Research Article |
Corresponding author: Andrew P. Robinson ( ) Academic editor: Bruce Webber
© 2022 Andrew P. Robinson, Mark R. McNeill.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Robinson AP, McNeill MR (2022) Biosecurity and post-arrival pathways in New Zealand: relating alien organism detections to tourism indicators. NeoBiota 71: 51-69.
Between-country tourism is established as a facilitator of the spread of invasive alien species; however, little attention has been paid to the question of whether tourism contributes to the arrival and subsequent dispersal of exotic organisms within national borders. To assess the strength of evidence that tourism is a driver for the accidental introducing and dispersal of exotic organisms, we sourced three national databases covering the years 2011 to 2017, namely international and domestic hotel guest nights and national population counts, along with records of exotic organism detections collected by the Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand’s government agency that oversees biosecurity. We fitted statistical models to assess the strength of the relationship between monthly exotic organism interception rate, guest nights and population, the latter as a baseline. The analysis showed that levels of incursion detection were significantly related to tourism records reflecting the travel of both international and domestic tourists, even when population was taken into account. There was also a significant positive statistical correlation between the levels of detection of exotic organisms and human population. The core take-home message is that a key indicator of within-country human population movement, namely the number of nights duration spent in specific accommodation, is statistically significantly correlated to the contemporaneous detection of exotic pests. We were unable to distinguish between the effects of international as opposed to domestic tourists. We conclude that this study provides evidence of impact of within-country movement upon the internal spread of exotic species, although important caveats need to be considered.
Biosecurity risk, exotic species, forward selection algorithm, invasive alien species, risk assessment, spatial risk
International trade and tourism, while essential to the world’s economy, has also been implicated as facilitating the dispersal of exotic species (
International tourism has been shown to provide a pathway for the dispersal of many organisms including insects (
To understand the value of tourism to New Zealand, and thereby associated biosecurity risk, it is worthwhile summarizing some key facts. In the year ended December 2019 there were 3.9 M international visitor arrivals to New Zealand, a 1% increase from the previous year (
In this respect, the tension between tourism and biosecurity risk is not unique to New Zealand (e.g.
In New Zealand, biosecurity monitoring and mitigation of risk at arrival points is a well-established strategy targeting both international and returning New Zealand-resident travelers (
Therefore, understanding the links between international tourist flows once in the country and the potential biosecurity risks that these visitors may present is a new and important area of research. While attempts to visualize tourist movement beyond the port of arrival (either air or sea) within New Zealand, have been made using historical data (e.g.
We applied a model-comparison approach to assessing the strength of evidence for the competing explanations of the interception patterns. Three data holdings were sourced from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa (hereafter referred to as Stats NZ). MPI provided the Notification and Investigation Management Application (NIMA) data and Stats NZ, both the monthly hotel domestic and international guest nights data, and annual population data.
NIMA is the incursion investigation risk identification and reporting framework for notifications to MPI of organisms that may represent a biological risk. The NIMA incursion response data were provided in confidence by MPI and covered the years 2011–2017 (data for earlier years were also provided but not used for the analysis). An incursion is defined by MPI as an exotic organism not previously known to be present in New Zealand, where there is a likelihood that the specimen(s) found is part of a self-sustaining/breeding population. The analysis used the positive records from NIMA as the response variable. A positive also refers to when a risk organism not known to be present in New Zealand is found, but there is no evidence that a self-sustaining / breeding population is present. In this case destroying or treating the risk organism or the risk goods (as the habitat of the organism) removes the threat. The database comprised records of insects, Arachnid spp. (spiders and mites), snails, plants (terrestrial and aquatic), nematodes and microbes (bacteria, fungi and viruses) (all referred hereafter as exotic organisms), their location and date of discovery. Locations were based on the Crosby area codes for recording specimen localities in New Zealand (
a map showing Crosby areas and boundaries used by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) for recording detection areas of exotic organisms b territorial authorities and c region councils from which the annual population datasets were sectioned. New Zealand is divided into 16 regions and 73 territorial authorities. The regions are divided for local government purposes. Territorial authorities are the second tier of local government in New Zealand, below regional councils. Territorial authority districts are not subdivisions of regions, and some of them fall within more than one region. Maps generated using ESRI. ArcGIS Pro. Version 2.7.4. Mar. 6, 2021.
The annual population data were provided by Stats NZ and comprise both city-level and regional annual population data (Fig.
The tourism data comprised monthly counts of international and domestic visitor nights for accommodation establishments by district for the 2011–2017 period. The accommodation survey collected data on guests (including country of origin) staying in short-term commercial accommodation such as hotels, motels, backpackers, and holiday parks. Domestic data comprises New Zealanders undertaking tourist activities as well as those who may have been away from home for work, family, medical, education and reasons other than simply ‘tourism’. Hosted and private accommodation, such as bed and breakfasts and holiday homes, are not included. These include AirBnB, BookaBach, campervans, and friends and family that provide accommodation to both domestic and international guests. While there was no data for 2011 and 2012, this component of accommodation activity was first estimated by Stats NZ in 2013 as 8,4% of the total accommodation industry, rising to 14,5% in 2017 (
Auckland was found to dominate domestic occupations, followed by Canterbury (Fig.
The data represented processes that had been measured at different spatiotemporal levels: the daily (detection), monthly (tourism), and annual (population) levels, and organized variously within the city and district levels. Our goal was to assess whether there is any statistically detectable correlation between the NIMA incursion data and either or both of annual population and monthly tourism data. We chose to construct the model using data corresponding to monthly time-steps, which pick up any seasonal tourism patterns, and at the district or city level.
To complicate matters, the labelling of cities and districts were not consistent within the Stats NZ tourism and population data, respectively. Furthermore, while the district boundaries used in the NIMA incursion data were not the same as applied in the population and tourism databases, there was general alignment with the territorial boundaries used by Stats NZ to segment the latter databases (Fig.
The NIMA data were aggregated to month, and some districts merged to match the population and tourism data. For example, the NIMA data had distinct values for North Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, and South Canterbury, but this level of detail is not supported in the other datasets, so we created a single ‘Canterbury’ location. The tourism data are reported by month, so no change is needed to the temporal gradient, but as with the other datasets, some merging of district-level data was needed. The population data are annual, so no time changes are needed, and only modest district merges.
We applied a forward selection algorithm that starts from a base model and adds (and tests) terms in a curated way. This is because the main alternative, namely backward elimination, involves fitting a complete model and doing so was very time-consuming for these data. The process involved several statistical tests that guided the choices between models. These tests were augmented by other model summary statistics. We compared models using two indices, namely (i) the adjusted R2, which can be interpreted as the amount of variation in the response variable that statistically aligns with variation in the predictor variables, adjusted (penalized) to reflect the model size, and (ii) Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC).
The response variable was the number of positive reports each month at a location, which is a non-negative integer. We assumed that the response variable was conditionally Poisson, using a generalized linear modeling approach. We did not consider it safe to assume that the relationship between the candidate predictors and the response variable was a straight line. We fitted a model that allows the relationships to be wiggly, but penalizes the wiggle, so overall it would prefer to be straight, namely an additive model using splines (e.g.,
where γdm is the number of positives in district d during month m; λdt is the mean monthly number of positives in district d during year t; β0 is the population average (per month, per district); s (xdt) is some smooth function s of the population in district d during year t, where s is chosen by the fitting algorithm as a trade-off of lack of fit against wiggliness; and γd and γt are iid Normal random effects for district and year with mean 0 and variances σ2d and σ2t respectively.
We applied the following model-fitting approach.
Model fit statistics are recorded in Table
Model fit showing the adjusted R2 and Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) in relation to exotic organism interceptions (NIMA reports) in New Zealand. For the AIC values, the lower the number, the better the model fit. The first row reports the base model as defined above; the second is base with (annual) population level added. The third row reports the base model with population and total (monthly) nights of guest nights, and the fourth row includes the previous terms and the difference between international and domestic guest nights. The P-values are generated from the final model in the table (specifically, the full model).
Model description | Adjusted R2 | AIC | P-value |
Base | 0 | 2197 | – |
Adding Population counts | 0.551 | 2189 | 0.0046 |
Adding International + Domestic guest nights | 0.586 | 2180 | 0.00078 |
Adding International – Domestic guest nights | 0.588 | 2184 | 0.7611 |
The final model of all terms is summarized in Figure
Estimated model effects of the conditional relationship between (i) population and biosecurity incursion reports, (ii) total nights and incursion reports, and (iii) the difference between domestic and international nights and incursion reports. Dashed lines represent approximate 95% confidence limits.
The following discussion summarizes the performance of the candidate predictor terms across the set of four nested models that we fitted. There is considerable spatial and temporal variation in the NIMA incursion reports, much of which correlates highly to base human population. The model-fitting exercise shows that there is a clear statistical signal that links reported incursion reports with the hotel guest nights (Table
We drew these conclusions using statistical reasoning as follows. Adding the population predictor to the base model greatly enhanced model fit (Table
We now describe caveats relevant to our interpretation of the model outputs with regards to the underpinning scientific questions. Our goal was to assess the statistical strength of candidate explanatory factors for pest arrival and within-country transport. However, the response variable is the number of exotic organisms detected in the area per month, rather than the number of pests arriving in the area per month. Therefore, we are obliged to assume a tight connection between the arrival of an exotic organism and its detection that amounts to them occurring in the same month. However, this assumption may not always hold; as the research literature shows that a number of historical positives are known to have dispersed undetected, for example emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis, (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in the USA (
The analysis only considers population count and a measure of within-country tourist activity (monthly number of guest nights). The analysis therefore excludes other potential pathways, including sea freight associated with international trade. The volume of trade imports is generally held to be a more substantial source of biosecurity risk than are international passengers (See
The accommodation survey includes data on short-term commercial accommodation (hotels, motels, backpackers, and holiday parks). Other accommodation types such as ‘accommodation-sharing’ e.g. AirBnB are not captured, but as noted previously was estimated at c. 8% in 2013 increasing to c. 14% in 2017 of the total accommodation industry (
The analysis ignores a reasonable supposition that the first few nights for arriving passengers are probably the riskiest from the point of view of the movement of exotic organisms. In the analysis, all nights of accommodation are treated equally. However, the locations of the first few nights for international passengers are likely to be concentrated in areas with high population counts, especially for Auckland, which is New Zealand’s main international arrivals airport. On the other hand, analysis of the first seven nights for international passengers shows that they disperse quickly once in the country (
The analysis was also unable to discern between New Zealand residents who have arrived from international departure points and New Zealand residents whose travel is purely domestic. However, we consider it reasonable to assume that the influence of returning New Zealanders is relatively negligible in distinguishing between the impact of international and domestic tourism on within-country spread.
The analysis also assumes that the true population data do not change appreciably within the year. Conversely, the other candidate predictors (international and domestic guest nights) both show substantial within-year variation. Therefore, it is possible that the true population data could also change within the year, an assumption that could be assessed if finer-scale data were available.
These results generally support the findings of
In conclusion, this analysis using population density and accommodation nights found that the number of reported positive interceptions of exotic organism was significantly positively related to population density and at the same time significantly positively related to total guest nights (combining international and domestic guests). There is no evidence of any difference between international and domestic guests in terms of the relationship with interceptions of exotic organisms. Therefore, we suggest that this study provides conditional evidence that international tourism contributes to the introduction of exotic organism, and within-country movement of both international and domestic tourists aids the secondary dispersal of exotic organisms. While the analyses showed a strong relationship between data for exotic organism interceptions and tourist guest nights, it does not allow us to determine if tourists are also the vector for exotic organisms. However, it may be a reasonable assumption to suggest there is a link which could be investigated. Further research that differentiates the respective role of both tourist segments, and their overall contribution to biosecurity risk in relation to other pathways (e.g. sea freight) for the introduction and dispersal of exotic organisms would also seem warranted. This would contribute to the development of more effective biosecurity risk monitoring and mitigation procedures. The core take-home message is that anthropogenic movements associated with tourism correlate with detection of exotic organisms in New Zealand. The results also reinforce the need for biosecurity authorities to continue to allocate resources to managing the tourism pathway.
The research team is grateful to Ana Tualau, Graham Burnip, and Carolyn Bleach (Ministry for Primary Industries) for their provision of the data presented in this report and their patient and thoughtful guidance for interpreting and using the data. Ecki Brockerhoff and Rebecca Turner of Scion provided thought-provoking discussion. Thanks also to Zara Darbyshire, Kim Dunstan and Danielle Barwick (Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa) for their assistance in obtaining the population and tourism data as well as patiently clarifying intricacies of the Stats NZ data. The authors also thank Peter Pletnyakov (AgResearch) for generation of the maps used in Figure