Discussion Paper |
Corresponding author: Elizabeth R. Williams ( liz.williams@daf.qld.gov.au ) Academic editor: Deepa Pureswaran
© 2021 Ross Wylie, Jane Oakey, Elizabeth R. Williams.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Wylie R, Oakey J, Williams ER (2021) Alleles and algorithms: The role of genetic analyses and remote sensing technology in an ant eradication program. NeoBiota 66: 55-74. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.66.64523
Eradication programs for invasive ants are often hampered by a lack of effective tools to detect, contain and kill the pests. Among the range of tools employed in the course of a 20-year eradication program for red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, in Australia, two of the most crucial for success are genetic analysis at both individual colony and population scales, and remote sensing for the detection of S. invicta mounds over large areas. Several genetic analyses are used by the program as an everyday operational tool to guide the eradication effort; for example, genotyping of the social form determines where and how far we need to search and treat, whereas nest relatedness derived from microsatellites aids in deciding when and where to target investigations into human-assisted movement of the pest. Microsatellite genotyping can determine the origin of new invasions into the country and has been used to verify the eradication of six distinct incursions of S. invicta in Australia, as well as demonstrating the pressure being exerted on the remaining Queensland population by the current eradication activities. Remote sensing played a key role in delimiting the extent of the S. invicta infestation in southeast Queensland in 2015, and in the future will assist in both delimitation and in verifying eradication of this ant in treatment areas as part of the proof of freedom process. Unquestionably, without these tools, the battle to eradicate S. invicta from Australia would be severely constrained, if not lost. These technologies may be applicable in management or eradication programs for S. invicta worldwide, and potentially for other invasive ant species.
Invasive ants, red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta
The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren is a notorious invasive ant species which has become established in several countries around the world, causing economic and ecological damage and affecting health and lifestyle (
While eradication of S. invicta from Australia has not yet been achieved, and aside from the new incursions at the ports of Fremantle and Brisbane, a measure of the efficacy of the program is that the remaining southeast Queensland infestation has been successfully restricted to a relatively small area of the State, with no known spread to other parts of the country from this population. In 2015, the extent of this infestation was delimited by
These achievements have been substantiated through the use of two of the program’s most valuable tools against the pest – genetic analyses to determine origin of new invasions, social form and population genetic structure, and remote sensing for detection of S. invicta mounds. The manner in which these tools are employed to inform and guide program strategy and management decisions is described in this paper, along with a case study that demonstrates the benefits of genetic analyses.
Solenopsis invicta colonies contain either a single queen (monogyne) or multiple queens (polygyne), whereas many other of the world’s invasive ant species are solely polygynous (
The social form of a colony/nest is determined in a laboratory by genotyping of the Gp9 locus from DNA extracted from 10 whole worker ants (pooled) from the same sample and subjected to High Resolution Melt (HRM) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (
The reproductive forms display different physical, behavioural, reproductive, and genetic traits. For instance, monogyne colonies spread predominantly by flight while polygyne colonies primarily spread by budding off a new colony overground (
For the reasons outlined, elimination of polygynes from an S. invicta population is an important contributor towards its successful eradication. Monitoring by the program of the distribution and the frequency of polygyne colonies in southeast Queensland shows that there has been a significant reduction in the proportion of polygynes in the population from almost 40% in 2001 to approximately 1% in 2018–2019 (Fig.
Proportion of sites with the polygyne social form of S. invicta in the Brisbane populations. Brisbane data are from the period 2001 to 2019, with the minimum and maximum of this social form in Taiwan and USA populations also portrayed.
Occasionally, the determination of a colony as polygyne is unexpected, either because they have not been found in an area before, are found in isolation, or are detected in an area where monogyne colonies predominate. From the perspective of determining the illegal movement of fire ant carriers or tracing the source of the infestation, it is of benefit to determine whether these ‘nests of interest’ could be a result of occasional, long-distance flight events of polygynes or the more likely movement of material containing queens or alates. In such cases, 10 individual workers are genotyped with HRM PCR. If the workers of a polygyne nest are determined to have a ratio of Bb:BB:bb alleles represented by approximately 2:1:1 (or at least to show a mixture), then this is indicative of an established polygyne colony that is either a) likely to have other undiscovered nest mounds in the same area, or b) from a rebuilt nest following assisted movement of one or more queens. Both of these situations require further responsive actions from the program beyond elimination of that nest. However, if all workers are determined to have a Bb genotype, it is possible that the nest was established by an occasional surviving BB alate (mated winged queen) from a polygyne colony, referred to as a ‘heavy queen’ because of her higher body weight compared to a Bb polygyne alate. Most heavy queens are executed by the colony prior to flight and therefore seldom survive to undertake a nuptial flight (see
Genetic analysis of population structure can provide information on changes in the genetic diversity of populations of the ant. A reduction in genetic variation and the occurrence of inbreeding or population fragmentation may result in reduced fitness and adaptability of the population and indicate program success. A single ant worker from each monogyne colony sampled is genotyped at thirty-seven microsatellite loci. These loci were selected from the 72 used in the global study by
Every 1–2 years, the accumulated and annual genotype data are analysed with Bayesian clustering algorithms via the software Structure (
Long-term analyses of the clusters have shed light on the change in structure of the population over time, and the success of the program. The proportion of the total genetic variance contained in a subpopulation relative to the total genetic variance (FST, calculated by GenAlEx;
Schematic summarizing the temporal fluctuations of sub-clusters of the Brisbane population of S. invicta over the period 2001 to 2019.
The formation of these sub-clusters may be indicative of the pressure being exerted on the remaining Brisbane population by the program’s eradication efforts. The expectation for a S. invicta incursion after 20 years was that there would be no decrease in genetic variation and limited sub-structuring of the population due to genetic mixing via natural mating, migration, and human-assisted transport. The opposite of this is occurring in Queensland where there is lower genetic diversity than is reported in other invaded countries, evidence of inbreeding and population fragmentation. This has not been observed in S. invicta populations in countries without effective control or eradication programs (
When S. invicta is detected well outside known areas of infestation, an immediate concern is whether this is spread from an existing population or a new incursion. To address this critical question, there is an extensive global database on the genetics of the ant from which comparisons can be made, again using microsatellite markers (
Using this global database, the assignment tests have enabled the program to pinpoint the origin of all incursions to date. The two 2001 Brisbane incursions, and incursions at the Port of Gladstone in 2013, Brisbane Airport in 2015, and Port of Brisbane in 2021, were from the southern United States. The incursions at Yarwun in 2006, Port Botany in 2014 and Port of Brisbane in 2016 were from Argentina, and the 2019 Fremantle incursion was from China. None of the incursions post-2001 were related to the original Brisbane populations or to each other. Such information allows the program to prove that the subsequent incursions were not as a result of spread from southeast Queensland or that the Port of Gladstone infestation was not the result of eradication failure at the nearby earlier Yarwun incursion. It also shows that the program generally has been effective in containing spread of populations to other parts of Australia.
Determining relationships, particularly parentage, between individual S. invicta colonies can provide a range of information that is used by the program for strategic or operational purposes.
Examples of the type of information derived include: (a) providing data on the distances flown by newly mated monogyne S. invicta queens for input to models used to predict spread; (b) providing spatial information on the direction and rate of spread of monogynes to guide treatment and surveillance activities; (c) assisting in identifying potential cases of non-compliance with movement restrictions; (d) differentiating between reinfestation of a previously infested area and persistence of a colony following pesticide treatment of that area.
Relatedness estimates are derived from the R-coefficient in haplodiploid (see
When a population undergoes a reduction in its numbers, there is typically a reduction in genetic variation through a loss of rare alleles which can be revealed by microsatellite genotyping of loci that are not under selection (i.e. neutral with respect to selection). When a low number of individuals from a stable population establish in a new area (as with incursions of invasive pests such as S. invicta), this new population undergoes an extreme form of bottleneck, referred to as the ‘founder effect’ (
Detection of a bottleneck is made through comparing the expected heterozygosity (see
An example of how the program uses genetic analysis to effectively respond to a significant new discovery of S. invicta is the 2013 incursion at the Port of Gladstone in central Queensland. Genetic analyses of samples collected at the port facility and nearby industrial sites during the investigative stage of the response showed that all samples were monogyne and the origin was determined as the southern United States. The incursion was unrelated to either of the Brisbane populations or to the 2006 incursion at nearby Yarwun (approximately 4 km away), which originated from Argentina. The knowledge that the colonies were monogyne helped to determine the extent of the surveillance zone. Research in the United States showed that 99% of newly mated queens of monogyne S. invicta flew less than 1.6 km unaided by wind (
In the three months following initial detection, samples from 66 colonies were analysed. A pedigree or family tree of the Port of Gladstone incursion was constructed using a combination of approaches. R co-efficients were used to infer S. invicta relationships from Kingroup (
There were two long-distance movements to nearby Curtis Island of 3.8 km and 4.6 km, but it is not known if this was flight or via human assistance. The majority of flights (70%) were from the west to the east, which is against the prevailing onshore wind (from the east for 11 months of the year according to local meteorological data). This differs from the results of a United States study where
Photograph of Fisherman’s Landing, Port of Gladstone in central Queensland. The large expanse of bare ground was attractive habitat for newly mated S. invicta queens, with the majority of nests found on this site along the edges of drains where moisture was present or in isolated grass clumps.
We found evidence that the Gladstone infestation experienced pleiometrosis (collaborative founding of nests by multiple monogyne queens) which can result in relatively higher fitness of colonies. Pleiometrosis has been reported previously in the United States (
Pleiometrosis is more common where mated queens are in high density or where suitable habitat is scarce. This is consistent with the main site of infestation at the Port of Gladstone, which was challenging for colony founding, being reclaimed sand and coral fragments and a ‘hard stand’ of compressed crusher dust and gravel. The majority of the nests found in those areas were along the edges of drains where moisture was present or in isolated grass clumps. This potential pleiometrosis at the Port of Gladstone may be related to ‘microtopography’ (limited suitable habitat available in the landscape resulting in clumping of founding queens (
The detection and delimitation of the extent of the infestation is one of the major challenges with invasive ant incursions. Indeed, it has been purported that an inability to detect all nests will either expand the time and cost of eradication, or inevitably lead to failure to eradicate (
Impetus to move remote sensing surveillance out of research and development and into operation came following an independent review of the program conducted in 2009–2010. The review concluded that eradication of the remaining S. invicta population in southeast Queensland was not feasible using existing techniques and recommended that research on remote sensing surveillance be completed within two years. Remote sensing surveillance became operational in 2012 with the primary aim of delimiting the southeast Queensland infestation.
Early research and development into remote sensing in the program realised three main technological components in the remote sensing surveillance process: capturing aerial imagery, analysing the imagery to identify potential S. invicta mounds, and follow-up field surveillance to investigate those potential mounds. The camera system used by the program during this period was developed collaboratively by an Australian company (Outline Global Pty. Ltd.) in partnership with United States companies that had approved access to patented technology under the control of the US military. The system consisted of a camera pod containing six discrete high-resolution cameras; three visible spectrum (red, green, blue), one near-infrared and two long-wave thermal infrared. The cameras were chosen to maximise the chance of detecting S. invicta mounds through analysis of size, shape, colour, texture, vegetation cover and heat. The camera pod was mounted to the undercarriage of a helicopter that flew at a height of approximately 400 feet above ground level at a minimum speed of 30 knots.
Remote sensing image capture was conducted in the cooler months of the year (May to September in Brisbane) when S. invicta mound temperatures can be considerably warmer than the surrounding ground. For example, in Brisbane, differences of up to 20–30 °C (average +11.9 °C, n = 1467) have been recorded, making them highly visible with thermal imagery, whereas recorded temperature differences were only up to 10 °C between mounds and their surroundings in Mississippi studies (
Imagery was first georeferenced to establish the image location in respect to map projections and coordinate systems, and orthorectified to remove the effects of image perspective (tilt) and relief (terrain). The processed imagery was then analysed using a custom-designed machine-learning algorithm. One of the limitations in the development of the algorithm used in the 2012–2015 period was a lack of training images. At that time, focus was given to killing colonies as quickly as possible rather than retaining suitable sites for image capture. Although the algorithm had high detection rates when settings were adjusted to ensure no false negatives, it produced too many false positive points of interest for staff to follow up with field surveillance. Consequently, a manual analysis process was introduced whereby each point of interest identified by the algorithm was then assessed by a trained technician who would recommend to either discard or follow-up on a point. Using these two systems, and with further training of the algorithm, points of interest were reduced to operationally acceptable levels of about two per hectare.
Point of interest surveillance involved field staff navigating to defined coordinates identified by the algorithm and manual analysis process, and then conducting a search in a 10 m radius around that point to confirm whether or not an S. invicta colony was present. If a mound was detected then an additional 500 m of field surveillance was conducted to detect any additional mounds in the area, this being the distance limit for 90% of S. invicta alates as determined by program genetics (see case study above) and work in the United States (
Over the period 2012–2015, a total of 218 000 hectares of remote sensing surveillance was completed on the fringes of the known infested area to delimit the infestation at that time. When a new detection was confirmed, then the next round of surveillance was pushed out to 5 km beyond that detection, as this is the estimated distance limit for a newly mated queen to fly and successfully establish a colony (
The 2012–2015 delimitation of the infestation in southeast Queensland was a key factor that led an independent review of the program in 2015–2016 to conclude that eradication of the pest was still technically feasible and in the national interest. The review panel recommended the continuation of the eradication program and the development of a new response plan (
A comparison of the sensors investigated for use in detecting fire ants by remote sensing. Imagery was captured from a helicopter at 700 ft, with the five sensors including (from left to right): ultraviolet, very near infrared, short wavelength infrared, medium wavelength infrared and long wavelength infrared. A confirmed fire ant nest is present around a rock in the middle of images (white circle in right image) and is particularly apparent as bright yellow in both medium and long wavelength infrared. Imagery gathered in collaboration with Outline Global Pty Ltd, Australia.
As outlined by
Remote sensing surveillance similarly exploits aspects of the biology of S. invicta. The heat signatures of S. invicta mounds in the cooler months of the year can be captured in thermal imagery and their habit of keeping their mounds clear of vegetation is an additional marker that can be discerned by near infrared imagery as it produces a ‘halo’ effect around the mound. With the assistance of artificial intelligence algorithms, S. invicta mounds can be distinguished from those produced by other ant species such as meat ants (Iridomyrmex purpureus) or by mound-building termites in southeast Queensland (mainly grass-eating termites Nasutitermes species). The latest sensors and algorithm can also confidently distinguish S. invicta mounds from rocks and manufactured objects. Remote sensing surveillance has a key role to play in the ongoing program both for delineating the extent of the infestation and also assisting in verifying eradication of S. invicta in treatment areas as part of the proof of freedom process.
Whilst remote sensing has been used in pest management to detect changes in the environment caused by insects and fungal pathogens e.g., changes in plant health based on canopy spectral signatures (
Our program is the first time genetics and remote sensing surveillance have been used as routine, operational tools in an ant eradication program and particularly at the scale employed in southeast Queensland. Unquestionably, without these tools, the conclusions of the 2015–2016 independent review would have been very different, and the focus of the program would then have switched from eradication to managing and slowing the spread of the pest as has been necessary in other countries. The approaches we have used increase the chances of eradication of the red imported fire ant, thus avoiding the considerable economic and environmental impacts of this invader, which would be to Australia’s detriment. These methods and frameworks could be applied to management and eradication efforts for S. invicta worldwide. Potentially, these technologies could be adapted for use against other invasive ant species.
We acknowledge the financial support provided to the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program by the Australian Commonwealth, States and Territories. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. We are grateful to Melinda McNaught for assistance with formatting the manuscript and two reviewers for providing valuable input to improve the manuscript. We would also like to acknowledge the contribution of our remote sensing partner Outline Global Pty Ltd, who have been instrumental in the development of this technology since its commencement within the program.