Research Article |
Corresponding author: Julian D. Olden ( ) Academic editor: Sidinei Magela Thomaz
© 2020 Rachel M. Fricke, Spencer A. Wood, Dustin R. Martin, Julian D. Olden.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Fricke RM, Wood SA, Martin DR, Olden JD (2020) A bobber’s perspective on angler-driven vectors of invasive species transmission. NeoBiota 60: 97-115.
Prevention of aquatic invasive species is a fundamental management challenge. With hundreds of millions of people participating in fishing trips each year, understanding angler movements that transmit invasive species can provide critical insight into the most effective locations and scales at which to apply preventative measures. Recent evidence suggests that mobile technologies provide new opportunities to understand different types of angler movement behaviour beyond what is possible with infrequently and sparsely conducted in-person boat surveys and mail questionnaires. Here we capitalise on data provided by ReelSonar’s iBobber, a sonar-enabled bobber with over 5 M recorded fishing locations, globally. By quantifying geographic patterns of fishing activities and assessing how these patterns change seasonally, we explore angler behaviour across the entire continental United States in terms of fishing frequency and distance travelled between sites and characterise the attributes of fished ecosystems. We found that iBobber users (anglers) undertook 66,918 trips to 20,049 different water-bodies over a two-year period. Anglers who use iBobber were more likely to visit larger, deeper and more urbanised water-bodies and these water-bodies were over five times more likely to be a reservoir compared to a lake. Inter-water-body travel road distances averaged 93 km (SD = 277 km; range < 1–300 km) and nearly half of these movements occurred over a timespan of two days or less, a timeframe that we show falls well within the desiccation tolerance window of many prevalent plant and animal invasive species. Our study offers novel insight into spatiotemporal patterns of angler behaviour well beyond the geographical and temporal extent of conventional ground-collected approaches and carries important implications for predicting and preventing future transmission of aquatic invasive species via recreational fishing.
big data, desiccation tolerance, invasion risk, recreational fishing, species transmission, vectors
Technological innovations in ecology have evolved significantly in recent decades, now serving a much more common and indispensable role in scientific research and management. The application of technology in conservation biology is rapidly growing and becoming more widespread (
Recreational freshwater fishing generates significant net economic benefits in the United States and Canada by engaging over 30 million participants annually, whose equipment and trip expenditures total in the tens of billions USD each year (U.S. Department of the Interior 2016;
Mobile technologies provide new opportunities to understand angler movement behaviour in ways that have traditionally challenged researchers. Emerging methods for tracing angler movement include trip logs on online fishing forums and mobile applications, remote traffic counters, geocoding wildlife recreational licences, text and data mining of social media and personal fishing gear with enhanced technological capabilities (e.g.
Given the pivotal role anglers play in transporting harmful freshwater invasive species, understanding when and where fishing activity occurs is critical for providing information for more strategic preventative measures (
The potential for invasive species introduction into new water-bodies via angler-driven vectors is constrained not only by the spatial distributions of nuisance species and angler movement, but also by those factors that influence survival during transport, such as species’ desiccation tolerance (
In this study, we demonstrate how large-scale angler movement behaviour – a major contributor to the spread of invasive species – can be estimated from data collected by mobile fishing technology. Specifically, we used angler location data from ReelSonar’s iBobber – a sonar-enabled castable fish-finder with over 5,000,000 georeferenced global records of fishing activities uploaded since the device’s launch – to analyse spatial patterns in angler movement across the continental United States. iBobber devices passively collect data upon submersion in water and, thus, have the advantage of representing all angling activity regardless of whether a user actively records a fish catch. Our objectives were to assess the geography of angler activities and movement dynamics while explicitly accounting for spatial distributions of aquatic nuisance species and limitations on propagule viability between water-bodies according to species’ desiccation tolerance. The findings of this research offer novel insights into spatiotemporal patterns of angler behaviour and carry important implications for predicting and preventing future transmission of aquatic invasive species via recreational fishing.
iBobbers are small castable, personal fish-finders that sync through Bluetooth with a smartphone application to provide users with real-time information on fish and vegetation presence in the water column, map water-body depth and estimate water and air temperature, wind speed and direction and a suite of additional weather variables. iBobber users include shore-based anglers and those fishing from kayaks, canoes and other boats. iBobbers (distributed by ReelSonar of Seattle, WA) are widely available for purchase in stores and on the web and are primarily used in North America, Europe and east Asia.
Anonymised data were acquired from all iBobber devices that were used over a two-year period (January 2017 – December 2018). When submerged in water, each bobber records a “hotspot” of its geographic location in 30-second intervals, along with time, date, fish presence, depth and a host of other variables. Each device is identified by its unique bobber ID code and iBobber users can view these metrics in real-time using the iBobber phone app. As owners often test their devices initially in their home sinks and pools, we first filtered the data spatially by excluding hotspots that were located outside of a 50-m buffer of the > 379,000 lakes and reservoirs contained in the National Hydrography Dataset, v2 (NHD) for the continental U.S. (
We calculated summary metrics to describe angler fishing activities according to iBobber records, including the number of trips (i.e. distinct visits to a water-body in time) by each user, total trips per month and day of the week across all water-bodies and users and density of trips (# km2) across the continental U.S. Water-body characteristics were obtained from the EPA’s LakeCat Dataset, which classifies lakes and reservoirs within the NHD by surrounding land use and lithography, size, surface area and additional variables (
Least-cost ground transportation distances between consecutive anglers’ trips to water-bodies were determined by routing angler locations through GraphHopper’s route optimiser, which uses OpenStreetMap as a base map. This is termed an angler (inter-water-body) movement event. GraphHopper routes geographic coordinates through the closest road access point for each water-body, thus most often estimating the transportation distance between public boat launches. We calculated the duration of each angler movement event as the number of days between consecutive trips by iBobber users. Furthermore, we conducted a literature search to identify all nuisance freshwater invasive species with reported tolerated exposure to desiccation (the length of time) in an overland vector, resulting in values for hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata (16 hours:
We evaluated the correspondence of angling activity, based on iBobber data with existing creel-based data collected at the scale of individual lakes and states of the U.S. The lake-level analysis obtained data from a state-wide survey of lake users on 86 lakes in Iowa over 5 years (2002–2005 and 2009) (Evans et al. 2009), which we compared with the proportion of trips by lake according to iBobber activity. The state-level analysis compared the percent distribution of annual fishing trips by state reported in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) 2011 National Survey (U.S. Department of the Interior et al. 2011) to the calculated percent of trips made annually to each state by iBobber users. Great Lakes trips were attributed to the state with the nearest shoreline to the trip’s coordinates, but North Dakota was excluded as the state did not report data for the 2011 survey. Both lake- and state-level comparisons were measured by the Pearson correlation coefficient. All spatial analyses were completed in ESRI ArcMap version 10.0 (Redlands, CA) and all statistical analyses were completed in R 3.5.1 (R Core Team).
An extensive geographic footprint of angler activities exists across the continental United States according to 66,918 trips taken by 10,768 iBobber users over a two-year period (Fig.
From January 2017 through December 2018 A trip density across the continental U.S. ranging from zero (blue) to 1,523 (red) trips per km2 B percentage of trips by month and (inset) day of the week and C iBobber users (%) by total number of trips taken, truncated at 20 trips (bin size =1).
During the study period, iBobber users visited 20,049 different water-bodies, of which 46% were visited more than once (Fig.
A Percentage of water-bodies according to the number of trips taken by iBobber users, truncated at 20 trips (bin size = 1) and B the frequency (%) of movements between two subsequently visited water-bodies by road distance (km) (bin size = 25), truncated at 1,000 km.
Anglers engaged in wide-ranging travel distances and durations amongst fished water-bodies. According to 23,363 movements between two successive water-bodies by iBobber users, mean and median road distance travelled was 93 km (SD = 277 km) and 23 km, respectively, ranging from short-distance movements of < 1 km to long-distance movements of ca. 300 km (Fig.
Percentage (%) of iBobber user movements between water-bodies according to the number of days between trips. Vertical lines represent published estimates of survival time when exposed to desiccation in an overland vector for indicated invasive species (% of total movements stated). Photo credits: “Bay grasses on the Susquehanna Flats in Harford County, Md.” by chesbayprogram is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0, “Eurasian Watermilfoil, Susquehanna Flats” by chesbayprogram is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0, Potamopyrgus antipodarum” by fturmog is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, “File:Dreissena polymorpha (Zebra mussel), Arnhem, the Netherlands.jpg” by Bj.schoenmakers is licensed under CC0 1.0, “File:Muschel Aller 7987.jpg” by NobbiP is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, “Chinese Mystery Snails in winter” by brentsview is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
Estimates of angler visitation frequency, according to iBobber user records, corresponded with previous estimates according to creel surveys. Lake-level visitation by iBobber users was correlated with surveyed visitation of Iowa lake users (R2 = 0.425, p < 0.001, N = 53) (Fig.
A Total Iowa iBobber user activity by lake (%) versus the total visits by lake (%) as quantified by an Iowa State University state-wide survey (p = 7.5 x 10-8, R2 = 0.425) (
The utility of data from mobile fishing apps to elucidate regional-scale angler movement behaviour was demonstrated using water-bodies around Milwaukee, WI (Fig.
Mobile technologies offer new insights into risks of human-assisted transport of aquatic invasive species. Our investigation of user-generated angling data from iBobber users across the United States demonstrates the potential to characterise angler site preference and movement activities well beyond the geographical and temporal extent of conventional ground-collected approaches. Furthermore, our mobile data affirms previous observations that fished water-bodies are commonly large, urban reservoirs. Here, we discuss the relevance of our findings for enhanced prevention of invasive species, evaluate the key benefits and challenges of employing new mobile data forms and suggest future steps to enhance the value of mobile data in invasion biology.
User-generated data sources represent a cost-effective means of mapping human geography of interactions with environments (
Use of geotagged angler data from mobile technology allows for seamless cross-referencing of information about angler behaviour with characteristics of source and destination lakes, such as the pool of non-indigenous species available to be entrained into the vector and key environmental determinants of species establishment. For example, by linking to readily-available species distribution databases for a region in Wisconsin, we showed that approximately one-in-ten movements were from lakes containing aquatic invasive species to lakes currently not invaded. For the U.S., we show that the large population of iBobber users fish reservoirs at five times the rate relative to natural lakes, while concurrent research shows that reservoirs are two to 300 times more likely to support established aquatic invasive species (
Timestamped mobile-based data offer opportunities to capture the temporal dimension of angler movements across the landscape by estimating the duration of time between visits to water-bodies. As most iBobber user movement between water-bodies occurs over relatively short timeframes, our analysis suggests that a greater diversity of potential hitchhikers transported by users will be viable, according to desiccation tolerance, upon arrival at a destination water-body. If entrained on angling or boating gear, species with a longer desiccation tolerance, such as the Chinese mystery snail, are more likely to survive and establish (89% of inter-water-body movements taken by iBobber users) than species with shorter tolerances, such as Hydrilla (32% of movements) (
Mobile technologies also facilitate road routing of angler movement between fishing locations. Geotagged fishing locations are particularly amenable to this method, because they allow us to identify the most likely access point of a water-body, which determines the direction from which anglers may approach a lake or reservoir. Understanding the spatial configuration of human movement helps identify crucial nexuses across time and space for intercepting hitchhiking invaders. For example, junctions at which frequently-travelled routes between invaded and non-invaded lakes converge can be prioritised for interceptive approaches, such as watercraft inspection stations and recent modelling efforts to optimise the operating times and locations of such stations will benefit tremendously from the fine-scale timing and direction data that mobile sources offer (
Angler mobile applications represent a cost-effective approach to understand angler-assisted vectors for aquatic invasive species and, in some instances, as in the case of iBobber, offer an opportunity for passive collection of angler activity data. This offers a number of advantages. First, as younger anglers’ participation in fishing increases, mobile platforms offer management agencies an opportunity to outreach and learn more about these demographics, as these are also less likely to engage with mail-in or in-person surveys (
Though user-generated datasets of angling activity derived from mobile technology successfully address a number of limitations of traditional creel surveys in terms of their spatiotemporal resolution, they may also introduce new biases. In our analysis, slightly more than half of users only used their iBobber on more than one trip during the two-year period. However, the substantial number of total iBobber users does allow us to infer movement patterns of a large sample population. Angler activity, according to iBobber users, was found to be comparable to estimates according to creel-based data collected at the scale of individual lakes and entire states of the United States. Much like creel surveys, the demographics of users of a particular mobile application or device are also unlikely to be fully representative of the entire population of interest (
Creel surveys and other traditional data forms continue to be highly valuable sources of information regarding angler movement of invasive species, particularly when implemented by a dedicated team of resource managers and volunteers aiming to intercept identified target species (
The ongoing creation of fishing-orientated technology and mobile applications presents an exciting opportunity for collaboration amongst researchers, technology developers and resource managers. Integration of mobile data into angler network models, for example, could lead to new developments in graph-theory methods to identify the most influential nodes (water-bodies) and edges (pathways between water-bodies) in terms of propagule pressure (
Mobile fishing applications and devices such as iBobber represent a valuable new passively-collected mobile data source which, along with other types of actively-collected mobile data (e.g.
This work was supported by a Data Science Environments project award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Award #2013-10-29) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Award #3835) to the University of Washington eScience Institute. RMF was supported by Edward Allen Power, W.F. Thompson and Mary Gates Endowment scholarships. We thank three anonymous reviewers for comments that improved the final paper.