to sterility may not be easily detected from phenotypic traits and, therefore, further examination of cytological and genetic differences could be necessary.
Question 3: Do the differences in traits translate into a difference in invasion risk that is significant for regulation? In question 3, we relate the observed differences (seen in question 2) to differences in the level of invasion risk posed and whether any such differences in risk mean that the taxa sit on different sides of a regulatory decision point, i.e., specimens with one set of physical properties pose an acceptable level of risk, while others do not. The observable differences in traits of the related genetic entities may lower the invasion risk only if the fecundity is directly or indirectly lower than the known invasive form. Traits that are directly related to fecundity include pollination, length of flowering time, number of flowers, fertilisation, seed production, germination success, survival rate, and vegetative reproduction. Traits that indirectly affect fecundity include allelopathic potential, mycorrhizal mutualisms, and herbivore deterrence due to the presence of thorns or chemicals. To detect differences in fecundity between different genetic entities, it is necessary to grow them in the same common garden environment and monitor long term. Ideally, the fecundity (or offspring survival) should be so low that population growth rate is negative (
Question 4: Are the differences spatially and temporally stable? Question 4 concerns whether the changes in the observable traits are stable and no reversal to the parental conditions is likely (see examples in Table
Selected examples of cultivar evaluation. Details of the specific method used for evaluation, number of years the evaluation took, and the main result are tabulated below. This Table corresponds to the risk assessment section (questions 2–4) of the conceptual framework proposed (Fig.
Taxa | Method(s) of evaluation | Duration (Years) | Main Results | Reference |
Berberis thunbergii | Common garden experiments Seed germination experiments | 4–5 | Out of 46 cultivars, most cultivars produced seeds. Cultivars that failed to produce seeds initially produced seed after the plants matured for 4–5 years. None of the cultivars can be considered non-invasive. |
Euonymus alatus | Common garden experiment Open seed germination Establishment experiment | 3 | None of the cultivars was completely seedless and failed to germinate. Habitat had a strong influence on seed germination and establishment. |
Lantana camara | Cytology Pollen staining Comment garden experiments | 3 | All the cultivars produced viable pollen. Almost all cultivars produced viable seeds. Even sterile triploid cultivars produced seeds when allowed to cross pollinate with diploid cultivars. None of the plants were truly sterile. |
Nandina domestica | Common garden experiments Seed germination | 1–2 | Large cultivars produced more viable seeds than dwarf cultivars. Seed viability was close to zero for some cultivars which were hence recommended for use. |
Ruellia tweediana | Common garden experiment Seed germination | 1–2 | All the cultivars were capable of producing viable seeds that germinated. Environmental conditions (light and temperature) influenced the fecundity. |
Spiraea japonica | Common garden experiments Pollen and seed germination Pollination experiments Flow cytometry | 1 | Three sterile cultivars were identified that did not produce any viable seeds and had very poor pollen germination. Sterility was not related to polyploidy. |
Viburnum opulus | Field assessment and germination experiments. | 2 | All cultivars produced seeds, but varied in amount. Poor germination in open field sites compared to green house |
Question 5: Can the entities be distinguished from each other in practice? Question 5 refers to the need that, if the regulation is to be implemented, the safe cultivar must be readily distinguishable from its invasive relatives. This is particularly important for management and regulation so that non-invasive genetic entities can be exempted and monitored. Phenotypic differences might depend on growing conditions, and so other assays (Table
Question 6: What are the appropriate ways to communicate the risks and what can be done to manage them? Finally, question 6 requires a mechanism by which recommendations are developed together with stakeholders in a transparent and inclusive manner (e.g.,
Selected examples of cultivar identification using different techniques. In order to ensure effective regulation, the cultivar has to be distinguishable from the invasive ones. This Table corresponds to the risk management section of the conceptual framework (question 5) (Fig.
Taxa | Method used | Details of the study | Reference |
Castanea sativa | Pollen morphology and germination | Characterisation of sterile and fertile pollen based on pollen morphology. |
Kangaroo Paws: Anigozanthos and Macropidia | Plastid DNA sequencing | Construction of phylogenetic tree based on plastid DNA confirmed hybrid origin of invasive population and other commercially available cultivars. |
Prunus persica | Molecular markers (RAPDs) | Marker based identification of genes responsible for pollen sterility (Ps/ps). |
Purple-leaved Japanese barberry: Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea and Green leaved Berberis thunbergii | Shade treatments in common garden | The purple leaves of Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea become green when grown under shade. Therefore, they cannot be easily distinguished from green-leaved Berberis thunbergii under shaded conditions. |
Ultimately, the risk posed by a biological invasion is a function of population growth rate, spread rate, and subsequent impacts. Sterility in and of itself is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition to prevent damaging invasions. However, for some taxa (those that do not show asexual reproduction in particular) it is a sufficient condition and one that is particularly relevant to the development of “safe” cultivars from “risky” relatives. In this section, we review the biological bases of sterility and the different methods that have been developed to produce sterile cultivars. Furthermore, we discuss the different methods used to evaluate how “safe” a cultivar is. In each case, we highlight and discuss the links between these issues and how they address the six questions posed in Figure
Fecundity refers to the total number of viable offspring an individual produces over a lifetime. In most plants, fecundity is measured by viable seed production. It is crucial to understand the developmental processes associated with reduced fecundity when studying invasive plants and their apparently less invasive cultivars-in the presented framework, this relates to questions 2–4. In this section, we discuss several mechanisms that can cause low fecundity in plants (viz., cytoplasmic male sterility, pollen – stigma incompatibility, developmental changes, cytological incompatibility, and abortion of embryos) and note the consequence of these for identifying “safe” cultivars.
Cytoplasmic male sterility: The inability of plants to produce functional pollen due to cytoplasmic male sterility is a well-known phenomenon across different groups of angiosperms and is attributed to cytoplasmic factors that are maternally inherited through mitochondria (
Pollen-stigma incompatibility: Fertilisation can occur only when a compatible type of pollen lands on the stigma. Specific proteins are known to mediate the recognition of compatible pollen with the stigmatic papillae (
Modifications of floral parts: Differentiation of floral parts is delicately orchestrated by differential gene expression. Mutations in the genes leading to interference with gene expression can lead to the formation of incomplete or defective flowers. However, interestingly, these modifications are sometimes desired traits in the horticultural industry. For example, in some cultivars of petunia, stamens are converted into an additional row of petals or sepals (van der Krol and Chua Nam Hai 1993). Although the intention behind the development of such cultivars might be purely aesthetic, they might lead to reductions in fecundity, thus potentially lowering invasion risk.
Cytogenetic anomalies: Plants can also fail to produce outcrossed seeds for cytological reasons. For example, plants with an odd level of ploidy often fail to produce viable gametes due to abnormal laggard formation during meiosis. However, apomixis can restore fecundity in such cases (
Abortion of fruits and seeds: is a well-known phenomenon that has been observed in a diverse group of vascular plants (
Exogenous factors: Sub-optimal environmental conditions can reduce the number of seed and fruit set in plants (
Many mechanisms promoting sterility or reduced fecundity discussed above can be induced or enhanced via plant breeding or molecular techniques. A wide array of such techniques to produce cultivars is currently available (see Table
Traditional breeding: Traditional plant breeding methods are relatively inexpensive, but they require great effort and time to screen for individuals with desired traits. Therefore, recent advances in biotechnology have been explored to produce sterile forms of invasive plants (
Induced polyploidy: Induction of polyploidy by the use of antimitotic agents (such as colchicine and oryzalin) has been widely used by plant breeders, as they are relatively inexpensive and technically feasible. Induced polyploidy has often been used in conjunction with hybridisation techniques to produce sterile individuals (
Hybridisation: Hybridisation in plants may be possible between cultivars, species and even genera. Hybridisation between genetic entities with different ploidy levels often leads to sterility due to chromosomal abnormalities leading to interference with normal meiotic cell division. For example, hybridisation between hexaploid and diploid forms can result in the formation of triploid progenies which are generally sterile due to an odd ploidy level. However, in rare cases, reversal of sterility may result from cross-pollination with fertile forms (
Induced mutation: Mutation breeding using radiation (e.g., from x-rays, ion-beams or gamma-rays) or chemical mutagens [e.g. ethylmethanosulphonate (EMS)] is a popular technique in the toolbox of plant breeders for producing desired traits, including sterile and non-invasive forms (
Recombinant DNA technology: Transgenic techniques/recombinant DNA techniques can also potentially be used to transfer the genes of interest, leading to sterility (
Different methods have been used to assess the sterility of cultivars or hybrids (some key examples are listed in Table
Pollen viability tests: Pollen staining and germination tests evaluate the quality of pollen produced by the plant. Pollen is stained with cotton blue solution and the number of viable pollen (i.e., that is stained) is counted under a microscope (
Cytogenetic tests: Polyploidy levels can be detected by chromosomal staining during cell division or by using more recent techniques, such as flow cytometry (
Sterility genes: Molecular markers linked to genes conferring sterility can be used to screen sterile cultivars. For example, marker-based (RAPD) selection techniques have been applied to facilitate rapid identification of male-sterile cultivars of peach (
Common garden experiments: Common garden experiments have been used frequently to assess the fecundity of sterile cultivars. Common garden experiments are often coupled with pollination experiments to determine the stability of the sterile cultivars after outcrossing (
Demographic models: Demographic models are used to estimate the growth rate of populations using data about various life-history stages (
In this paper, we attempted to clarify the issue of distinguishing “safe” cultivars from “risky” relatives by recasting the problem as a set of six questions that align with the risk analysis process (Fig.
While this set of six questions is, we believe, a useful formulation of the problem, answering the questions remains non-trivial. We highlighted the biological bases of reduced fecundity and sterility, and methods used to achieve and demonstrate this. However, there are many exceptions to each of the mechanisms and situations where particular methods do not work. In many cases, an unequivocal demonstration of sterility, and that any such sterility is stable, requires expensive and long-term field and molecular experiments. Various short-cut proxies of sterility have been proposed. For example, the risk of different Anigozanthos spp. cultivars hybridising is a function of the ratio of their genome sizes; therefore, genetic exchange between horticultural and invasive populations can be limited if only taxa with sufficiently different genome sizes are allowed to be planted (
We hope the six questions outlined here will provide regulators with a basic structure around which a regulatory framework or protocol can be built and provide the horticultural industry with clarity over what needs to be demonstrated if invasions are to be avoided. However, given that the risks of invasion and impact are known from the “risky” relative, we conclude that the precautionary principle should be applied if unwanted consequences are to be avoided. We strongly believe that an a priori assumption of risk should be inherited from the closely-related invasive taxa from which the proposed “safe” alternatives are derived. This implies that the onus (and cost) of proof should be held by those who wish to benefit from infra- or inter-specific genetic entities.
This paper emerged from a workshop on ‘Frameworks used in Invasion Science’ hosted by the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology in Stellenbosch, South Africa, 11–13 November 2019, that was supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa and Stellenbosch University. The South African Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFtE) are thanked for funding, noting that this publication does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DFFtE or its employees. We thank Chris Daniels and Terence Mabela for discussions that helped to improve the paper.
Table S1. Plant taxa listed under South African regulations for which certain sub-specific entities are listed differently from other entities
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Plant taxa listed under the South African National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, Alien and Invasive Species Regulations as amended in 2016, for which certain sub-specific entities are listed differently from other entities. There is no published account as to why these taxa were selected.