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Corresponding author: Nicholas P. Moran ( ) Academic editor: Nicola Smith
© 2021 Mikael van Deurs, Nicholas P. Moran, Kristian Schreiber Plet-Hansen, Grete E. Dinesen, Farivar Azour, Henrik Carl, Peter R. Møller, Jane W. Behrens.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
van Deurs M, Moran NP, Schreiber Plet-Hansen K, Dinesen GE, Azour F, Carl H, Møller PR, Behrens JW (2021) Impacts of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) on benthic invertebrate fauna: a case study from the Baltic Sea. NeoBiota 68: 19-30.
The round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) was first observed in the Baltic Sea in 1990 and has since displayed substantial secondary dispersal, establishing numerous dense populations where they may outcompete native fish and negatively impact prey species. There have been multiple round goby diet studies from both the Baltic Sea and the North American Great Lakes where they are similarly invasive. However, studies that quantify their effects on recipient ecosystems and, specifically, their impacts on the benthic invertebrate macrofauna are rare, particularly from European waters. In this study, we conducted the first before-after study of the potential effects of round goby on benthic invertebrate macrofauna taxa in marine-brackish habitats in Europe, focusing of two sites in the Western Baltic Sea, Denmark. Results were in line with those from the Great Lakes, indicating negative impacts on specific molluscan taxa (e.g. Cardiidae bivalves and Neritidae gastropods, which both showed a fall in detected densities of approximately 98% within the Guldborgsund Strait). In contrast, many other groups appeared to be largely unaffected or even show positive trends following invasion. Round goby gut content data were available at one of our study sites from the period immediately after the invasion. These data confirmed that round goby had in fact been preying on the subset of taxa displaying negative trends.
Anthropogenic change, infauna, invasion impacts, invasive species, non-indigenous species, predation, predator-prey interactions
The impacts of non-indigenous invasive animals can be closely related to their feeding behaviour, via increased predation pressure and resource competition for native species (
Round goby is a bottom-dwelling fish that occurs in a wide range of seabed habitats, from soft substrates (e.g. mud and sand, both with and without vegetation) to hard substrates (e.g. natural boulder reefs or man-made structures like harbour walls and jetties;
A handful of studies from freshwater systems in the Great Lakes Region have found evidence that round gobies outcompete indigenous fish species for space and food and may predate on both fish eggs and offspring (e.g.
In European inlet waters and the marine and brackish habitats of the Baltic Sea, before-after studies of their impacts on the invertebrate macrofauna appear to be non-existent. In contrast, studies of their diet are quite common (e.g.
We focused on two sites in south-eastern Denmark, Guldborgsund and Stege Bugt (see specific locations in Suppl. material
Benthic invertebrate macrofauna data from fixed sampling stations in Guldborgsund and Stege Bugt, collected as part of the Danish national NOVANA marine monitoring programme database (Surface Water Database, ODA: were mined. All fauna samples were collected in spring using a HAPS core sampler (seabed area: 0.0143 m2) and multiple samples were taken in each sampling-year (Table
Gut content data from Guldborgsund (54°43'24.55"N, 11°52'49.70"E) were collected in autumn (November) 2010, in the year immediately following their first arrival in 2009 and immediately preceding the first post-impact sampling at the site. A total of 297 round gobies measuring 7.5–17 cm total length were collected with eel traps set overnight in shallow waters (1–5 m). Gobies were frozen (-20 °C) until processed. The presence/absence and count data for prey detected in gut samples were identified to species where possible. Given the few hours from capture until freezing, there is a risk that soft bodied and very small food items might have been underestimated.
Count data per core sample (aggregated to our taxa groupings) were analysed using general linear mixed effect models for each site (‘brms’ package v. 2.14.4,
Gut content data from Guldborgsund were summarised as the percentage of total gut samples (n = 297) that each taxon group was detected within (i.e. % occurrence). Further exploratory analysis was also conducted to measure whether a taxon’s prevalence in gut contents influenced the BA effect. First, taxa were categorised as present or absent, based on their detection (or not) within gut samples. To test whether the BA effect was more negative in the taxa detected in gut samples than those not detected, we tested for an interaction between BA and taxa presence (‘BA*Presence’, Guldborgsund data only, using model specifications as above, also see Suppl. material
All credibility intervals below are 95% intervals. Statistically-significant effects are inferred from credibility intervals not overlapping zero. Model performance was assessed by checking diagnostic plots to ensure chains were well mixed and convergence was confirmed (Rhat = 1.00, zero divergent transitions after warm-up). Conditional R2 values (‘R2cond’) were estimated as a measure of the total amount of variance explained by each model (function ‘r2_bayes’, ‘performance’ package v. 0.7.0,
Taxa-specific BA effects showed non-zero negative responses for Cardiidae bivalves and Neritidae gastropods at both sites, while Bryozoa was the only grouping with positive responses at both sites (Figure
Of our twenty taxa groupings, seven were found in gut samples from Guldborgsund (Fig.
These results represent the first test for the effects of round goby invasion on benthic invertebrate macrofauna in marine/brackish environments. We found that a subset of largely molluscan taxa appear to be negatively impacted by goby invasions. For example, the strongest negative effect at Gulborgsund was in Cardiidae bivalves, where detected densities fell approximately 98% after invasion, while in Stege Bugt, the density of Lymnaeidae gastropods fell approximately 94%. This is generally consistent with the handful of studies available from the Great Lakes Region (i.e. freshwater environments). A study from the upper St. Lawrence River concluded that gastropod richness and median size declined as goby numbers increased, whereas dreissenid bivalves were unaffected and mainly avoided by the round goby (
The strong negative effect on gastropods (and to some extent bivalves) seems to be a recurring phenomenon in many of the Great Lakes studies (
As there was a lack of appropriate control sites (i.e. we could not identify a comparable non-impacted site with similar physical parameters, such as depth and salinity and with comparable macrofauna sampling intensity), we therefore lack the ability to directly infer causality between the goby invasion and observed changes. As such, observed trends (negative or positive) should be viewed cautiously. An additional shortcoming of the NOVANA data is the poor detection of mobile taxa, such as decapods (Palaemon spp.), which this and other studies in the Baltic have found to be a substantial component of round goby diets (
To mitigate the negative impacts of anthropogenic pressures on our aquatic environments, empirical data are required to plan and prioritise management efforts (
Taxa-specific before-after (BA) effects for (a) Guldborgsund and (b) Stege Bugt (with 95% credibility intervals). Positive or negative effects (on taxa counts per sample) that do not overlap zero are interpreted as showing a change in abundance following the arrival of round gobies. Mean densities per square meter (± s.d.) in samples before and after invasion are also shown for each taxon group. Taxa groupings are arranged by class/phylum groupings by: (from top to bottom) class Bivalvia, class Gastropoda, class Malacostraca, class Polychaeta, class Insecta, phylum Nemertea, class Clitellata, class Bryozoa. Note: Orbiniidae were not detected at Stege Bugt, so were not included in analysis for that site.
Gut content data for round gobies at Guldborgsund in 2011, including (a) the percentage occurrence of taxa groupings in gut content of (n = 297 fish) and (b) the overall BA effect estimates for Guldborgsund for all taxa (from the full site model), as well as present and absent subsets of taxa (with 95% credibility intervals). ‘Other’ taxa found in gut contents were primarily mobile taxa that are poorly detected in HAPS core data (e.g. Palaemon adspersus, Palaemon elegans) and fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus, round goby scales).
Sampling site (latitude/longitude) | Pre-impact samples (n, year) | Post-impact samples (n, year) |
Guldborgsund (54.70714°N, 11.86273°E) | 20 (2007-May) | 30 (2011-May); 42 (2013-May); 42 (2015-March) |
Stege Bugt (54.99996°N, 12.22708°E) | 20 (2009-May): 42 (2011-May) | 42 (2013-May): 42 (2015-March) |
We acknowledge the Danish National Monitoring Program (NOVANA) for making data available and also Inge B. Enghoff, Kathe Jensen and Tom Schiøtte, Natural History Museum of Denmark are thanked for help with ID of food items. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 836937 (NPM) and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (JWB, MvD, GED, KSP-H). The Centre for Ocean Life is a VKR centre of excellence supported by the Villum Foundation. The Centre for Ocean Life is a VKR centre of excellence supported by the Villum Foundation. Fisherman Benni Christensen is thanked for catching round gobies in Guldborgsund for the stomach content study.
S1. Sampling Areas (Figure S1); S2. Taxonomic Groupings S1; S3. Model Specifications (Table S2); S4. Sensitivity Analyses (Table S3, Figure S2)
Data type: document
Explanation note: Map of study locations; Table of taxonomic groupings for analysis; Model specifications for analysis; and, Sensitivity analysis.